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03-26-2011 , 07:36 PM
in after ANDREW ROBL!
03-27-2011 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Schmiggs
Don't really care about his play. But the brunette he was rolling with after he busted from the NBC Heads Up is one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen in real life. Wish I had a picture for you all...
Originally Posted by YummyYumChicken
pics please.
Shot I took at last December's WPT event at Bellagio. Photo doesn't do her justice -- I agree with Schmiggs.

Last edited by Wilbury Twist; 03-27-2011 at 01:49 AM. Reason: Posted larger version.
03-27-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by RNauta
90% of people here are weak personalities, followers instead of leaders. Most people don't really have an opinion but will gladly jump on any bandwagon that passes, trying to fit in with the crowd by piling on the hate when they've seen someone else do it.
Soooooooo true.
03-27-2011 , 03:05 AM
First off thanks Andrew for coming in the thread and clarifying some things said about you.

Second, I think it's hilarious to hear posters telling him to play faster, like they would be snap bombing 50k bets in without careful consideration of the numerous factors to take into account at the table. I don't particularly think Robl adds anything as far as personality to any poker show, but he doesn't detract either...just another player at the table.

If you guys want fast decisions and "personality" bring Jamie Gold back to HSP or have Laak on complaining about how the game is too big and everyone is a sicko every five seconds. I know 2+2 was created for all internet trollers to criticize everything possible but sometimes stupid people's opinions truly should be kept to themselves.
03-27-2011 , 08:03 AM
Andrew, you seem like a guy who has more money than he knows what to do with. Not a bad thing of course. And it is no secret you have been very successful online. However do you mind me asking, does all of your money come from poker, or does some of it come from other business ventures? Just seems that with poker as tough as it is at the level in which you play, that it must be difficult to win the amounts that allow you to play on the nosebleed stakes tv games you play.
03-27-2011 , 02:13 PM
Bottom Line Is he is bad TV. Zero Personality. So what if he can pull babes and skanks. He has a zillion bucks and isn't 100 pds overweight. Worse than his Personality is his game. He is a Nit. So no personality and his game while +ev is ****ty to watch on Tv. He shouldn't be on any televised poker shows. What is the saying fool me once...

That being said, Television Producers generally know what makes good Tv(Removing Gabe Kaplan and AJ Benza from HSP aside). There just not that my High Roller Poker Players willing to go on television. So I'm sure the only reason he was in the game is because one other player busted out of the session and didn't reload. He was clearly a bench warmer.

Originally Posted by good2cu
I thought I’d chime in here.
I def play slower than I should. I’m not doing this to hollywood or tilt people - but because I’m considering all the information available. Blah Blah blah blah...
???? How much pondering do you need to come to the conclusion... FOLD? What bull****.. We just see you FOLD FOLD FOLD.... Just fnnn Fold. Do you need a friggen mouse? Is it that much harder for you to "consider" without the use of a HUD? GTFO

Originally Posted by good2cu
I am not one of the first people invited to play on these shows. But I willing to put up my own money in any lineup on short notice and this allows me to get on these shows sometimes.
Yeah But Willing to plop your "own money" down and the willingness to play your own money are two different things. Note To YOU. PEATS agro Bluff and Fail is somebody who is willing to not only plop his ill gotten gains at the highest limits but also his willingness to use those stacks to make moves...

You sir just... FOLD

Also, are you going to respond to every anti RoBL on TV thread on Two Plus Two? Well you're gonna be a busy if you continue to show up on these shows cause you're game isn't changing, your speech ant gonna get better, and you're sill just gonna ponder 20 minutes to FOLD...

Last edited by Rodney21a; 03-27-2011 at 02:38 PM.
03-27-2011 , 02:39 PM
I don't know Andrew irl, but he comes off really douchey. He's obv a great player and poster though. Def respect him.
03-27-2011 , 02:43 PM
He's the most socially awkward guy on tv.
03-27-2011 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by I_Luv_Wilco
Andrew, you seem like a guy who has more money than he knows what to do with. Not a bad thing of course. And it is no secret you have been very successful online. However do you mind me asking, does all of your money come from poker, or does some of it come from other business ventures? Just seems that with poker as tough as it is at the level in which you play, that it must be difficult to win the amounts that allow you to play on the nosebleed stakes tv games you play.

All my money is from poker. All the other ways I try to make money just end up costing me money .

I started in the smallest games online (.50/1 limit) and slowly worked my way up to the biggest games online.
03-27-2011 , 03:28 PM
He must be loaded. I never see him logged in on FTP. unless he has transformed into a live player who spends a majority of his poker time at the casino
03-28-2011 , 08:40 AM

imo u should work on social skills (maby work for some time with cancer-patients, disabled people, drug addicts,... or take acting class, seminar on rhetorics...) and work out a little less (u remind me a lot of this akward amateur bodybuilder/teacher from pumping iron (mike katz)). u can clearly see that u dont feel all too comfortable around bigger groups of people. overall i still think u have more potential for being a decent human and having a happy life than most other pros. as for ur poker game... obv very solid but not too spectacular...but i guess thats how u make money in poker.
gl in life u def dont deserve any hate. (the fat women - facebook - virtual ice cream - thread was little tasteless though)
03-28-2011 , 09:48 AM
lol @ twoplustwo noobs berating good2cu
03-28-2011 , 10:10 AM
YOu can say w.e you want, i've always seen him come out with profits on these shows. As for the "good for tv" thing, well, you need a pitcher and a catcher.
03-28-2011 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by good2cu
I thought I’d chime in here.

