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Dealing with the mouthy nit Dealing with the mouthy nit

06-11-2008 , 09:45 PM
Im sure everyone has this problem but im yet to land on a solution. You are sitting in a great fishy game with lots of profit. Suddenly some nit starts berating someone else about a bad play and basically starts coaching the table, even talking through hands.

The table starts nitting up more and more and you can feel your profits dwindling. How to tell the nit to shut the **** up in a subtle way and get the table to the state it was before.

This has become such a problem in my casino that ive gone to the extent of taking some regulars aside after the game and talking to them about it, but although they agree at the time they are back to their old habits the next day. Does anyone have a solution?
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-11-2008 , 10:28 PM
you could just say in a friendly way at the table "do you like coaching the table ??" I feel you can get your point across without giving away completely that your there for the loose cash.

or just be an ass and start talking smack like he dosent know how to play. then bully him in a few pots and say he folded the best hand and thats a bad play. if u can bluff a nit (already a +ev play in alot of spots) in a decent pot, you can beat it into the ground by saying it every 5 minutes just to piss him off. then if he reacts poorly (like emmotionally or vocally) then the table will probably respect his ideas less.

truth is that people dont play poker for the same reasons. if your douchebag isnt there for money but just wants to be social then your not getting him to stop. some people just want to look smarter than others infront of a crowd (even if its obviously not true)
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-12-2008 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Ano
Im sure everyone has this problem but im yet to land on a solution. You are sitting in a great fishy game with lots of profit. Suddenly some nit starts berating someone else about a bad play and basically starts coaching the table, even talking through hands.

The table starts nitting up more and more and you can feel your profits dwindling. How to tell the nit to shut the **** up in a subtle way and get the table to the state it was before.

This has become such a problem in my casino that ive gone to the extent of taking some regulars aside after the game and talking to them about it, but although they agree at the time they are back to their old habits the next day. Does anyone have a solution?
If someone's talking during a hand in progress, the dealer should be saying something. No one should be discussing a hand in progress in anyway.

If the players are just holding poker classes between hands, I think you've got a problem.

Wish I had an answer.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-12-2008 , 03:33 AM
There's an unwritten rule in all casinos... Just take him to the parking lot.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-12-2008 , 12:03 PM
It depends on how inclined to shame the nit is. If you just hit him with an icy retort like "I don't think anyone came here for your poker lessons" he might clam up. If he's more stubborn, you might have to engage in prolonged verbal warfare. Just loudly disagree with everything he says regardless of the validity, needle his playing style (e.g. "It must be so boring to play that tight, do you have any fun at all?") and try to get his attention only on you. You will look the fun gambler, even if you aren't, and he'll look like the killjoy.

If you get some other players on your side, the nit will probably shut up. Granted, it'll take a thick skin on your part; but getting the nit into silly personal debates and away from tapping the fish bowl with strategy lessons is generally +EV.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-12-2008 , 01:32 PM
just ignore. dont even read or respond. his annoying chat is designed to put you on tilt. let him keep talking. he's not going to be playing 100% profitably and you will stack him.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-12-2008 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Outdraw Picasso
just ignore. dont even read or respond. his annoying chat is designed to put you on tilt. let him keep talking. he's not going to be playing 100% profitably and you will stack him.
This is live play.

But other than that: I agree, ignore.

You cannot prevent him giving poker lessons except during a hand. All you (OP) can do is pay attention to who is listening. Unless, of course, you wish to physically threaten the coach but that is high risk strategy- leaving aside the morality of it.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:23 PM
How do you avoid being the mouthy nit?
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
How do you avoid being the mouthy nit?
you grow up
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:52 PM
wouldn't it make sense that the "mouthy nit" aspects are the result of some sort of personality deficiancies or disorders, and not because of age?

There are no old mouthy nits?
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-15-2008 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
How do you avoid being the mouthy nit?
By reminding yourself that you are either educating the Fish in which case it is costing you money or they are not listening in which case you are wasting your breath. If your ego really needs stroking, show them your 12 inch manhood. That would impress them.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-15-2008 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
wouldn't it make sense that the "mouthy nit" aspects are the result of some sort of personality deficiancies or disorders, and not because of age?

There are no old mouthy nits?
most people acquire the social skills needed to not be a total dick when theyre kids. how do these types people get into their 20s/30s thinking that their behavior is either acceptable or appreciated?

the point im trying to get across is that no one is born inherently charismatic. they learn how to do it as they grow up and experience the world. to be at a poker table telling everyone how awful they are shows a huge lack of confidence and maturity.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-16-2008 , 03:27 PM
Go to another table
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-17-2008 , 02:11 AM
Make fun of their nitty play and how bad it is until they go on tilt.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-17-2008 , 08:26 PM
I have this problem occassionally as well. The best solution (I found) was to simply make a remark to the player like, "hey Ace, I thought lessons were only on Mondays? What's up?" Of course, you say it in a friendly manner that doesn't come off as condescending. It embarrasses him and others laughing won't take him seriously any longer. He might even play tighter as a result.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-21-2008 , 09:56 PM
"where can i buy your book?"

"what days are lessons on?"

and my favorite:

"man, such an honor for a seasoned pro like you to drop down to our game"
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-22-2008 , 05:07 AM
Tell him "good fold" every time he folds to a bet or raise, preferably yours. Tell him "nice call" every time he makes a crying call when he is obviously beat. Repeat until he is sure that you are mocking him.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
06-22-2008 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by 38special
"where can i buy your book?"

"man, such an honor for a seasoned pro like you to drop down to our game"
Originally Posted by PokrLikeItsProse
Tell him "good fold" every time he folds to a bet or raise, preferably yours. Tell him "nice call" every time he makes a crying call when he is obviously beat. Repeat until he is sure that you are mocking him.
Dealing with the mouthy nit Quote
