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Angle shooter admits to soft play after hand Angle shooter admits to soft play after hand

11-23-2014 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
wtf is this? Are you like, 14? Grow up. You have some serious tilt issues you need to get over. Stop taking everything so seriously and your stress levels will assuredly come down.
I don't have tilt issues, you have tilt issues!
11-23-2014 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
I wasn't talking about the suicide comment. In around 5 million hands played, I've only heard it twice. I think it's concerning (especially online where both happened) and it's not funny either. I was talking about the Hispanic guy you have a problem with. If he threatened suicide, then I missed it and apologize - you would have a legit beef there.

He said, "this makes me undestand why people shoot themselves." and that's pretty much word for word. And when someone chuckled, he said, "No, I'm serious." after some fish chased down his aces with suited 4,7.

It was concerning.

Last edited by afwoods; 11-23-2014 at 05:02 AM.
11-23-2014 , 04:49 AM
Also, not 15 minutes earlier, I lost to a 3 outer on the river. Turned a full house and a different guy hit his kicker on the river ... I lost like $100 on that hand, and all I said afterwards, shaking my head was "94 percent. 3 outer."
11-23-2014 , 05:00 AM
But understand, that's just one part of a constant barage of mind f***s. Some I already have described, but there are so many I can't remember them all.

Mostly what he does is constantly complain and blame white people for being racist, and it bugs me. He invites and encourages negativity, and if he doesn't cut it out ... ahhh ... Who am, I kidding, I wont do anything about it.

Maybe, if he wasn't a racisit, narcissistic POS though ... things would go better for him.

Harmony with your environment.

Last edited by afwoods; 11-23-2014 at 05:07 AM.
11-23-2014 , 05:15 AM
Even Peyton Manning, sometimes loses.

Look, I'm not gonna give the guy a cheer up talk, he doesn't want to hear it. Most of the regs I play with ... and I guess because it's unsaid, I think it's OK ... we pretty much stay out of each other's way. For instance a guy I know tonight, I had AJ on a J high flop and I put him all in on the turn and he said, "I think I am outkicked." and I sid, "Yeah, you are." And he folded what he said was QJ and I showed AJ.

It's a little different. I was ahead the whole way, and betting the best hand and I NEVER make up stupid stuff about people being racist that are not at all being racist. I would not accuse someone of being racist unless they like ... specifically were abusive to a specific race on a regular basis while playing a check call against people of their own race.

Last edited by afwoods; 11-23-2014 at 05:26 AM.
11-23-2014 , 05:24 AM
Dude, you're officially on mega-tilt.

11-23-2014 , 05:29 AM
Got value on the flop, bombed the turn. You flopped or turned a set, I am gonna pay you off there and not complain about it.
11-23-2014 , 05:30 AM
I'm just tired of reg infested, nit infested ... bad cash games. I gotta get outta Tucson. Again. Reemember what it's like to play against 8 or 9 players you never played with before?

I'm happy if there's one, these days.

Thinking of driving 100 miles to phoenix, just to play cash games.

Last edited by afwoods; 11-23-2014 at 05:38 AM.
11-23-2014 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by frommagio
Dude, you're officially on mega-tilt.

Taking your advice.

Glad I could start a conversation on a really, unimportant subject but a larger issue.

Nite all.
11-23-2014 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by afwoods
I don't know how I can be any more clear. If it was my card room, I would not tolerate it.
I'm with you on that. This is one of those little things that irritaes me for exactly this reason: most of the time it isn't a problem, but when it is, it's a huge problem. You are very upset over it, and I don't blame you.

But how would you enforce it? What steps do you want the room to take to enforce it?

Okay, so the dealer says, "no soft play." Do you rewind the hand? Kick out the player? What about next time he just has the second nuts? Do you kick him out then, too? What if he says "okay okay, sorry sorry," and the entire table pleads with you to let him stay. What do you do then?

I want to enforce this. I just can't find a way to do it. What's your advice? I want something beyind "I won't tolerate it." Give me something I can use, please.
11-23-2014 , 06:08 AM
Guy posts about soft play in the thread

Guy then post about an example of him soft playing in the thread

[ ] op has common sense

[ ] if op had it his way and ran his own poker room it would be super successful because no soft play

[x] if op ran his own poker room it would die
11-23-2014 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by afwoods
If there's a situation where someone doesn't bet to let a fish keep their last $5, I can totally see the logic behind that, and I have done that. This guy is far from good for the game though.
so you cheat the same as him. white ppl are so hypocritical. i can understand why some ppl want to shoot themselves.
11-23-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
This discussion began with Jose softplaying Guillermo.

