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2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision 2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision

10-01-2009 , 11:11 AM
Dealers should IMMEDIATELY bury folded hands into the muck. If the dealer does what they are supposed to do none of this happens. Not what you would expect from a professional dealer.

Unless the hand was properly tabled the interference from the other player was unacceptable. He should be handed a rack and invited back after 24 hours.

Floor makes the correct call based on existing rules but it sucks.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 01:32 PM
Dealer fault the dealer should kill dead hands before pushing the pot.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 03:10 PM
The a-hole who read the untabled cards should be shown the door.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
I would argue that considering the player's undisputed intent was to fold, and only grabbed his cards back after improper prompting by a douchebag, it was NOT in the best interest of the game to let him take his cards back.

If I had been God of Venetian, OP gets pot, douchebag gets shown the door, table gets an explanation why and promise that anyone else doing the same gets the same treatment.
Well you might argue... but given your point is that someone should win a pot without the best cards, your arguement doesn't hold much water.

And there are floormen precisely because you aren't god.

Doucebag could be shown the door, and in fact I might do just that. But no way does the worst hand win on a technicality when I'm the floor.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 05:01 PM
Note that the guy with the straight also has a slight odor of douche around him for mucking his hand into the board.

I agree, dealer should finish mucking hands BEFORE pushing the pot.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by killsadie
1 player to a hand tho
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
does not override the situation at hand. best hand still wins
I agree, it does not override the (correct) decision that the floor made in this instance. However, it does make the situation suck, and it does make the OP feel like he was screwed out of a $900 pot.

What's wrong with having a little sympathy for him? (I'm not directly this question at you, Al; just in general).

The correct ruling was made, but ideally, if you can discombobulate your opponent by calling his "bluff," and the result is that he throws away a winning hand, who wouldn't want to win? In the OP, it was close, but then someone opened their mouth when they should not have, and caused the OP to lose. So... correct rulings all around; still sucks; and if at all possible, perhaps the dealer should try to muck discarded hands a little more quickly (although there really isn't enough itt to determine if he was criminally slow, or if the take-back happened lightning fast), the loud mouth should be given a warning, and maybe the winner of the hand should be given a fake warning ("you get it this time, but next time your throw your cards away, I'm not going to be able to let you pull them out again").
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by AirshipOhio does make the situation suck, and it does make the OP feel like he was screwed out of a $900 pot.

What's wrong with having a little sympathy for him?
I've seen so many situations like this that I just don't have sympathy anymore for someone who posts complaining how they got screwed out of winning a pot with the worst hand.

Not that I wish anything bad on the OP, or anyone else who has something like this happen to them. I rarely even pay that much attention to who's doing the posting, only to what they say. Thus there's nothing personal if I don't feel sympathetic for someone's situation.

Lots of people have situations like this happen to them. Sometimes I have to deal with it live, either as a player, dealer or floor, and sometimes I have to hear about it later as a poster on 2+2. It just doesn't phase me anymore. Too bad, so sad. Call the waaaambulance. Next hand please.

2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
I've seen so many situations like this that I just don't have sympathy anymore for someone who posts complaining how they got screwed out of winning a pot with the worst hand.
Yeah, exactly. I know the player feels screwed over, but the best hand won at showdown, so it's hard to feel too bad about it. I think a lot of these posts are more trying to explain this so that people can feel less sore about it in the future.

Because really, you have two choices:

1) Lose the pot and be angry about it.
2) Lose the pot and shrug it off.

Neither of these gets you the pot, but one of them hurts your chances at winning future pots in that session.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 11:02 PM
Once again here we go!
Anytime you push your hand twoards the muck with out tabling them it "SHOULD BE" a mucked hand, and I believe you sayed he did not table them, but then again we could not be giving all the TRUE info.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by NL soulja
You should've just stayed and stacked the donk later.
I'm not a great PLO player but apparent the donk must just be a total maniac if two pair is ahead of his bet-bet-bet range, right? ("raising or calling every hand" doesn't imply to me that he's leading the betting every time with one pair, which is essentially air.) Either that, or OP is pretty loose in calling 3 rounds without a pretty strong read, right?

