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How to get motivation back? How to get motivation back?

09-16-2011 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by DethroneRoyalty
Keep focusing on your mediocre, silly life following the rest of the herd thinking that you're "kicking life's ass". Just because you're being given the current benefits from your government doesn't mean that you couldn't be given more. It's like getting comps at a Casino, you can either get just a free buffet or get a room, limo and a dinner.

I don't want MORE from the government. The government doesn't owe me a living. The world doesn't owe me a living.

You're doing honorable work buddy. While your stupid government takes your money and spends it on unnecessary wars and weapon manufacturing to kill innocent people all around the world, you defend it. Keep "kicking life's ass" buddy while the smart ones all around you get rich and successful.

If you don't like how the government spends it's money, then vote for someone else. It really really really is that simple. All the information is available to you if you know how to look for it. If you don't like what you see, you have a voice and the means to change it. Accepting it as inevitable, and using it to justify your own failures in life is pathetic.

BTW, I love playing people like you at poker 'cause they always think that I beat them because I'm just a degenerate luckbox with nothing to do in life and not the fact that they themselves are stupid. LOL.

I dont' get your logic. How could degeneracy be perceived as "lucky"?

I won't be responding to this stupid thread anymore because I have a life to live.

Where was that life when you decided to respond to this outdated thread with a bunch of stoner hippie nonsense? Suddenly now that someone contradicted you, you have better things to do? I'll bet all the other sheep at your community college campus love the **** you preach. But for the rest of us, who actually DO have lives know you're just a phony.

So while you sit on your high horse and judge everyone around you, just enjoy all this attention that you never got in your life before and realize that your 15 minutes of fame were on a poker forum.

And what a glorious 15 minutes it was. I like to think that I'm improving lives here. my original response I did not once insult you, but you insulted me.

If you're insulted, it's probably because alot of my reads were spot-on. Still want to play poker with me?

That just goes to show how inadequate and weak you must be in life because you can't defend your point of view with simple intelligence and logic.

I think I mounted a fairly intelligent defense. It flies in the face of your ignorant uber-liberal philosophy, and this you choose to ignore it.

I bet if we were sitting in a bar and having this conversation, you'd ask me to step outside.Lol.

Can you even get into a bar?
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09-17-2011 , 02:35 AM
Holy ****, this **** has to stop. plz move to BBV cause this is where threads like this belong
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09-17-2011 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Killer Hare
Phychology used to be one of the most sensible sections of 2+2 forums, don't know what happened to it lately, but the level or responses is definetely downgrading...
NoLimitNinjaBri happened. Ignore function is your friend.
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09-20-2011 , 01:31 PM
so many haters on this!
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09-20-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by DBlanes
so many haters on this!
Admit it, you're glad I'm here.
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09-24-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
Admit it, you're glad I'm here.
Your not coming across as charming or intelligent, your coming across as a arrogant and juvenile.
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09-27-2011 , 11:51 PM
wondering if anyone has advice on how to revert/improve myself: i actually would rather read the 2p2 forums, play starcraft, read reddit for hours rather than do anything else except possibly watch tv shows.

i wasn't always like this, but it seems like since i found poker i've created this kind of routine lifestyle and have trouble breaking out of it.
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09-28-2011 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by skater3598

i wasn't always like this, but it seems like since i found poker i've created this kind of routine lifestyle and have trouble breaking out of it.
correct, ol poker specifically can take a toll on ones social life.
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09-30-2011 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
Admit it, you're glad I'm here.
You seem like a very happy person.

Now go to work with a big smile on your face, knowing you do your 'civic duty' you self-righteous douche.
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10-06-2011 , 12:23 AM

I like the cut of your jib, harsh as it may be. probably does need to be that harsh tho.
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10-06-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by rquest77

I like the cut of your jib, harsh as it may be. probably does need to be that harsh tho.
It really really does need to be that harsh.

If a grown man doesn't have the motivation to live out, in this case, the scummiest of lifestyles, then a harsh and severe wake-up call is definitely in order.

Mooching off of your girlfriend, and the government, because you simply don't want to get a job, is the definition of a low-life.

It would be different if:

1) He was actually trying to get a job
2) He was contributing to society in some way
3) He was critically injured and simply couldn't work
4) He paid into the unemployment system when he was making money
5) He claimed his poker winnings when filing for unemployment benefits
6) He wasn't such a selfish, whiny, entitled little pussy.
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10-07-2011 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Percy101
Claiming benefits whilst earning money from poker is really low.

It makes you a scrounger and a bum.

I don't know how it works across Europe but in the UK it is known as a jobseeker's allowance.

Are you looking for a job?

Also, there is a limit on how much money you can have before you claim benefits in the UK. I think it is something like £14k; you have any more than that and you cannot claim.

Is there something similar for where you live? If so, how big is your bankroll? Does the government know about it?

