Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
so I probably take few semesters off, take a job and play some serious poker.
take those semesters' off and statisically at least you wont go back.
imo Stay in school and play poker part time. Get that degree, stick it in your back pocket. [/I]n this day and age so many people have degrees, and while I think experience will trump qualifications long term, these days without a degree you wont even get a sniff. I think often poker seems like the easy way out; you are your own boss, "work" when you want have great freedom, and not have to work on assignments etc, but I think the reality is its not easy to make a living at poker, and who knows where you will want to be in 5 years? The guy in the first post said he doesnt need a degree to be an interpreter, but hes 25 and by 35 he may want to do something completely different. A degree gives you some options. If you drop out at 25 with 2 years to go and are not extremely rich and poker does not work out, you will definitely regret this move as the doors open to you will be few and far between. A degree gives you options, cant stress that enough, (not saying that is how it should be necceserily) but the more options you have in this world, the broader your horizions can possibly be. Gl for the future and invest in it well.