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1/2 No Limit 1/2 No Limit

07-03-2008 , 09:45 PM
My friends and I went to the casino last night, just opened it up for ages 18-20 for poker. Assuming its gonna be busy we go there on a wed. night. get there like midnight 1 table going. We all usually play like 3/6 4/8. They are playing 1/2 no limit. I have very rarely played 1/2 no limit. Wish i would have knew better of what to do. I bought in for 80 (shoulda bought more but worked out), get QQ first hand, a guy bet 10 called by 6 ppl, (i now learned that this game was insanly loose, swear to god the minimum to go preflop was 10, usually had about 5-6 calls. I shoulda went all in there. But after making my nut flush and tripling up and winning a few other hands. I have like 250 in chips, and there are stacks with 750, 600 300, to my right.

i get 66, girl raises to 15, called, i call.

flop 345a bet of 10, call, i call

turn is 6, girl bets out with 10, guy raises to 20, i call hoping for a miracle, while this girl is counting her chips this guy sitting to my right keeps looking at his cards, like he is showing me, i know i can see the 7 of hearts, but i got like 3 more looks at it, i didnt draw attention to myself, by i could see it without even looking, it was like he was purpusly showing me, idk, she raises to 60, he waits, then goes all in for like 200, im like this sucks, i know i cant call, but there is so much money in the pot, and if i hit my card its like 800 dollar pot, i fold, she calls, she has 78.

river 4, gay, he had A7, she has 78

that hand haunted me for the rest of the night, and i ended up busting out on AK flopping a str8, but he has QQ, we raise back and forth, 400 dollar pot, he hits running 9s.

idk, i really wanted to call that hand, and couldnt stop thinking about it, if that guy woulda just called the 60, i definatly woulda played and got paid. but for all my chips, i coulda easily rebought, i only bought in for 80 so i prolly shoulda, coulda 10xed my money. After i got home and thought about it, if i knew she had 78 of spades, would i be more likely to call, just in case the 6 of spades comes?, bad beat jackpot was 60k, idk, just wondering of it was a good play, was a 6 hour session that i only played with 80 bucks in by far the loosest no limit game ive ever seen. Avg pot on flop was guaranteed over 50.
I learned how to basically play in that sort of game, and im definatly going back to that mess and gonna clean it up, people were raising preflop like 15/20 with K 3 os and the hand i won a nice pot on i had JJ, raised 30 pre, guy called with 910, got a nice amount of chips out of him when the flop came QJ 7, and this girl called our bets, and called me on the river with 10 7, only a pair of 7s.
Anyway, all i really wanted to know is if i shoulda called with the 66 in that position
07-03-2008 , 10:31 PM
Ten bucks is generally about the minimum raise in 1/2. I usually prefer when the standard raise is like 15 or 20 which isn't uncommon. I also think you have to fold there knowing you are beat for that much money. Also, don't expect the game to be exactly the same when you go back, it could be the tightest table in history.
07-03-2008 , 10:57 PM
you normally play 3/6 and 4/8 but when you play 1/2 you buyin for 80..
07-03-2008 , 11:07 PM
i have never played a no limit cash game before and max buy in was 200, min 50, and i usually buy in for little in limit games and build it up, otherwise i buy in for a ton in a limit game, go on tilt a few hands, lose a ton
07-03-2008 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by S2000Maniac
you normally play 3/6 and 4/8 but when you play 1/2 you buyin for 80..
I missed the part where OP said that he expected to be one of the best postflop players at the table. Could you point that part of his post out to me?

Or do you just like to comment on the obvious, like "Dog bites man!" or "Beginners should buy in short if they don't want to pay big bucks to learn NLHE"?
07-03-2008 , 11:51 PM
OP if this was a really subtle level in an attempt to tilt me you have succeeded.
07-04-2008 , 07:48 AM
200 to win 550 (total pot 750) if third guy over calls. so the pot odds are 200/550 or 2.75/1 you are more then a 4/1 dog (9 outs).... so you are not getting the right price if you are behind...and you are.

If you are result oriented then yes you made a mistake because you would have won the pot if you made the bad call.
07-04-2008 , 09:24 AM
If you would have raised the flop the rest of the hand goes on auto-play due to remaining stacks and pot size...A7 prolly even folds.

As played, given the info you had, good fold.
07-04-2008 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by PastaTeke
200 to win 550 (total pot 750) if third guy over calls. so the pot odds are 200/550 or 2.75/1 you are more then a 4/1 dog (9 outs).... so you are not getting the right price if you are behind...and you are.

If you are result oriented then yes you made a mistake because you would have won the pot if you made the bad call.
Actually it is 180 because he already has twenty invested. My calculations is that it is 2.9:1 at this point. But the girl raised 60 and it looks like she has the straight and she could call this. If you positively certain that she will call this you would be getting 180/725 = 4.0:1. So you are getting the right price in an implied sense as with ten outs you need 3.6. I don't understand why you think he has nine outs, he has three reaming 3's,4's,5's and the last 6 he can catch. If I absolutely feel as though both people have the straight you can make an argument for calling this.
07-04-2008 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by *******
Actually it is 180 because he already has twenty invested. My calculations is that it is 2.9:1 at this point. But the girl raised 60 and it looks like she has the straight and she could call this. If you positively certain that she will call this you would be getting 180/725 = 4.0:1. So you are getting the right price in an implied sense as with ten outs you need 3.6. I don't understand why you think he has nine outs, he has three reaming 3's,4's,5's and the last 6 he can catch. If I absolutely feel as though both people have the straight you can make an argument for calling this.
but a set is also in her range, and that would completley screw his odds.
07-04-2008 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by TJayBird
but a set is also in her range, and that would completley screw his odds.
I seriously doubt she is re-raising with a set on a board of 3456. I guess if we say she has a set of threes that takes away three outs and we only have 7, but if you discount those outs and say that a third of the time she has a set and the other 2/3rds she has the straight then you can say that you have 9 outs which it is about break even. I really seriously doubt that most 1/2 players will reraise facing that board without a straight, they will wait for the final card to see if the board pairs off.
07-04-2008 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by hydropwner
Anyway, all i really wanted to know is if i shoulda called with the 66 in that position
B&M is not the right forum to ask strategy questions, if you look around here nobody is discussing strategy. Please repost your thread in one of the strategy forums where the users are better equipped to answer your questions - read the FAQ first so you understand the tone of the forum to make sure you get some answers that will help.
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