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Global poker variance Global poker variance

06-01-2023 , 07:07 PM
I'm assuming ChatGTP has learned how to write convincing riggie troll posts. No way this is real.
06-01-2023 , 08:57 PM
if for instance a whole block of regs and fish that have a styles that loses long term v anyone good where do we draw the line when they constantly overachieve in situations. most of these regs are gonna get shredded in bigger cashgames during wsop time.
06-01-2023 , 11:40 PM
I've been 2 outered 6 times today. I believe I'm 1/12 all in also. I really want to play on this site and continue but this has been an unreal stretch. It's like this every other day. I get one "normal" day where I hold up and then one where I get killed for 5+ buyins. Again, I've played millions of hands on other sites and live total but never ever have seen things like this in a short span. Just don't know what to do at this point other than not play here? It's really frustrating but yeah, every river is an insane beat all in.
06-01-2023 , 11:43 PM
I'm sure I could share my screen name on Global and the other regs would know I'm a Top 2 player at every table I've been at. Wonder if they're witnessing the beats and taking the same beats I do. Doesn't appear so.
06-02-2023 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by acescracked84
I'm sure I could share my screen name on Global and the other regs would know I'm a Top 2 player at every table I've been at. Wonder if they're witnessing the beats and taking the same beats I do. Doesn't appear so.
oh yeah? just top 2 of every table? damn, why not say youre the best there ever was at every table, whats your screenname? pm me if its private
06-02-2023 , 08:55 AM
It doesn't matter if you are the best player on your table at Global, unless you are playing at high stakes where they know most players are community figures or pros and will be very very likely to track their hands. Even then, it could simply be variance that I haven't seen. They give a certain percentage of players regular odds and make them winners long term so they do end up having people vouching for them on forums. This is the same way every scam company online works. A scam company on amazon selling refurbished computers as new, will still probably give 70-80% of people a new computer, so they retain high reviews and continue to grow. The other 20% will receive some refurbished crap or a new computer with some of its hardware swapped out.

This is pretty common stuff. If even a fairly amount, say 20% of players having to deposit 300% more is a 60% increase in site profit. If you were an online gambling company, you'd do the same exact thing. It's just like drug dealers giving guys who buy smaller amounts a couple less grams because the chance of them using a scale is very low. It adds up hugely.

If you ever have the free time (which obviously these guys with 7,000 posts do) with your morning coffee or home workout, load up a low stakes table and a high stakes table on Global. Come back every hour or so and scroll through the hand history. You will see a list of insane runouts and odd dominations and split pots on the low stakes table at a frequency of around 10x higher than the high stakes table.

The only thing you can really do on Global to extend the time before the deposit is limp trap vs fish (because the site will never give them a hand when you have one preflop so they fold) or hope they get AJo or a medium pair and allin on an obvious AK/AQ flop allin. Once you reach 5-6x your deposit and they hand you a cold deck you will get punished for raising pretty much anything. And yes, you might technically 'win' the right amount of hands as they legally have to provide 'sweepstakes' odds. But winning 20 cents with TT and then losing 20 dollars with AA a few hands later obviously has a different effect on depositing.

But again, none of these tactics matter because once you receive a doomswitch you will just be sitting there losing. Next time I run up 6x my buyin, I'm going to immediately quit and go back on ACR or Ignition and do the same. Guarantee I come back one month later and still receive the end pattern of the algorithm.

*Drooling with crooked neck and lazy eyes* "Do you really think an unregulated gambling site would want to make an additional 60-100% profits by running an extremely hard to track algorithm on a percentage of the player base that they can't be legally prosecuted for? Are you really dumb enough to think they'd take double profits!

"Are you really dumb enough to think that a site that pays Indian review spam companies to post fake reviews"

Btw, two hands that immediately happened WHILE I was writing this up. Pocket Queens, two maniac fish call the flop bet, Flop Ace King Jack. They immediately start raising. One has QTo and the other one had Ace King. This was a fairly easy dodge. Immediately next hand. I flopped two pair A8 and knew something was wrong. I'm losing every hand for 8 hours and magically I'm supposed to win this one? No. Turn comes 10. I minraise and he calls. He river bets a value bet and I Call. ACE TEN!!!! ACE TEN!!! And another guy in chat said "I had the other Ace". So I got 1 outered (4% chance turn + river) multiplied by a three outter (18%). Less than a 1% chance of this hand happening!!!!

