Originally Posted by CCash14
I have been playing for about 3 years now and just started grinding about 6 months ago starting with a 500 br. I built it up to around 13k before I hit a big tourney for 8k, and at one point got my roll up to 24k. I took a shot at 5/10, took a bad beat, and lost 2k of it very quickly. I knew I was underolled but I was trying to make a move. From that point on, I have found myself chasing money to get back to the 24k and the harder I try, the more I lose. I ended up back down to about 18k, and started grinding at 1/2, and never ran so horrible in my life. I probably lost about 4 buy ins, and monkey tilted 6 more. This has had a tremendous impact on my game and the way I approach. I am definitely not playing on top of my game right now and I went from 24k to 16k. Any suggestions for gaining confidence back and getting back on track? Likewise, is there anyone else who has had a similar downswing so I can feel a little bit better about my monkey tilting and horrible br management? thanks
Concatenate all of the poker sessions you have played, are playing and will play in your mind into one big session. In this session you are no longer short term results orientated - you are still early into the session (since it's lifelong) and are focusing on playing a solid, winning game. Don't have odds to peel the flop? Fold - The situation will come up many more times this session. Don't have a good enough hand to raise the lagtag blinds? Fold - you will get a hand later on in this session and their playstyle will pay you off.
Case in point - It is far better to be long term then short term results orientated and in doing so you will play better and can avoid being so focussed on your bankroll figure but instead on your quality of play.