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<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? <img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL?

08-29-2010 , 06:35 PM
Okay. Can someone who play the 2/5NL games in AC confirm this? I'm heading back to AC soon and will be playing 2/5 as oppose to 1/2 the last few years I will most likely be playing at Taj.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 06:42 PM
Does it matter?

When you put your name on the board, ask.

When you buy chips, ask.

When you sit down, ask.

I'm not clear why this needs to be figured out ahead of time. If you really really need to know ahead of time, call them up right now. I bet they're listed somewhere.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 06:46 PM
I just called the Taj.

Whites do not play at 2/5, unless you're all-in.

I did not clarify if that meant you couldn't bet five white chips, because of course you can. If you get at the table and they say you can't, then ask the dealer for a color-up and bet the red.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Victory1
Okay. Can someone who play the 2/5NL games in AC confirm this?
just curious will this rule determine where you play?
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
If the dealer is good, you'll never notice the slow-down, as the need will be anticipated. But it's still time taken away from watching the action, and a few seconds here and there making change instead of just scooping in chips. Tho' while I respect psand's desire for a clean smooth game, I don't really think it's that big a deal. It's just unnecessary, and the bad dealers WILL be slower with it.

Do you use fifty-cent pieces in 1/2 games? Then why use dollars in 2/5 games?

I'm going to disagree with you here. Making change takes time and thats true regardless of who the dealer is. Some are faster than others. But making change itself slows down the game and also requires more frequent fills which slow down the game.

so even if the room allows betting by $1 increments, the players should not simply do it just because they think its cool to bet odd amounts. I agree some argument might be made at the lower betting amounts that $2 has some significance to the play and that it someone may legitimately believe there is a mathematical justification for betting $12 instead of $10 or $15.

But when a guy bets $262 you will never convince me that there was any purpose to that number as opposed to making the bet $260 or $265 (assuming he still has more chips).
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:13 PM
I agree, and I know that the busier rooms have problems with fills, which is one of the most tilt-inducing things for a dealer. But if the change is readily available, it's really not that big a deal. But it's even less of a big a deal to be able to bet $262 instead of $260, which is why I agree that it's a lot smoother for everybody if it's reds only. And yeah, it's a lot of subtle things, like how the good dealers will make sure the players understand how much change is being given. Those seconds here and there can add up.

Actually, what tilts me even more is watching players freak out about having to make change before putting in chips (or even declaring intention). This happens a lot in tournaments. Just throw out the chips and let the dealer handle it! For some reason people like to wait until it's their turn before asking for change... or if they're looking for change they ask the person whose action it is... or if they're trying to be nice to make change for someone else, they do it while it's their action.

It's the worst once antes come into play. "Oh, no, 9 other people are throwing in T25 chips, and I only have T100! I better get change from someone else so that the dealer can wait for me before dealing the hand!" Uh, dude, THE CHANGE IS IN THE POT.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
I'm going to disagree with you here. Making change takes time and thats true regardless of who the dealer is. Some are faster than others. But making change itself slows down the game and also requires more frequent fills which slow down the game.
I think the time it takes making change isnt that much for a good dealer. A bad or new dealer I can see. If the game allows bets in $1's then there will usually be $1's in the pot. if someone bets $59 and 2 people call its not hard to grab 2 ones and throw them at the 2 callers as you pull in their bets. Obviously this is best case scenario in terms of making change but you get my point.

As for fills, we don't have runners, players buy chips right from dealers. We have 2 rows of $1's in our trays.. $5's and $25's run out faster then the $1's. So when we get fills they just bring us what we need $1's included so there is no extra fill for them.

Like pfap said tho, the matter isn't really a big deal either way and I think the arguement has surpassed the issue.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
I say that a "better" solution is to allow the $18 AI to 'round up' his value, to the 'acceptable' level. So, make everyone else call for $20, to keep those ugly white chips out of the pot.

Or, mandatory tipping of all "odd-number/leftover " white chips, so a player never has the "wrong" amount of white chips when the next pot starts.

I should have started a poll.....
Larry, Larry, Larry. Players need to pay their blinds. Even assuming a max rake of $5/hand, that would increase the rake effect by more than 50%.

Not good!

How about this: Complementary rounding up of all "odd-number/leftover " white chips by the casino, so a player never has the "wrong" amount of white chips when the next pot starts. Whose side are you on!!?
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by ACJohn
$18 all-in 2 callers rounded to $20= $4.00 side pot. I don't see how this helps.
Caught one.... and thought I'd snared a BIG one:

Originally Posted by frommagio
Larry, Larry, Larry. Players need to pay their blinds. Even assuming a max rake of $5/hand, that would increase the rake effect by more than 50%.

...until the bluff was revealed:

How about this: Complementary rounding up of all "odd-number/leftover " white chips by the casino, so a player never has the "wrong" amount of white chips when the next pot starts. Whose side are you on!!?

nicely played, sir. My faith is restored...
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 11:08 PM
wow, even more of a rake in live games. what a complete joke.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-29-2010 , 11:23 PM
At Harrah's and Bally's, I know that 2/5 games only allow bets in $5 increments except for all in situations - in which case odd white chips play.

Showboat, unless they have recently changed their rules, allows for white chips to play. Which is why the 5/5 game got started there. To take the white chips out of play.

<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:39 AM
Tropicana allows whites to play. (and a lot of other races too)
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:50 AM
At Foxwoods you can bet any increment you want on any street. Its kind of annoying actually when someone raises it to like $11 pre-flop and everyone throws out 3 red chips to call and the dealer has to make lots of change.

I never thought of limited the betting to $5 increments to avoid this, and it makes perfect sense. I like it.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-31-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Whites do not play at 2/5, unless you're all-in.

I did not clarify if that meant you couldn't bet five white chips, because of course you can. If you get at the table and they say you can't, then ask the dealer for a color-up and bet the red.
It is always entertaining to play 2/5 during the WSOP. Because they have dealers and floor people in from all over the country, everybody has their own ideas on this topic.

In the span of a couple hours once we ere ordered to play almost every conceivable way. One ruling said that singles never play, even in an all-in, even if the player has 12 of them. Then the next floor said of course they all play in an all-in. Then the next floor said only in increments of 5, even if all-in. And we even got told that singles always play any time and of course you can bet $17 (that one mighta been from a dealer who got yelled at quickly by the players). The only conceivable rule I think we never heard was that singles only play pre-flop.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victory1
Okay. Can someone who play the 2/5NL games in AC confirm this? I'm heading back to AC soon and will be playing 2/5 as oppose to 1/2 the last few years I will most likely be playing at Taj.
V1 - I play $2-5 NLHE at the Taj and answered you in #7.

I have to wonder - why is this such a big concern for you? It's not likely you are going to come across someone sitting with multiple stacks of white chips.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by bav
In the span of a couple hours once we ere ordered to play almost every conceivable way. One ruling said that singles never play, even in an all-in, even if the player has 12 of them. Then the next floor said of course they all play in an all-in. Then the next floor said only in increments of 5, even if all-in. And we even got told that singles always play any time and of course you can bet $17 (that one mighta been from a dealer who got yelled at quickly by the players). The only conceivable rule I think we never heard was that singles only play pre-flop.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:33 PM
Why make the game more difficult to understand???

All chips on the felt should be in play and usable in any increment at all times during big bet games.

If you don't want to use white chips play 5/5.
<img  Chips don't play at 2/5NL? Quote