Closing out on here.... Very next hand I get AKo and flop Ace King vs the fish. I can actually smell that he has a low Ace Pair. Fish protection, though. They laid down three running suited cards so he could make the easy fold. I fail to believe I have the worst luck in the trillionths of a single percentage.

They are giving me the exact amount of hands to basically be up 1 buyin and keep playing, while dodging multiple ultra coolers.
06-02-2023 , 11:55 AM
HOLY **** GUYS! They finally got me! I won a couple mid sized hands so I thought 'wow maybe the algorithm is done'. I flop a nuts straight. I play it perfectly, getting it all in on the turn. Board pairs, guy has the set into boat for 2x buyins. Other guy said he laid down two jacks so that means the jack that came on the river for a pair was a ONE OUTTER FULL HOUSE!!!!

I'm now down to one full stack. But seriously incredible how carnival poker works. If you flop the nuts. Just accept that this means you lost the hand most likely. Hands you cannot get away from rivered every single time until you're forced to deposit.

The most obvious thing about it is, the guy got to the table and within 2 hands he rivers a full house in a full stack hand.

There is absolutely no argument anymore for this sites credibility. Two new players on the site today, each with 6x buyin stacks at a low stakes table, 'magically'. And one of them 1 outter full houses me on a river for 1.5x buyins. Yes, I truly believe the chances on that. LOL. The fact the site would give him that hand, give me the flopped straight, and river a 1 outter is basically a one in several millions type situation. The chance of flopped a set

Chance of flopping a set = 1.3% chance. So this is already a 1 in 100 scenario right there. Then we multiply that by the chance of flopping a set. ~11%. A one in one thousand scenario where it's impossible for anyone in my position to fold. Then, we multiple 0.1% by the chance to hit a 1 outter on the river (Jacks pairing). 2% chance.

This hand had a 0.0002% chance of occuring, and magically happened when the new fish came to the table while I'm in the losing algorithm state. This fish is raising ANYTHING as well. He's completely new to the site (or a housebot). And he's sucking out on the turn and river every single time. He's at 10 buyins now. I have him tagged because when I joined the table I saw him lose one hand where he called an allin with J9o. JACK NINE OFFSUIT ALLINS. Hilarious rigged site.

I did a literally breathtaking grind of patience to grind back up to 4 buyins. After losing that ultra 0.0002% cooler, I rage called a few hands and lost around 1/4th of a buyin. So now I'm back at 1 full buyin. Oddly the perfect amount to keep grinding and giving them rake. Interesting.

By the way, not a single set of facecards now in a hand on Global in over 14 hours of gameplay. I've had to make some plays that would make Phil Ivey look like a first timer. Incredibly proud of myself here. When the system has to use 0.0002% hands, basically similar odds to a royal flush, to constantly take my stacks, when I've played the hand the perfect way, it's no longer in my court. Hilarious, though. Like just look at what I'm typing "I should've flopped the nut straight on the flop on a dry board".

The worst part is, I had just finished a long workout so I was a little bit tired. I still played the hand how anyone would have, but if I was fully fresh I would've just folded at the flop. Then again, you shouldn't have to fold hands that have 2% chances of being rivered and have the river hit in 80% of the high pot situations. Full blown scam.

Last edited by IsleofScamm; 06-02-2023 at 12:04 PM.
06-02-2023 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by IsleofScamm
HOLY **** GUYS! They finally got me! I won a couple mid sized hands so I thought 'wow maybe the algorithm is done'. I flop a nuts straight. I play it perfectly, getting it all in on the turn. Board pairs, guy has the set into boat for 2x buyins. Other guy said he laid down two jacks so that means the jack that came on the river for a pair was a ONE OUTTER FULL HOUSE!!!!