Or am I just too inflexible of thinking of PLO as a grind the nuts or rep the nuts game?
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
I'm not a great PLO player but apparent the donk must just be a total maniac if two pair is ahead of his bet-bet-bet range, right? ("raising or calling every hand" doesn't imply to me that he's leading the betting every time with one pair, which is essentially air.) Either that, or OP is pretty loose in calling 3 rounds without a pretty strong read, right?

Or am I just too inflexible of thinking of PLO as a grind the nuts or rep the nuts game?
Depends what type of game your in. When your HU up against a loose Agr player top two will be good majority of the time.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-01-2009 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
The best hand is in all cases to win the pot. The pot should not be awarded to the worst hand because of a technicality.
A player voluntarily mucking his cards while knowing that someone else has a live hand is hardly a technicality.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 01:50 AM
Kill losing hand before pushing the pot.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
Well you might argue... but given your point is that someone should win a pot without the best cards, your arguement doesn't hold much water.

And there are floormen precisely because you aren't god.

Doucebag could be shown the door, and in fact I might do just that. But no way does the worst hand win on a technicality when I'm the floor.
The player doesn't have the best cards. Not until the floorman makes the decision IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE GAME to retrieve them or not. In the best interests of the game, I would not retrieve them. That the dealer didn't push them in with the other cards is a technicality.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 05:08 AM
I'm reminded of an incident a while back.

I was dealing 30/60. Heads up, little action. At the river, the board showed JA88J. One player said, "Is my King good?" The other player threw his hand forward. I was in the process of grabbing the cards when the player realized his mistake. We both froze for a beat.

He chuckled, "Nah, I conceded, it was my mistake." And the floor likely would have ruled the hand live had he called for it.

I'm not really sure my point, but I think, despite this being the opposite situation as the OP, it says something about how the rules are there as a guide, not as a law. Every situation is unique, and things could go either way. Relaaaaaaax.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by soah
A player voluntarily mucking his cards while knowing that someone else has a live hand is hardly a technicality.
I think everyone agrees that the guy with the best hand is a muppet for not properly tabling his hand.

If you get called, table your hand. I agree with you here, soah, and think that these situations are typically the result of multiple people being muppets.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
The player doesn't have the best cards. Not until the floorman makes the decision IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE GAME to retrieve them or not. In the best interests of the game, I would not retrieve them. That the dealer didn't push them in with the other cards is a technicality.
That rule applies to retrieving them from the muck. They aren't in the muck, so they can just be picked up. There is an argument to be made that in the interest of fairness the hand is dead. To make that argument you have to say that the player had sufficient time to realize his mistake on his own (is possible since the dealer started to push the pot, but it is really hard to convey time on the internet). If one says he had plenty of time to realize his error and the ONLY reason he picked up his cards is because someone pointed out that he had a straight.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:40 AM
This happens all the time.

I see it as a problem, because clearly people need to keep their mouths shut.
I say solution is to a kill the hand if another player at the table identified the players hand.

Obviously this wouldn't apply unless the hand had already been mucked, because of angles(people could peek at your cards and identify your hand to kill it).
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 12:10 PM
River puts straight on board
Villain mucks all FOUR of his cards.

In Omaha, he can't play the straight on the board. He has to use two of his cards.

I'm confused. And I'm fairly sure it is because of the OP. Whatever.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by GoAheadPutMeOnAK
River puts straight on board
Villain mucks all FOUR of his cards.

In Omaha, he can't play the straight on the board. He has to use two of his cards.
I took OP to mean that the river made a straight possible. Since having five cards making a straight on board is irrelevant in Omaha for the reasons you cite, I doubt that's what was meant.

Regardless of whether five cards in sequence were on the board, the point is the guy didn't realize he had a straight, and the rest of the post makes perfect sense in that light.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 02:48 PM
I think you got screwed here, but if the donk has your money it probably makes more sense to rebuy and try to get it back.. however you were obviously on tilt from this so it might've been good to walk away.

