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Idea From Anthony Robbins Idea From Anthony Robbins

07-17-2008 , 11:49 PM
So if you have every followed any of Anthony Robbins writings he tells a story about how he was overweight at one point in his life. He said he CONDITIONED SUCCESS by pushing away a plate that was still half full of food then BLASTING his favorite music, move his body and start engaging in words or in the music! I did that today when I CASHED OUT of my table for a profit!!!!!!

I did my amazing, aggressive, a-game for 20 minutes then CASHED out for a nice profit of $36 and JUMP OUT OF MY CHAIR put on my IPOD and started to play BOSTON - IT'S MORE THAN A FEELING!

I am programming my self for success!! I appreciate the oppurtunity to share my story with you all!

Always in A-Game,

Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 01:06 AM
well done, gg
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:38 AM
BBV 4 life bump please, funny post, I hope it's a joke, but I'm not too certain.

Well Paris Hilton is ur Avatar, what's she been up to any\ways? She must not want to go back to the jails same as me.

Last edited by montanad12; 07-18-2008 at 02:39 AM. Reason: Paris hilton
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by montanad12
BBV 4 life bump please, funny post, I hope it's a joke, but I'm not too certain.

Well Paris Hilton is ur Avatar, what's she been up to any\ways? She must not want to go back to the jails same as me.
um, actually i'm serious
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 06:51 AM
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 08:36 AM
Two sessions is hardly enough of a sample size to say this is actually working. Let me know after about 500 sessions.
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 09:34 AM
Anthony Robbins is very good.
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 12:54 PM
I haven't seen Anthony Robbins' infomercial in a while. I guess being a motivational speaker isn't recession proof...
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-18-2008 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by montanad12
BBV 4 life bump please, funny post, I hope it's a joke, but I'm not too certain.

Well Paris Hilton is ur Avatar, what's she been up to any\ways? She must not want to go back to the jails same as me.
Tupac, you ARE Greatness! Beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeive in yourself!
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-19-2008 , 12:35 AM
I find Anthony Robbins to be a big fat phony. I think people who respond to this crap are weak-willed, the same sort who attend revivals and the like.
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-19-2008 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by sandsmarc
I find Anthony Robbins to be a big fat phony. I think people who respond to this crap are weak-willed, the same sort who attend revivals and the like.
"He that connot ask cannot live" - Old Proverb

Disappointment Disappointment can be very destructive emotion if you don't deal with it quickly. Disappointment is the devastating feeling of being "let down" or that you're going to miss out on something forever. Anything that makes you feel sad or defeated as a result of expecting more than you get is disappointing.

The Message: The message disappointment offers you is that an expectation you have had -- a goal you were really going for -- is probably not going to happen, so it's time to change your expectations to make them more appropriate for this situatino and take action to set and acheive a new goal immediatley. An that is the solution!

The most powerful antidote to the emotion of disapointment is cultivating an attitude of positive expectancy about what will happen in the future, regardless of what has occurred in the past.

The utlimate disapointment that we can experience is usually expressed as the emotion of .... ANY CLUES?
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-19-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by sandsmarc
I find Anthony Robbins to be a big fat phony. I think people who respond to this crap are weak-willed, the same sort who attend revivals and the like.
I find this to be true of most critics
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-19-2008 , 08:21 PM
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-20-2008 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by BigBuffet
People who buy this book are so smart, they have to be told twice on the cover it's a joke (3 times if you count the picture).

I think it's worth trying OP, though it will probably take a bit of time to show positive results.
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-20-2008 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Love2AceYou
The utlimate disapointment that we can experience is usually expressed as the emotion of .... ANY CLUES?
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-20-2008 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Love2AceYou
The utlimate disapointment that we can experience is usually expressed as the emotion of...ANY CLUES?
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-21-2008 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Love2AceYou
I did my amazing, aggressive, a-game for 20 minutes then CASHED out for a nice profit of $36 and JUMP OUT OF MY CHAIR put on my IPOD and started to play BOSTON - IT'S MORE THAN A FEELING!
hit & run imo.
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
07-21-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by xTBONEx
hit & run imo.

This, and probably a ratholer too.
Idea From Anthony Robbins Quote