I'm now down to one full stack. But seriously incredible how carnival poker works. If you flop the nuts. Just accept that this means you lost the hand most likely. Hands you cannot get away from rivered every single time until you're forced to deposit.

The most obvious thing about it is, the guy got to the table and within 2 hands he rivers a full house in a full stack hand.

There is absolutely no argument anymore for this sites credibility. Two new players on the site today, each with 6x buyin stacks at a low stakes table, 'magically'. And one of them 1 outter full houses me on a river for 1.5x buyins. Yes, I truly believe the chances on that. LOL. The fact the site would give him that hand, give me the flopped straight, and river a 1 outter is basically a one in several millions type situation. The chance of flopped a set

Chance of flopping a set = 1.3% chance. So this is already a 1 in 100 scenario right there. Then we multiply that by the chance of flopping a set. ~11%. A one in one thousand scenario where it's impossible for anyone in my position to fold. Then, we multiple 0.1% by the chance to hit a 1 outter on the river (Jacks pairing). 2% chance.

This hand had a 0.0002% chance of occuring, and magically happened when the new fish came to the table while I'm in the losing algorithm state. This fish is raising ANYTHING as well. He's completely new to the site (or a housebot). And he's sucking out on the turn and river every single time. He's at 10 buyins now. I have him tagged because when I joined the table I saw him lose one hand where he called an allin with J9o. JACK NINE OFFSUIT ALLINS. Hilarious rigged site.

I did a literally breathtaking grind of patience to grind back up to 4 buyins. After losing that ultra 0.0002% cooler, I rage called a few hands and lost around 1/4th of a buyin. So now I'm back at 1 full buyin. Oddly the perfect amount to keep grinding and giving them rake. Interesting.

By the way, not a single set of facecards now in a hand on Global in over 14 hours of gameplay. I've had to make some plays that would make Phil Ivey look like a first timer. Incredibly proud of myself here. When the system has to use 0.0002% hands, basically similar odds to a royal flush, to constantly take my stacks, when I've played the hand the perfect way, it's no longer in my court. Hilarious, though. Like just look at what I'm typing "I should've flopped the nut straight on the flop on a dry board".

The worst part is, I had just finished a long workout so I was a little bit tired. I still played the hand how anyone would have, but if I was fully fresh I would've just folded at the flop. Then again, you shouldn't have to fold hands that have 2% chances of being rivered and have the river hit in 80% of the high pot situations. Full blown scam.

hey bro since im such an avid reader of your top tier posts, can you bless me with your global screenname? maybe we can play cash games together, i promise im not a rigged account and you might even be able to beat me in the cash game streets.
06-02-2023 , 06:18 PM
The fish protection is insane on Global. I actually never fully realized it until I started logging my hand data like you've seen listed on here.

Two megasaves from the site towards fish in my past 2 big hands. I flop two pair but it' 52s on a 235 board consecutive so I can't just go allin on the flop, I'll only be called by a set or a straight. He raises, I reraise double, he checks. All is great until the card hits.. The ****ing 4 drops! So if he has an Ace/7 or a set I just lose my stack, or if a flushdraw hits or my 2 pair gets counterfeited. I'm not a fish, so I'm forced to check turn and river and he ends up having a flush draw that I couldn't bust him on. Nothing I could do but watch the only half decent hand I got in 4 hours go up in smoke.

Second ultracooler is my AK flop with 3 of a kind Aces. Board goes 2 suited AT3. Board ends up going 4 suited with a full broadway setup if he's holding KQ but also any flush and based on my raise and his call he's holding it. He ultraraises the river and I fold, he shows his cards... KQs for the nut flush.

Amount of times Ive lost with AK and AQ this session, 16 of 16 times in a row
Amount of times I've missed a set with a pocket pair on flop: 46 out of 46 times in a row
Amount of times a facecard the opponent has has hit on the river during a midpot level hand: 24 out of 26 times.

