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Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL
View Poll Results: umm nvm i clicked this on tilt.
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1 50.00%

04-22-2011 , 04:52 PM
This is my 1st post so hopefully i'm in the right section, but i'm definitely not new to poker or reading these kinds of threads. The reason i'm posting is because i've been stewing over my last nights session aka i'm still on tilt. I guess i'm looking for possible insight and constructive criticism that may or may not help me put this away. here's the rundown of what happened:

So backstory, I started with $200 BR on wed. and sat down 2-2nl 100 max buyin. $580 BR going into thursday. Now, I know i'm not properly rolled so the extra pressure is there, but i'm really not interested in playing anything lower than that. Thursday, I sit down 2-2nl 100 buyin i'm folding early just trying to get a feel for the table.

I'm trying not to turn this thread into a bad beat story, but I think there are some key situations where I kind of have to explain in order to get some feedback on what to do. but, I am going to relatively short about it.

1st hand I play AK off get 3bet flat and fold. this sets off a series of reloads so now i'm stuck about $80. a little steamed about it... somehow I build my stack to about $340+ I honestly don't remember how. I thought about cashing out to get the money off the table because I had $180 invested about 30% of my BR, but I decide against it because I felt there were some free chips still out with 1 guy in particular that tilted off 300+ in chips and still had about 100 left.

Little did I know after 2 specific hands I would tilt out my entire stack, and rebuy for 100 more and tilt most of that as well. I'm going to recount these 2 hands that really got under my skin and that ultimately had a negative affect on my decision making afterwards. Hand X $4 live straddle is on. folds around to SB. SB calls, i'm in BB with 66 i call, straddle raises to 24 total (I have a read on him I know I have the best hand) he has 80 chips left to his stack. I 3bet to 65, he flats, I bet the remainder of his stack he calls... he rolls over 75 suited and makes his flush... I muck and say "come on" (he stands up 2 hands later). Stack at 260 now.

Hand Y $4 live straddle. I raise to 12 utg with A5 suited. folds around. SB flats. BB folds. Boozed up straddle pushes all-in 56 total. I call 44 more. SB raises 120 more 176 total. I end up folding because even though I knew the SB was a player that liked to re-raise lite... I just didn't think he would do it in this spot when it was going to be a showdown pot. Straddle flips up JJ and wins the pot.. so SB had 1010 or worse. what really set me on tilt is that I watched the board come out and of course the Ace hits with everything around it, so whats the lesson don't watch the board when u fold a big pot?

Post Hand Y I was really pissed off that the SB kid raised me out of the showdown pot because I would have cashed out soon after leaving with a good 2nd night of profit. It triggered some big misteps, that were just flat out bad calls or me just steaming over-valueing a vulnerable hand. I felt the blow-up feeling happening inside of me, but I continued playing bottling the frustration in trying to play as tight as possible. but, that seemed to be a recipe to lose even more as I would over value and make bad calls that were obvious lay downs even though I had a decent hand.

I lost 280 for the night, so now my BR is basically cut in half at 300 when I could be upward of 800. i'm pretty discouraged right now compared to where I was before yesterday happened, I don't feel like I can go back and play good at all right now. An honest assessment of my play thursday, I played basic abc nothing that great before I blew up... I was more or less just playing the cards and that was enough to beat the game. so don't know what to do right now, but this is all I want to write for now. hopefully I can get away from this lurking tilt feeling sometime soon.

what do you do when you feel yourself going on tilt from a missed opportunity? do i need to care less about the money aspect? and just say @!#$ it I know your trying to squeeze me... i'm all in? take a break? play the same? or am I too loose in these bad positions? I shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with? would like some feedback to this. just no get a job increase your bankroll responses, obviously thats an option, but thats not what we are talking about here.
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-22-2011 , 05:23 PM
Cripes I did it again, misclicked trying to move this to Psychology.
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-22-2011 , 06:40 PM
okay, wow, where to start without the talk of bankroll management. I know i know, you dont want to play lower not too many people want to , or its the lowest game, but ill say it anyways at least save up around $1k-1.5k for this 2/2 100 max game. Belive me , you will play better knowing you have more. You wont think twice about certain decisions.

