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Safe bankroll amount Safe bankroll amount

03-20-2022 , 10:49 PM
What is the highest bankroll amount you would consider leaving on GP - or any site for that matter?

If your average SNG/MTT was $11

If you played .50/$1 NL

Does anyone that you know of keep 10k on there? 25k or more?

I obviously don't run anywhere in those circles.
03-20-2022 , 11:40 PM
If you play 100NL I don't see the point in having >$2k online unless you scope out soft 500NL games to shot take from time to time.
03-21-2022 , 09:45 AM
This question is hard to answer generally because it's a bit tied to your net worth and how much losing it would affect your daily life. For a college kid $5,000 is the world but for LeBron it's basically funny money.

As far as Global goes I feel that my money is safe. The only thing that bothers me is the rule about losing your balance after 90 days of inactivity but at this point I log in daily for the bonuses anyway. But the money I have on Global is <1% of my net worth.
03-21-2022 , 10:30 AM
Well let's make it a multi-part question. I realize I could get answers in another section of 2P2 but I enjoy hearing GP player's opinions since that's where I play most of the time. Also been pondering some general bankroll management ideas lately so all I am seeking are general answers nothing super specific or personalized, unless someone wants to share their own story.

1. How many BIs would you keep on GP for SNGs/MTTs? If you have a max BI of $11 would 50x be about right? ($550) Would 25x be enough?

2. Is 20x BIs enough for cash, as the first reply suggested? I realize having more in reserve (i.e. a day job) or your personal wealth affects this answer.

3. And finally, yes, what is the amount at which one becomes uncomfortable leaving on any site? There was lots of shadiness pre-Black Friday and definitely a lot of trepidation since then. Younger players may not even understand the reference but anyone who logged in on 4/15/11 gets what I'm saying.

FTR I've been played about 8k games and probably a million hands on GP (mostly micro stakes) on GP since the beginning (2017?) and have had no issues whatsoever to this point.
03-21-2022 , 10:06 PM
I don’t see a benefit to leaving a large amount of money in your account. It is one of the easier sites to deposit and withdraw from once your account is verified.
03-21-2022 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by threebanger
Well let's make it a multi-part question. I realize I could get answers in another section of 2P2 but I enjoy hearing GP player's opinions since that's where I play most of the time. Also been pondering some general bankroll management ideas lately so all I am seeking are general answers nothing super specific or personalized, unless someone wants to share their own story.

1. How many BIs would you keep on GP for SNGs/MTTs? If you have a max BI of $11 would 50x be about right? ($550) Would 25x be enough?

2. Is 20x BIs enough for cash, as the first reply suggested? I realize having more in reserve (i.e. a day job) or your personal wealth affects this answer.

3. And finally, yes, what is the amount at which one becomes uncomfortable leaving on any site? There was lots of shadiness pre-Black Friday and definitely a lot of trepidation since then. Younger players may not even understand the reference but anyone who logged in on 4/15/11 gets what I'm saying.

FTR I've been played about 8k games and probably a million hands on GP (mostly micro stakes) on GP since the beginning (2017?) and have had no issues whatsoever to this point.
Fwiw I am fully confident in leaving a wad of cash on Global, but as a rule would advise anyone to make sure a large portion of their net worth isn't on a poker site.

1. 50bi seems fine, depends what your win rate is though. Overall this depends on how obsessive you are about keeping your bankroll separate from your bank account, some people have OCD about this and some people don't. If you can easily reload if you go on a downer then the answer to all these questions is "who cares." If it would sting to go on as big or larger of a downswing than you ever have and have to redeposit then having 50-75+ buyins for SNG's and 40 for cash probably. But again if you're losing that many buyins on Global it's no longer a bankroll issue.

2. If you lose 20 BI at $100NL on Global your concern should be acquiring coaching rather than how much to leave on the site (half kidding.)

3. Think this depends on your temperature. I remember back in the day on 2p2 some SNG regs I knew would keep $15k online with an ABI of $20 and it made no sense to me. Sure enough a handful of those guys were either hacked or went and punted it off playing high stakes while drunk. So maybe the answer is the amount you keep online should be the amount that doesn't make you want to stab yourself in the eye when you wake up hungover and realize what you've done.
