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10 things B & M grinders have in common.... 10 things B & M grinders have in common....

10-21-2010 , 04:05 PM
1. Always buy in for the max
2. take 30 min to table select before we sit down
3. have a chat with are fellow grinders who are at other tables
4. have asked for a rake reducation atleast 3 times a night.
5. tips the dealer a dollar every pot no matter how big.
6. only gets up on there blinds because they want as many free hands as possiable
7. know the floor by first and last name
8. always stack are chips in 20s or 30s
9. only likes green or blacks if they are a even number so they can shuffle them
10. we are degens at heart and have tilted off a few hundred at bj,roulette,dice
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
For some reason, I always like to have 1-2 stacks of $1 chips with my stacks.

Not only does it help the game move along, (dealer doesn't have to make change as often for blinds), but I never have the tipping problem.

Adding another grinder trait....

When you have a great day, you slip the floor managers and the board a $5 or $10 chip...
I tried that one night and the woman acted like I was trying to poison her. Said floor wasn't allowed to accept tips.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by ibelieveinkolb
I tried that one night and the woman acted like I was trying to poison her. Said floor wasn't allowed to accept tips.
in Atlantic City, they're not. In Vegas, they are. I think other places vary.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:03 PM
why waste money by tipping?
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII
in Atlantic City, they're not. In Vegas, they are. I think other places vary.
Not a problem in CA, NM, NV, or AZ
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 07:22 PM
For me it's definetly making up places where I'm at instead of the cardroom so that it doesn't seem like I've been at the tables all day.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 08:56 PM
Had a semi-funny thing happen to me a year ago.

Was at the table talking to a couple of other grinders about various casinos we frequent. One pulls out a couple of players cards from his favorite casinos in vegas, I likewise pull out some and then the other grinder pulls out a couple. This starts a chain reaction and we start emptying our wallets of various casino player's cards and between the three of us, we had all the Major Casinos in Vegas (to include downtown)covered
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 09:02 PM
Buying cigarettes from people at the table with $1 chips (mainly in AC-**** $10 a pack)
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-21-2010 , 11:07 PM
See a reg-fish walk to the cage who you sat next to for 10 hrs the night previous and call "hey buddy, come sit over here, last night was crazy" to get him on your table instead.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII
in Atlantic City, they're not. In Vegas, they are. I think other places vary.
It's not that simple. In Vegas, they may or may not be able to accept tokes. But they probably won't turn down the toke, they will just graciously accept it, thank you, and then give it to the cashier or a dealer.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:03 AM
2) You have more money in your casino lock-box than you do in your savings account
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 09:16 AM
Clenching your butt cheeks with all your might while 2 old fat men are all in and the last card is being dealt, just hoping that you can hold out enough to let it loose as one of them is busted and walks away... allowing you to blame it on the absentee.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleR90
Buying cigarettes from people at the table with $1 chips (mainly in AC-**** $10 a pack)
Where do you find cigs in AC for ONLY $10 a pack?
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
You have smelled bad breath that will melt your face off or literally give you a sore throat just from breathing it.

You have smelled body odor on the guy next to you that will make you change seats/tables.

You have watched someone use there nasty chip/card/table germ covered hands to shovel food into their mouth and even lick there fingers.

You carry a jacket to the poker room even when its 90 degrees outside because its 60 inside.

You have had an instant buddy sitting next to you that will not stop talking to you and showing you all of his hands.
you must play in south florida. not just because of the temperature.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jarretman

- Repeatedly check your pocket to make sure those 4 black chips are still in there.
This. It isn't unusual for me to end a night at no limit when game gets slow to go play some omaha hi lo if it is still early. Don't like sitting with more than a thousand dollars in a 3/6 limit game so normally get color if the line at cage is too long.

I don't like sitting around with purple or blacks in my pocket and yet no issue with that much cash in my pocket.

Also +1 to trying to round up stack. When I was first starting there were many instances where I wouldn't leave if i was at 497 but in for 500. More than a few of those times I ended up busting. These days I don't care.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Dcpepper12
8. always stack are chips in 20s or 30s
I always stack in 40s
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 04:36 PM
You somehow know the line on the girls NCAA lacrosse game being shown on the big screen behind you.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 05:01 PM
Home sick with a fever, trying to get back to sleep because in your delirium you were playing PLO with some jack*ss who always seemed to have redraws and you'd really like to take down one friggen pot. Hey, it's the only game in town (your head). Is there any tomato soup in there?!
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 05:47 PM
They have figured out the comps system calculus to a tee. They may even have a successful barter/trade business around utilizing or buying fellow poker players free slot dollars or merchandise give aways when fellow players can not be at the casino. If there is a way to earn more points, they know it.

They know exactly what buffet in town is the best on which night.

They never know about any of the shows or other events.

They know exactly where in the casino is still serving food at 4am.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:17 PM
Having multiple people who have known you by name for a year+, although you have no idea what theirs is, and it's been way too long to ask now..

Have woken up, looked at your clock and wondered 'AM or PM?'

Last edited by evildeadalive; 10-22-2010 at 06:28 PM.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:52 PM
Haven't changed undies in at least 2 weeks.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by BoDiddleyMacau
You yell "Half Rake" when the sixth player requests a rack, before he has even left.
LOL, this is soooo grinder - the only thing better is if when the guy leaves you look at the nearest floor, call him by first name and say, "...we're half rake now..."
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by evildeadalive
Having multiple people who have known you by name for a year+, although you have no idea what theirs is, and it's been way too long to ask now..

Have woken up, looked at your clock and wondered 'AM or PM?'
Or having to text the floor and ask the name of the person in the 7 seat that keeps talking to you since you have no idea what his/her name is.
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-22-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
2) You have more money in your casino lock-box than you do in your savings account
Savings Account??? WTF is that? Is it the spare chips at home on the kitchen table?
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
10-23-2010 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by EKG
Or having to text the floor and ask the name of the person in the 7 seat that keeps talking to you since you have no idea what his/her name is.
That's a good idea actually.. I will use it, thanks!!
10 things B & M grinders have in common.... Quote
