The amazing thing about cocaine it gives you a false sense of enlightenment. I dont know why but it jsut does. Findidng that feeling without cocaine is the meaning of life.
When u f... a girl or eat food when u are hungry it gives u 250 serotonine level in your brain, that's the thing that makes you happy. Cocaine gives u 1600 :|
On topic: I think it depends a lot on the person. For example I am a very happy and optimistic person that realy apreciates the tremendous luck he had being born in the situation he is today but I know a lot of persons who are very depresed all the time and hate the world. I see the world I live in like a very good one and never criticizise things like politicians, greedy rich people etc. I try to adapt to this world and I do that very well. I don't want to be one of the guys complaining about how rich guys spend money like idiots in a bad and unequal sistem, I want to be one of those guys.