Cards speak... sure... if they weren't mucked by the player. Once you muck a hand you do not have the power to make them live again.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by randomplaya
however you were obviously on tilt from this so it might've been good to walk away.
This is exactly my point.

You're not winning the pot. You just aren't. Maybe sometimes somewhere you might be able to argue for it, but not the vast majority of the time.

So you can either work to change your mindset and accept "that's poker" and play on with a clear head.... or you can get frustrated at the injustice of it all and tilt away more money.

Either way, you're not getting this pot.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by vegez
In late june, I was playing plo 2-5 full table. This was first time in a vegas casino.

There was some donk at the table, wearing a full tilt jersey, raising or calling every hand.

On one particular hand, I flopped top pair. it was like 3 people in the pot and i checked, donk bets, i call, everyone else folds, on turn i improved to top 2 pair, i check full tilt guy bets pot, i call, river puts straight on board, full tilt guy bets about 1/2 pot, i call, he verbally says you got it and he proceeds to toss ALL his four cards face down right onto the flop, the dealer begins to push all the chips towards me

than, AT that moment, the player on left of donk tells him "you had a straight", the donk picks up his cards from the flop and yells out he has the straight, the dealer tells the donk the hand is dead, but the donk yells out to to the floor simultaneously (the donk called the floor manager by his name, i believe he is a regular) and the floor manager happened to be right by the cashier so before the dealer could push all the chips towards me the floor manager came and asked the dealer whats going on, dealer explains everything and manager rules the donks hand is still in play because although the cards were thrown onto the flop facedown they did not touch the muck (the manager's definition of the muck is the deck of cards excluding the flop, turn, river)

is this correct policy?

i was so pissed off and angry but manager wouldn't budge and he kept reiterating that cards didn't hit the muck, i counter-argued that even the dealer said the hand was dead and the pot should be mine, the manager said the dealer doesn't know what she is talking about

after arguing for 10 minutes i gave up and left the venitian and vowed never to go back , what a pathetic way to lose a $900 pot on my 21st bbday i didn't even get an apology from the dealer nor the manager

my questions for you are,

what do you think of the manager's decision?
the dealers decision?
the ******* of the left of the dealer?
and the donk himself?
Manager is wrong and to be frank he ****ed that one up.
The dealer pushing the pot to you is correct.
How did the guy to the left of the Donk see his cards? Did he initially turn his hand over? What ever happened to holding people accountable for what they say? ("You got it" or "All In", etc)
My guess is the donk is a regular and basically lucked out that day.
It's stories like this one and the recent Bellagio and PH scandals that make poker so unattractive. LV is supposed to be the place where one should feel confidently about the proper rules being enforced.
I'm sorry man

You hear talk about, "The best interest of the game," but do floors managers really act in the best interest of the game the majority of the time? After reading this thread it's clear that the best hand should win the pot at showdown, but not in a situation like this!

Last edited by Steven Segal's Dad; 10-02-2009 at 11:11 PM.
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by vegez
yea thats what i thought too, also, i thought that once you place your cards pass the betting line, your hand is dead

let me give you guys another example of what happened at an Indian Casino earlier this year (Viejas)

my friend was heads up in a pot with somebody else, at showdown my friend calls the players river bet, my friend proceeds to show his pair of Kings, he puts both cards face up (inside the circle) past the betting line. the dealer calls the floor and the floor rules his hand is dead because he once he puts his cards past the betting line than the hand is dead, the other player involved didn't even have to show his cards, his cards were face down right next to the betting circle (he is a bluffer and obv got caught bluffing), because of that incident, coming into venitian, i thought that once cards are passed the betting line (that too face down!) it would be a dead hand, i guess each casino has their own rules
That is disgusting
2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Steven Segal's Dad
After reading this thread it's clear that the best hand should win the pot at showdown, but not in a situation like this!

2-5 omaha Venitian, late june, lost 0+  pot on (terrible?) floor decision Quote