I've somehow managed to edge play after play and bluffing on the right boards to get my buyin up to around 4 buyins.

is now extremely apparent why they block and delete hand history stats. If even someone with brain damage looked at their stats and saw "wow I'm losing all my profits with the best hands and only winning when in the big blind calling with trash hands, they'd quit Global so fast. This should really be illegal. Holy cow! I was right all along!

This **** needs to be illegal.

Last edited by IsleofScamm; 06-02-2023 at 06:30 PM.
06-02-2023 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by IsleofScamm
HOLY **** GUYS! They finally got me! .
No face cards in how many hours you claim?

Maybe you should record those sessions as "proof"...

That said, im willing to play you on there HUs SnG, ring, whatever...

If you dont want yo share your screen name, pm me when you are playing if you want.
06-03-2023 , 09:51 AM
These guys want me to dox my username on Global so in addition to fighting the algorithm I can have people who probably collude or rage-hunt players circling me. I think you are smart enough to know the obvious answer to that.

The funny news is despite not winning a single showdown or receiving a single facecard vs facecard premium situation I can dominate a fish or even reg with in the past 3 days of playing, I'm back up to almost 8 buyins. But that's the thing... I haven't actually won any real hands.

Every single major hand I've won has been table selection where a maniac donkey fish or calling station can't help but call/bluff on an obvious board within my range that would be quite obvious I have something based on my table image. So basically what's actually happening is the site is using me as a vessel when the fishes algorithm.

I have noticed a couple patterns but just like the other people who shill on the forums since they figured out the pattern, not going to comment on these patterns because I don't want other players abusing it. This site is freaking dirty. I have an odd feeling when I cash out this time my account is going to be banned.

Just a heads up. After grinding and table selecting my way back to these 7 buyins, I've magically become card dead and missing every single flop. Zero face cards, always slightly dominated out of position. Always hitting bottom pair on the board trying to bait me to call.

Two notable showdowns since getting right around 5-8 buyins.

1. AQo vs KJs. Flop 2 kings. I rarely will call an allin with AQo but the guy had 1/6th of a stack and I figured 'screw it, gamble'. Flop two kings. Most likely a 1 outter too, since someone other raised and folded who probably had KJ or KTs. One outtered again (most likely)

2. QQ vs A2o. Same guy that just sucked out on me. Fish protection guys. Flop comes Q3T. You already know the rest. Turn 5. River.... THREE!! STRAIGHT CITY. Runner runner twice in a row.

A few notable hands that happened while I typed this up (I'm playing right now)

4 Monotoned flops in a row. Chance of this happening is 5% x 5% x 5% x 5%. LOL. Actually now it's 5. You can't make this stuff up. So 5x5x5x5x5%. This is a 0.00003125% chance of happening. But it magically happens on Global to prevent me from abusing fish so they have an easy way to know to fold.

Immediately after this happens today, the maniac who has been allin raising with 87o and 54o and sucking out goes allin on the flop. I know for a fact he doesn't have it. Ace King vs my jacks. You know the rest. Full buyin gone. Magically he gets AK while I get my first premium hand in 24 hours and he ends up rivering the Ace.

Keep in mind, this is the 18th showdown I have lost in a row. Even the odds of losing 18 showdowns with 32o is basically impossible. I'm back down to 5 buyins after this, but it's just insane what these sites do. If you see a maniac going allin, you basically need to fold Aces. You only know you can win on Global once you've seen the flop.

Even other people at the table were typing in chat. "I can't believe that just happened, I had one of the other Aces".

At this point, it's irrefutable to claim this is variance. It's the EXACT SAME PATTERN every single time. They want you to be a rake slave who sits there and they will let you win pots slowly if you play slowly, keeping players at the table and creating action. The most detrimental thing to an online poker site is a shark dominating a fishes range and reraising allinning them over and over. Fish loses 5 dominated allins in a row plus maybe one cooler, they leave forever and go to a different site. It's in their best interest to do this. You can literally feel it when they do it to you, too.

Oh wow, As I finished typing this I received another Monotone flop in a row. That's 6 in a row. This isn't variance. This is rigged carnival poker designed to protect depositing fishes from targeting sharks. I'd do the same exact thing if I was a poker company. It's like at gradeschool where the kid who shares his awesome rich mom lunch is a full blown loser but the kids let him sit anyways because he shares his food. You don't allow people to bully the nerd who is emptying his pockets so to speak.

