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Do i need a pokerbreak ? Do i need a pokerbreak ?

01-06-2008 , 02:41 AM
when im playing nowdays im getting very easily tilted and really frustraded at the tables. and im writing things in the chat etc...

My game isnt the best right now and after loosing some buyins this month everytime i play im like ultratilt and getting angry at everythink, wasnt like this before.. everything feels rigged and im complaining about everything..

Is this a sign to take a pokerbreak some days and start over maybe at a new site and playing at lower stakes?

have u feelt the same im doing ? Do u take a break or just grinding on and on ?

How long should the break be...

I wanna play, and i love the game and what it brings. but everytime i sit down im just and angry tilting bad player..

Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
01-06-2008 , 04:09 AM
Yes, you need a break.

Start with a day, then play at a lower level.

If that doesn't work, take two days. Never play at a level you don't have an adequate bankroll for. Move down as necessary to keep an adequate bankroll for your limit.

If you start to feel frustrated or angry, then take another day off.

If you lose a buy-in your only response should be to click "rebuy." Maybe a single, "[censored]," but that's about it. You should be able to immediately rebuy and keep grinding. You should not play at a level where you get angry or frustrated by a loss. Losses are a natural part of the game.

Also, make sure you have statistical tracking software to analyze your play to make sure you aren't just playing badly.
Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
01-06-2008 , 04:40 AM
You might consider taking some time off to think about why those things bother you? Is it the money? Your competitive nature?
Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
01-09-2008 , 02:05 AM
Absolutely! Take some time off. I took a few months off once and it did wonders.
Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
01-09-2008 , 05:52 AM
i agree taking a day or two off is fine and even necessary sometimes. i also agree moving down for a little while can be good, as well as playing something other than your normal game (probably best at less than significant stakes)

also cutting down on tables for a little while can be good
Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
01-09-2008 , 09:51 AM
Great advice above.

Yeah, we've all been there at least once in our poker careers and it sounds like you need a break.

Recently I had a few bad beats, ran bad, tilted, played bad and ending up losing quite a few buy-ins in one session. In my next few sessions, my game was different. I wasn't relaxed, was playing scared and was too results oriented, checking my balance during the session and getting frustrated when it went down after just calling a raise and not hitting a flop etc, lol.

It was getting silly and I realised I was still sub-consciously tilting. I took about a week off and came back feeling fine and playing my usual solid game.

Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:53 AM
Pokerbreaks are normal, good and healthy.

Whenever i have one, i tend to do nothing for a while (usually a couple of days), then think about what i need to improve my game, then pick up the corresponding 2+2 book, and then read that puppy again.

Apply what i have learnt,

Rinse, repeat

ps- best game fixer books -sshe, the psychology of poker, nltap, and hoh 1,2 and the sunny mehta book
Do i need a pokerbreak ? Quote
