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Smoking pot is good for poker? Smoking pot is good for poker?

02-21-2012 , 01:30 AM
Live or online? I would argue that lower grade weed would be better. I imagine, But as already stated itt, everyone has different chemistry, so it will affect people differently.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-21-2012 , 07:55 AM
If I'm at a table full of loose passive players I'd rather be high. If I'm at a table full of aggressive players I'd rather not.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-22-2012 , 08:48 AM
Yes,Smoking pot is good for poker because it is good for the mind and can improve concentration and awareness...Its my own experience...

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Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-23-2012 , 05:20 PM
i love smoking weed but i have to admit its not good for anything
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by *****sob
i love smoking weed but i have to admit its not good for anything
Through my personal experience, it's the only thing I know that settles my anxiety. My life seems to be a vicious circle of feeling unwell / anxious, going to doctor, getting doctors drugs, getting sick from them, then returning back to weed use, then trying to quit everything, only to have myself return to feeling unwell / anxious.

While this is not the case for most, I can honestly say that if doctors insist that I be treated with drugs, I'll need to propose a medical exemption (I live in Canada) because there is nothing else that helps this much with such little side effects (especially in comparison to the SSRI's and other doctors drugs).

It doesn't make me play a better game though.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-25-2012 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by vektor
depends what kind of pot
Lol .true
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-25-2012 , 03:20 PM
Edit title: remove (for poker)
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
02-25-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by *****sob
i love smoking weed but i have to admit its not good for anything
You're doing it wrong.....Never go full degen (pot), and you'll only have positive reactions.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
03-01-2012 , 08:05 PM
Pot just makes you "think" you are better at poker.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
03-02-2012 , 01:01 PM
Snorting heroin makes me way better at poker.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
03-02-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
Drinking= mild to total intoxication
Smoking Dope= mild to total intoxication

Playing poker intoxicated = mild to severe total money death

So drink up and toke on (at my table) unless you are mean and nasty while intoxicated
I have to say these are just your opinions.

There are many people who can function at a high level (sometimes higher) after smoking pot. Believe me, there are A LOT of potheads that you won't want at your table. They'll be nice and polite, but your hourly significantly drops with them at the table.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
03-02-2012 , 08:03 PM
its only about how you feel, how good you play poker.
it doesnt matter if you are high or not.
the only thing that matters your state of mind at the time that you play.
you can be focused and high or tired and sober.
cannabis just acts in your brain, with some dopamin and serotonin and other neuortransmitters.
but that doesnt change your game in the first place.
if you have a bad day, weed wont help and being sober wont help either.
its just not your day, you are distracted or not in form.
but when people are high they might forget about things.
and then there is shortterm-variance and selective memory.
you get high on a bad day, run good and win, and directly tend to think,
weed makes every day a good day to grind.
lets be real, its about how we feel, that is what it depends on.
nothing else matters for making optimal decisions but how you feel in general (form)
and how good of a feeling you have for the hand that is played right now.

and when i say feeling, i mean feeling of how to combinate fold-equity,
odds and implied odds and such stuff, im not a feel-player, lol.
Smoking pot is good for poker? Quote