Again, this should be completely illegal but it's half hilarious.
06-03-2023 , 10:10 AM
By the way, if you guys see a player named HaplessTiki, relatively certain he is a housebot or admin player. I've seen him get Aces vs a dominated hand like 15 times. A fish came in and got his 3 buyin double up and then runs his Queens into Hapless's Aces. I have never seen him at a table with anything less than 3 full buyins and he will have Aces every 2-3 hands.

So they just hand this house player a 3 buyin hand, while the guy who has been playing literally picture perfect poker for the last 3 days online gets rewarded a negative buyin.
As if the site couldn't get more rigged.

The people in charge of this scam should be imprisoned and tortured until they beg for their lives to be taken, and then they should be put on an IV and nursed back to health to continue to torture.

You cannot win on this site no matter how you play long term. They give you just enough wins so you can't profit, and delete your hand history and stats so average players don't add up the facts they lose all their money with good hands. Biggest scam ever.

Edit: Oh wow guys. I'm ready to eat my words. I just won a 4 bb hand with J2s. You know, one 75th of the pot they gave the house player... but yeah I was 'so wrong'. LOL. What a clown site. And btw, I received this hand vs an ultra short stack so I couldn't make a penny.
06-03-2023 , 10:15 AM
I flop two pair but it' 52s on a 235 board consecutive so I can't just go allin on the flop

I hate it when my 52 gets cracked.
06-03-2023 , 10:25 AM

You absolutely cannot make this stuff up. Illegal site with a forum full of shills

I've never seen this reg talk before during the 1 year I've seen him on the site. Completely rigged.
06-03-2023 , 11:55 AM
IsleofScamm I know you will never read a response again, as you have repeatedly stated. I will still put it out there though. I would pay good money to watch you playing poker and talking through hands on stream. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but please start a Twitch Channel immediately. I think it would be a valuable service you would be providing to the poker community by documenting what is really going on at Global Poker.
06-03-2023 , 04:24 PM
Back down to 3 buyins after receiving a set of ultra coolers. Kings cracked 5x in a row now. Folded Aces twice and then saw opponents showdown with the real nuts. Chance of losing with AA and KK 7x in a row is basically unimaginable.

In addition to this, I've missed every single draw

Every major hand counterfeited. Flopped a set of 7's vs the maniac. King on flop, river, and turn giving him the 4 of a kind nuts.

Even 85% of regular hands where it's me vs Big Blind, they end up rivering 2 pair.

The only major hands I've won involved a full blown maniac fish punting with K7o on a flop vs my Jacks, and another moron allinning with a QJ with a Q on the board when I represented an obvious AQ+ on the flop, which means the only hand he beats out of like 20 combinations are Jacks.

I decided to go up one stakes since I was at 6 buyins again. I immediately am dealt AQo into Kings which I incredibly managed to fold with a Queen (he showed kings), avoiding a mega ultra cooler directed purposely at me to stack me.
Very next hand I get AKo and opponent flops a set of 10's (same guy, he shows his hand after I fold). The chances of having this happen on your first two hands at any table is basically infinity multiplied by infinity.

Back to checking every single hand and only winning when a fish punts. Haven't won a single hand in 3 days.

This site needs to be illegal and the people responsible for it need to be tortured until they are begging for death.

Having this free deposit last this long is one of the most impressive and hard things I have ever done in my life. At this point I feel like Neo multiplied by Neo multiplied by God himself. The amount of incredible laydowns I've had to do are insane. But I'm also aware that this isn't real poker. It's carnival 'sweepstakes' poker that isn't legally able to call itself poker.

Keep in mind, Global was able to temporarily get Paypal to accept their deposits because they proved to Paypal they weren't actually Poker, they were 'Sweepstakes Poker', and PayPal allows people to pay for loot boxes and those types of sweepstakes.