for instance hand y
you raise utg with a5 soothed , 1 caller then straddle pushes all in ,you call 44 more only to fold? you wanted to look strong with raising the straddle utg ,why not go all in and put the pressure on the sb or just plain folding here? just calling showed you were afraid, afraid of putting more money into the pot without seeing a flop, i bet if you had an actually roll your thought process would be different , you would have confidence in your game and you are able to win big multi way pots that without a roll you would be afraid to get into.

besides that , sitting at a live poker table and just waiting for aa-qq and ak will lead many into eternal boredom. you have to learn to play position and more suited connectors.

also dont forget that premium hands dont always win , so if you wait all night to get your aa cracked, dont forget its only a pair. Learn to muck them when you know your beat, dont spew chips saying " i have to call , i have aces" i saw a lot of chips lost this

also dont forget " Trash is Cash"

i never like to think about the fact that i was up a certain amount in a session, if you are up more than usual CASH OUT , you will feel much better than chasing those last chips from fish and then the fish get lucky. If you do stay and lose some hands , take a break or meal. Dont just keep playin trying to buy pots and build pots to make it all back. Thats not good poker thats being a fish.

My personal favorite that i like doing after having a nice losing session is to treat my wife and i to a nice dinner or buy something nice, makes me forget about about those horrible nights

almost forgot
get a job
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-22-2011 , 06:41 PM
please move thread
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-22-2011 , 07:51 PM
is there a way I can delete/move this thread since i'm the one that created it? I realize now i'm in the wrong section.

Dolech some of what u said was helpful, but u mainly addressed what I already know. Violating BR rules and everything related to that. A5 suited hand.. I don't really see the value in shoving 260 there when i'm only going to get called dominated, and I still have to win a showdown pot to win anything at all. so its basically a freeroll for the guy left to act who could be holding premium. If I had to play it over again i'd probably just fold to the straddle because long term i'm losing anyway. idk its a tough spot i think. the all-in shove would have been a scary move. here's our stack sizes me(260), straddle(56), and SB(320). would anyone else agree with dolech that I should have just shoved all-in in this spot?

I do like your comment about chasing the last chips of the fish, as I often stay as long as the fish is willing to keep rebuying as long as i'm playing well and not tired or anything like that. case and point Hand X.. I felt like I had a huge advantage and it was only a matter of time before I had his chips. I just chalked that up to getting unlucky 1 time, but it seemed to compound my frustrations because I wanted to cashout with profit.
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-22-2011 , 09:40 PM
I meant to move this to psychology, probably the mod of this forum just hasn't noticed yet
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-22-2011 , 10:01 PM
thats okay. I misclicked the poll too.
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:58 AM

200 $ is not a BR for a 100 $ Bi game.

If you play with scared money or cant afford to lose, then dont play.

Also it sounds like you have some serious leaks in your game. Pushing with hands like 66 is never a good idea, especially not at a live table where every donk will call you off with all sorts of trash. Against 75 off, asuming you dont have any of his colours he will win it about 1/3. Agasint two overcards wich he can easely have your are about 50/50. and in case he wake ups with and overpair you are a 5/1 dog.

Also opening with A5 suites from UTG is meeeh.
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
04-28-2011 , 12:44 PM
I've already stated that I'm aware i'm violating BR rules. I started with 200 got to 580 and now back down to 300 after losing session. this is no where near a proper BR for the game i'm playing, but i'm not scared to play when I feel like I have a huge exp edge.

I'm sure I do have some leaks in my game.. but I actually think the 66 hand was one of the best hands I played all night. which is hard to understand without being in the situation and seeing the pattern of play at the table. I had a strong read on him, and I went with it taking an aggressive line... going to the flop as 65% favorite with him committed I can live with that.

A5 suited I got over zealous after opening thinking the straddle was weak, and then the sb decided to give protection. I should have just been more aware of the situation in regard to stack sizes and the player involved that was raising me out of the sb. It's just a really tough spot to push your whole stack of 300 pre with A5 suited on a feeling, maybe if I was properly BR'd maybe... but probably not still.
Tilt Management at B&M 2-2NL Quote
