Why do we we experience this as humans?
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 233
Like pretty much in everything we go through swings. We are go in and out of form in our crafts. Even athletes go through this all the time and its quite noticeable in their results. Like a golfer who is on his A game cannot mess up a swing even if he tried to. Or a shooting guard who can't miss a shot in some games. But the same golfer or shooting guard can't do anything right the other day. Their preparation would be the same for both types of days but very different results.
Another simpler example when I play Counter Strike with my friends. Some days I'm hitting headshots left and right and can't miss. Some days I can't kill a still target standing in front of me and glocking. Why do we go through swings in real life, just like poker, even in activities where there is relatively very little luck and chance for variance? Is is something in the head that clicks and doesn't click? How can we get over it?
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 762
There is a lot more going on in the human body than just clicking or not. Everything and I mean everything around you is a variable. We are creatures of our environment. Depending on how you react to it all is a huge factor.
Say you woke up and wanted a banana for breakfast, but you didn't have any so you had cereal instead. This dramatically changes how your day could possibly go. Maybe you got upset, maybe you really wanted cereal. Why did you want a banana in the first place? Maybe it takes you longer to eat cereal and you were out the door to work a minute later had you eaten a banana and now you saw that beautiful blond walk in the door to work at the same time as you. How does that change the beginning of your workday?
Extrapolate that into every possible choice and outcome even down to every little atom in your brain and it seems like it gets a bit complex.
How do you get over it? No idea, put bananas on your shopping list?
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 300
I think that it has a lot to do with self confidence with a little combination of luck. Its possible that the first shots in cs or first hands in poker sets up the rest of the day for you.
You know, in the back of your mind (even tho you don't know it) that its gonna be a really good or really bad run. If you are in a good mood and catch some good cards/headshots right off the bat, it's more likely to be a good session overall because you now have the mindset for a winning session.
If, however, you just get raped with runner cards, your mindset is definally going to be worse than without the beat.
There are dozens of more factors to this occurrence, this is just one of many.
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 77
Or like getting into the final exam, reading the first question and going...uuuuuhhhh! what?!
There are just times and days where things aren't going to go right. You could be distracted by anything. Kid wants you to hold him, the dog just ate the carpet, did I pay that bill, did I file that report. The buddists call it monkey mind.
My guess would be that on the day when you really ran good, you would find you were focused in the moment on what you were doing.
I know with my limited play time. Sometimes just glancing at the clock and seeing the time and knowing I have to head to bed soon is enough to break it.
The best at anything always are able to block those distractions and focus on the moment.
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 79
I`m not a scientists but I suppose that in some days people are just not themselves.They think about stuff without even realizing it.And if you are not focused on that level you just can`t do anything right.That`s just my point of view.