If you want motivation for playing, how about trying to earn enough so you no longer feel you have to scrounge off the government?

Having said that, if you are, it looks like you should be looking for a job anyway. So get yourself some crappy job filling shelves in a supermarket (or anything which doesn't require you use your brain, you will need it for grinding) until you are stable again, and let gettting the hell out of that crappy job be your motivation for playing.


How this guy can take social assistance to pay his expenses while telling someone else he "works just as hard as them" at his non bill paying poker "job" aka hobby. It's not your job if it isn't paying your bills.

It's simple: get a job that you hate enough to motivate you to play poker full time. It's not any more complicated than that.
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10-07-2011 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
Just so everyone doesn't think I'm a "self-righteous" idiot here. Let me share my perspective.

A few years ago, I was laid off from my job. Luckily for me though, while still working at that job, I was smart enough to stash away a few year's salary. I collected unemployment benefits, as was my right as a TAXPAYING, JOB-SEEKING citizen. The benefits I received amounted to about 1/3 of my previous income, and I used my savings to bridge the gap.

I was out of work for a little over a year. That's a long time. I used that time to finish my Masters Degree. Also, as part of the financial sacrifice, we took our kids out of daycare. So I kept three kids home with me. I enrolled them in sports and other activities and dedicated most of my day to enriching their lives.

I also got myself into incredible physical shape, made several major home improvements, and managed to get out and play poker two or three times per month.

Oh yeah, and I actively looked for a job.

So to recap. When I was not working and collecting benefits, I used that time to:
1) Improve my personal physical health
2) Improve the quality of my home
3) Enriched the lives of the people I love
4) Earned an advanced degree.

OP - What the **** did you do today?

While I agree he shouldn't be leeching off the gov't until poker somehow kicks in for himself, you just seem to be bragging about what an excellent superhuman you are. superdad, superstud muscles, super smart, and super ambitious. not to mention you saved several years of savings up. you're my new hero
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10-08-2011 , 06:42 AM
Mods, I am disgusted by what I have read in this thread and I and many others believe that you should have stepped in a long time ago and put a stop to this. Shame on you too.

What makes it even more worse is that this is the psychology section!

There is at least one poster who should be banned from 2+2 and I would strongly advice that he should go and seek the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist for his mental health issues. Maybe get some government provided anger management counselling would be in order!
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10-08-2011 , 12:23 PM
Jus callin' 'em likes I sees 'em
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10-08-2011 , 06:53 PM
Yeah he definitely has some rage issues to deal with. If he is literally fuming in real life because he reads a story, that's a real problem. The sorry fact is, there are always going to be sorry losers who take advantage of social programs at the expense of the rest of us. Some will have more kids to get more welfare, or will get laid off at a seasonal job and work a cash job under the table while getting unemployment cheques. It's shady, and while I agree it's wrong, it's up to the people around them to speak out and say something about it.

Ninja, I'd suggest starting with Anger Management for Dummies. It helped me, alot. I hope it can do the same for you.
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10-09-2011 , 09:50 AM
YOu make it sounds like I read this story, then got in my car, drove 90 mph while cutting off traffic, flipping middle-fingers until I got home and then beat my wife senseless in between fits of throwing chairs.

I don't need anger management. And I don't have rage issues.

I'm passionate about my beliefs, and one of those beliefs is a capitalistic system where the smartest and most dedicated workers reap the most rewards. This kind of system is accepted, at some basic level, in every advanced civilization, so it's not debateable.

So I get super-pissed when someone comes along and chokes that system, and the wealth earned by the smartest and hardest working has to be redistributed. I'm not a monster, I understand that there are people who ran bad in life, have disabilities, or circumstances where the need to rely on certain programs. It's fine, and I've even done it myself.

However, in this case, the OP is exploiting the system. He's not only taking money from me, he's taking it from people who REALLY need it.

If that doesn't piss you off, then there is something wrong with you.
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10-09-2011 , 02:05 PM
Well you're the smartest hard worker here, why don't you figure out how to stop guys like him from milking the system, instead of just being a whiner about it? If you aren't here to offer a solution, you're clearly not doing anything but complaining aimlessly.

And as far as your rage, you just rationalized your behavior by comparing it to something more extreme. Also, you said earlier you had enough savings to last several years, why would you have ever needed to take advantage of social programs? Like you said, it's for those who need them right?
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10-10-2011 , 04:59 AM
NoLimit- whether there are remnants of truth within the rants you are posting on here, you have pretty much derailed this guy's thread with your anger issues and yes you have them. You pretty much turned this guy's thread in a whole different direction and made it about you. WP
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10-10-2011 , 12:42 PM
ninjabri: your beliefs are not well grounded and they lead you to hate people you don't know. congrats.
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10-17-2011 , 12:23 PM
angry old man itt
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