Now it has morphed into Santa Ana vs Bowie and Travis.

OP had zero indication or proof of team play against Anglos. Then the "what ifs" began.
Thank you for not putting the apostrophe in "ifs."

Originally Posted by afwoods
But if I am losing, i might threaten to kill myself.
My response to this obvious angle (while tossing you a chip): "Here's a red bird to buy the bullet."

Originally Posted by afwoods
Also, not 15 minutes earlier, I lost to a 3 outer on the river. Turned a full house and a different guy hit his kicker on the river ... I lost like $100 on that hand, and all I said afterwards, shaking my head was "94 percent. 3 outer."
Why on earth would you say something like that?
11-23-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by afwoods
...nothing against Mexicans, I looooove Mexicans...
Sure ya do. I mean, you've dated some of those people. You just keep bringing up "Mexicans" over and over as a non-racist observation.
11-23-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by afwoods
Also, not 15 minutes earlier, I lost to a 3 outer on the river. Turned a full house and a different guy hit his kicker on the river ... I lost like $100 on that hand, and all I said afterwards, shaking my head was "94 percent. 3 outer."
lol you're making me wish I was there.
11-23-2014 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by afwoods
Even Peyton Manning, sometimes loses.

Look, I'm not gonna give the guy a cheer up talk, he doesn't want to hear it. Most of the regs I play with ... and I guess because it's unsaid, I think it's OK ... we pretty much stay out of each other's way. For instance a guy I know tonight, I had AJ on a J high flop and I put him all in on the turn and he said, "I think I am outkicked." and I sid, "Yeah, you are." And he folded what he said was QJ and I showed AJ.

It's a little different. I was ahead the whole way, and betting the best hand and I NEVER make up stupid stuff about people being racist that are not at all being racist. I would not accuse someone of being racist unless they like ... specifically were abusive to a specific race on a regular basis while playing a check call against people of their own race.
Can a mod please change title to racist idiot admits to soft play in his own thread about soft play?
11-23-2014 , 08:07 PM
i hate softplaying and think it's pathetic but other than just calling this guy with the nut flush he didn't do anything wrong. nothing the op described was angle shooting.
11-23-2014 , 09:08 PM
Oh hell I missed that post.

So OP, how would you go about banning yourself from your room? How would that conversation go?
11-24-2014 , 07:06 AM
I'm pretty sure OP is delightful person at the table..
11-26-2014 , 02:35 AM
I apologize for anything I said that offended anybody.

I have added to my arsenal, complain incessantly in order to tilt your opponents. Not sure I'll use it anytime soon, but my few remaining friends can tell you ... I can complain with the best of them.
11-26-2014 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Why on earth would you say something like that?
Someone said they folded an ace. He slow played his A7 off on the AA5 flop and I had pocket fours. 4 on the turn gave me a boat. 3 outs is about 6 percent. The ace was gone.

Call it 7.

What, you think he's capable of adjusting because I said the math out loud?

11-26-2014 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by afwoods
Someone said they folded an ace. He slow played his A7 off on the AA5 flop and I had pocket fours. 4 on the turn gave me a boat. 3 outs is about 6 percent. The ace was gone.

Call it 7.
Actually, 6 outs. 14%.
11-26-2014 , 03:14 AM
The point, which you're clearly missing, is that you got him to put his money in with very little equity. Then you berated (sorta? you're basically saying aloud "Why would you do something so stupid?") him for it because your ego is more important than the long term money you'd make against this guy. In the mean time, berating him almost every time is going to 1.) make him tighten up 2.) kill the vibe at the table and tighten everyone else up.

But your ego is what's important, right? You'd rather everyone know how good at poker you are....
11-26-2014 , 04:24 AM
Sigh. Angus hasn't memorized the math yet. i was already down to percentages. Since someone folded an ace it was 3 outs.

Poker, lately, has left a bad taste in my mouth. I've been here before and come back even stronger. Right now I just need a break. I haven't even been playing much, just tired of the whole scene. I need to stop all the way, until I miss it.

Thanks for listening.
11-26-2014 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Actually, 6 outs. 14%.

He needed either a 7 for a bigger boat, or an ace for quads. But as soon as the cards were turned up, another player said they folded an ace, so that out was gone. 3 outer. 6-7 percent chance, I was a 94% favorite, had him right where I wanted him ... seen worse. Seen one outers. Seen, runner, runner one outers.

Cruel game sometimes.
