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10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? 10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable?

01-11-2010 , 07:51 AM
I recently started playing at a new casino. The $2-2 NL holdem games are a bit nitty but very soft. However the rake is uncapped at 10%. Is this even beatable in the long run?
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:58 AM
In theory yes. But tough.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:58 AM
Yeah, but I wouldn't bother unless it's the only game in town. I should say it also depends on the buy-in. If they only allow a $40 buy-in or something it might not be beatable, if the max buy-in is $300, then it's much more beatable.

(You should be playing much tighter with such a large rake.)
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Yeah, but I wouldn't bother unless it's the only game in town. I should say it also depends on the buy-in. If they only allow a $40 buy-in or something it might not be beatable, if the max buy-in is $300, then it's much more beatable.

(You should be playing much tighter with such a large rake.)
I think the buy in is uncapped, but it may be $400 on some of the tables, and most people buy in for min $200.

The other game in town is ultra ultra nitty and not so donkish, with a 5% rake. It feels less beatable than the 10% game but I'm not sure.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 09:34 AM
Why even bother? You are basically being robbed and losing much of the edge you have in the game. Home games with large rakes are fraudulent unless it has a crazy kickass buffet and free handjobs.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by guvnorg
I recently started playing at a new casino. The $2-2 NL holdem games are a bit nitty but very soft. However the rake is uncapped at 10%. Is this even beatable in the long run?

I doubt it. Where is this?
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:22 AM
I would try to find poker elsewhere because uncapped seems to go along with unbeatable as "words that go together."
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:23 AM
if you describe the players as nitty i don't like your odds

is the 5% game capped or uncapped as well?
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Ultrazord
In theory yes. But tough.
Yeah, this.

Your edge has to be pretty big to make up for the rake on large pots. On the other hand, it is wrong to play this game nitty. Since the rake on 10 $10 pots is the same as the rake on 1 $100 rather than costing $5 more, there's no reason to not try to take down a lot of small pots.

In fact if they don't rake pf, you want to try to win as many pf hands as possible.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-12-2010 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Phil9
Why even bother? You are basically being robbed and losing much of the edge you have in the game. Home games with large rakes are fraudulent unless it has a crazy kickass buffet and free handjobs.
It's not a home game???

Originally Posted by TylerD
I doubt it. Where is this?
It's in London, the rake is 5% max at levels above $2-2 (or £1-1 in our money). I might need to get a bigger bankroll and move up.

Originally Posted by JackM
if you describe the players as nitty i don't like your odds

is the 5% game capped or uncapped as well?
the 5% game is capped, but its full of solid grinders and you get 15 hands per hour if you're lucky.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-12-2010 , 10:10 AM
I would never play in this game if I lived in London, there's too many other choices.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-12-2010 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by guvnorg
It's not a home game???

It's in London, the rake is 5% max at levels above $2-2 (or £1-1 in our money). I might need to get a bigger bankroll and move up.

the 5% game is capped, but its full of solid grinders and you get 15 hands per hour if you're lucky.
15 hands per hour and solid doesn't really compute.. How are you only getting this many hands per hour? Also a 5% rake that is CAPPED is such a huge difference from a 10% uncapped rake.. How many euros do they cap the rake at?

I would almost certainly play at the 5% game.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-12-2010 , 10:53 AM
wow, that is a rough rake, I'm a winning player, but that rake would cut into my profit signifigantly.....seems like you'd have to play higher
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-12-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by TylerD
I would never play in this game if I lived in London, there's too many other choices.
i just moved here, any recommendations?
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-12-2010 , 09:26 PM
In the game I play, if there is a flop the rake is 60% of the BB including a drop for the bad beat jack pot. I figure that on average, they take down about 14 to 16 BB for rake an hour.

In that same game (5/10 NL w/$1500 cap) pot sizes vary from $15 (chopped) to $3000 (sometimes more of course, but not common). If I'm in an 8 hour session, I expect the house to earn about $1,200 over that 8 hours.

Suppose we play 25 hands an hour on average and that there are an average of 4 hands an hour that are at least $1000. 4 hands that are at least $500, and let's suppose that the average for the rest of the hands it's $60 pots. The house at 10% would be taking down an average of $1620 dollars an hour, or $12,960 per session.

There are 9 players each buying in from between $500 and $1500, but suppose they all buy in for the max that's a total of $13,500 in play.

The game would be hard to beat and hard to keep feed, no?
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-13-2010 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by guvnorg
I recently started playing at a new casino. The $2-2 NL holdem games are a bit nitty but very soft. However the rake is uncapped at 10%. Is this even beatable in the long run?
guvnor not at all beatable get out of ther, do the math
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-13-2010 , 06:42 AM
crazy rake you'll just sit there and watch your money evaporate. and all the stacks around you too.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-13-2010 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by guvnorg
i just moved here, any recommendations?
The Vic is probably the best place to play, it's a 2 minute walk from Edgware Road tube. Empire at Leicester Square is also good for low limit cash. Those are the only two I've played at but there are probably half a dozen others; off the top of my head, The International, The Western, Gala Russell Square, Palm Beach. See the The London Poker thread for more details.

BTW are you sure it's not capped. It seems odd to be running an uncapped 10% game next to a capped 5% game.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-13-2010 , 08:02 AM
I've never had the pleasure of meeting an uncapped rake game. Are river bets raked also? For the sake of keeping it simple if you bet 2k on the river and get called do they cut $400 from the pot just like that? A 4k pot is probably exaggerating but it still just seems insane to me.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-13-2010 , 02:24 PM
There are 10% uncapped rake 1-1 games in London?!?

Seriously, 10% capped at 5 at the 1-1 in the Vic is enough to make small pots unprofitable. I can only imagine how brutal 10% uncapped must be.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
01-13-2010 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by bwolf
I've never had the pleasure of meeting an uncapped rake game. Are river bets raked also? For the sake of keeping it simple if you bet 2k on the river and get called do they cut $400 from the pot just like that? A 4k pot is probably exaggerating but it still just seems insane to me.
yeah this is pretty much it...i played a 5% uncapped game in Deauville last year which was bad enough, i didnt realise when i sat down, won a pot quite early of about 600 and watched them take 30 euros out of it! Now imagine winning a 300 pot and seeing 30 go to the house.

going to follow the advice and find a better game.
10% uncapped rake in my local - beatable? Quote