As far as me being a spewtard - This is def true and you can find me spewing at the biggest games online pretty much everyday. Come and get some of the free money .

As far as playing slow - I def play slower than I should. I’m not doing this to hollywood or tilt people - but because I’m considering all the information available. For example of the J7o hand where Antonio 3 bets to 20k and Ruffin cold called the 20k before I had a chance to act; I was thinking of 4 betting with J7o. I have played with Antonio a lot and think he would fold everything beside KK/AA here as 4-betting looks so strong with ruffin already cold-calling the 20k behind. I eventually decided against it though as I was afraid Ruffin might just cold-call my 4 bet anyways because he players poker like a gangsta.

I do not speak very eloquently. I took speech lessons as a kid and I could still work on being a more clear and polished speaker - this is something I plan on working on in the future but there is only so many hours in the day.

I am not one of the first people invited to play on these shows. But I willing to put up my own money in any lineup on short notice and this allows me to get on these shows sometimes.

To everyone who had nice things to say about me - Mucho thanks - I appreciate your support.

Dude, do your thang and f these haters who are jealous of you. BTW, nice
biatches you are scoring.
03-28-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by siebenacht
lol @ twoplustwo noobs berating good2cu
^this. The world of Poker is a mix of all player types, the guy's a winner and plays his own style. Just because it's not the most exciting and he takes awhile deciding whether to call a bet the size of most 2+2ers annual salary shouldn't be cause for all the hate. Hellmuth deserves far more scorn IMO.
03-29-2011 , 07:36 AM
i dont know about you guys but i play 90% of my poker online and when i play live i play slow too. its a huge difference when u dont have everyone exact stack size on your screen and a bet pot button. plus playing fast is almost never good since those kinds of players ooze timing tells and are usually bad players
03-29-2011 , 08:16 AM
I like Robl. Seems like a nice enough guy.
03-29-2011 , 09:09 AM
I respect A Robl
03-29-2011 , 10:00 AM
Seriously this is a hilarious thread.

There are actually people around the world, who will sit at their computer and write things like "I hate Robl", "Robl is too slow"

I mean seriously lol get a ****ing life
03-29-2011 , 12:19 PM
hey andrew dont mind the haters, u a balla, they sad
03-29-2011 , 04:18 PM

Reminds me Of thiS GUY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dexter LOL
03-29-2011 , 04:23 PM
Confirmed serial killer.
Dude creeps me out.
03-29-2011 , 04:43 PM
Whatever you do, don't make Robl angry.
You won't like him when he's angry.

03-29-2011 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by NLplayer
Seriously this is a hilarious thread.

There are actually people around the world, who will sit at their computer and write things like "I hate Robl", "Robl is too slow"

I mean seriously lol get a ****ing life
agree, i mean what is your day\life like when a priority is "gotta make that post about roble-he plays so slow (slamming fist on desk), gotta reqoute his post and explain to him why he is a douche (runs fingers thru hair) How do they not look at themselves and say-Whats wrong with me? This dude wasnt an elected politician or something he's a fing poker player who ran\played\luckboxed it into the ablity to support himself , get on TV and bang hot babes-WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE????
03-29-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Rodney21a
Bottom Line Is he is bad TV. Zero Personality. So what if he can pull babes and skanks. He has a zillion bucks and isn't 100 pds overweight. Worse than his Personality is his game. He is a Nit. So no personality and his game while +ev is ****ty to watch on Tv. He shouldn't be on any televised poker shows. What is the saying fool me once...

That being said, Television Producers generally know what makes good Tv(Removing Gabe Kaplan and AJ Benza from HSP aside). There just not that my High Roller Poker Players willing to go on television. So I'm sure the only reason he was in the game is because one other player busted out of the session and didn't reload. He was clearly a bench warmer.

???? How much pondering do you need to come to the conclusion... FOLD? What bull****.. We just see you FOLD FOLD FOLD.... Just fnnn Fold. Do you need a friggen mouse? Is it that much harder for you to "consider" without the use of a HUD? GTFO

Yeah But Willing to plop your "own money" down and the willingness to play your own money are two different things. Note To YOU. PEATS agro Bluff and Fail is somebody who is willing to not only plop his ill gotten gains at the highest limits but also his willingness to use those stacks to make moves...

You sir just... FOLD

Also, are you going to respond to every anti RoBL on TV thread on Two Plus Two? Well you're gonna be a busy if you continue to show up on these shows cause you're game isn't changing, your speech ant gonna get better, and you're sill just gonna ponder 20 minutes to FOLD...
u mad?

No one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to watch him play.
