Originally Posted by Minesony
i was watching a cardrunners video last night and raptor mentions that he has a "thing" where he basically drops a bunch a buy ins then wins it all back and makes a little more, he cant explain it but it seems to happen to him all the time. he continues to go on and say he is very fortunate because atleast he doesnt have it where he shoots up a bunch of buy ins then dropps a few and only gets to keep a small % of what he could have made if you quit while your ahead.
now obv if u are +EV in a game u probably shouldnt ever leave unless u get tired or something. but yeah, i can relate to this, i keep seeing a similair scenario except its **** for me. basically. i load up 6-8 tables of 6max and begin a session maybe 1-2 hours into the session ill be up a nice figure so i decide to check my account balance or tracker. this pretty much turns a doomswitch. i think in my head "sweet ive made all this monies, this is a good session, i should definately keep playing." this is basically gg 80% of wat i was up in the begining, then i basically end the session feeling very disatisfied with my performance.
now ive analysed my stats and looked and my HH's and nothing changes in my play. its just some dumb thing that happens and i cant explain it. it obviously doesnt happen everytime but it happens alot.
can anyone else relate or know any way they have fixed this?
i really just wanna hear other peoples thoughts on this scenario.
Funny, I'd say 80% of my cash game sessions go just like raptor said. I get stuck a few buy ins, then go on a tear, and make it all back, then some. My feeling on this situation, is that I have an aggressive style, and get in there right from jump and fire away....not recklessly......but I think sunconsciously, I'm testing the table, seeing what I can get away with, and see how my opponents react to my play. Some will gat mad and play back strong w/ marginal hands, others will cower under the heat and keep folding, and I more quickly put my "book" together on my opponents. This also gives the table the impresssion I'm a loose, "action" type of player, which sets up my big payoffs later in the session. It works for me. Glad to hear it's a similar phenomenon for a player like Raptor.