If it was legal (and only if), I'd love to be in a room with one of these coders for the algorithm. The look on their face as I lunge at them in pure rage smacking their nose with my knuckles as I simultaneously grab their chair from out under them. I'd tie them up in the corner and barricade the door in case they managed to get free. Then I'd head to a grocery store for a huge haul of supplies and set up camp in that room. Just torturing the person for every penny they've scammed people for. Back in the day, if you caught a dealer at a casino cheating, a group would be waiting for him outside and they would torture and kill him to show an example to future scammers.

I'd enjoy every single moment in that room. I think I'd wrap some barbed wire around a wifflebat and use that as my main weapon. After they passed out from blood loss and shock, I'd wake them up with a real river cooler. A hot stream of piss. I'd record it with a camera so I could replay the sound of them begging me to kill them after weeks of me slowly decaying and removing their body. And anyone who tried to enter that room like a shill would be immediately killed.

While writing this, I was dealt AK again 2x. Missed flop and we played down to the river both times. Annihilated by a pair of 2s and 4s. That makes 17 missed AK/AQ/AJ flops in a row. A numerical impossibility.
Hand immediately after writing this, I have A10s and flop an open ended straight and flush draw. 60%+ chance. Of course nothing hits. They tried to stack me again but I refused to bet on the draw.

This used to be the way they got me to deposit every week once. They'd end up baiting me with several 60%+ draws and clowning me. I'm still getting clowned because I'm playing on a completely unregulated and rigged site, but I've gotten quite a few hours of hilarity out of this obvious scam this time around.

Last edited by IsleofScamm; 06-03-2023 at 04:40 PM.
06-03-2023 , 04:38 PM
These accusations are SERIOUS. That said the require some sort of proof.

If you are worried about being bum hunted if you stream or post your hand history, you can cover your username on Twitch, the same way some guys who are live cover their cards....

Just a suggestion.

Allegations like this require actual evidence.
06-03-2023 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
please start a Twitch Channel immediately. I think it would be a valuable service you would be providing to the poker community
I'd watch it for sure.
06-03-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by steamboatin
I flop two pair but it' 52s on a 235 board consecutive so I can't just go allin on the flop

I hate it when my 52 gets cracked.
Polk's Upswing has an entire module dedicated to how to correctly play 52sooted in a way that they never get cracked FYI, highly recommend
06-03-2023 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by IsleofScamm
Just a heads up. After grinding and table selecting my way back to these 7 buyins, I've magically become card dead and missing every single flop. Zero face cards, always slightly dominated out of position. Always hitting bottom pair on the board trying to bait me to call.

Two notable showdowns since getting right around 5-8 buyins.
You're giving a play-by-play for pretty ordinary boring normal poker variance. It sucks, but that's just how it is. And 7 buy-ins isn't enough to absorb the swings
06-03-2023 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Prolifik
I'd watch it for sure.
We both know it will be entertaining for us. I certainly would love to see how this approaches the game.

I expect a lot of limp calling, calling bets with marginal hands at high risk of being dominated...never laying down top pair...

I would guess his "epic laydowns are something like middle pair on a wet board.

Last edited by Jr0d; 06-03-2023 at 06:08 PM. Reason: Add
06-04-2023 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by IsleofScamm
Back down to 3 buy-ins ... but I've gotten quite a few hours of hilarity out of this obvious scam this time around.
That's the unmistakable impression anyone who happens across this thread would get. For sure.
06-05-2023 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Jr0d
Im in the middle of my worst downswing ive ever had on Global...over $2k and counting. Sharkscope confirms this ..yet you think im a shill.

This just shows how stupid yiur argument is.
Dang, and i'm over here crying about a 7 buy in down swing at .10/.20 cash games. LOL
06-05-2023 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Zakaren
Dang, and i'm over here crying about a 7 buy in down swing at .10/.20 cash games. LOL
Its bad .. constantly running to AA and flopped sets/trips with guys with a 50% plus Vpip.

Definitely questioning if I actually know how to win.

Its been months since I won a tournament.

Made the mistake of "stepping up" in stakes since I was iver due for a win this weekends , net result being down almost $1k.

Might have to skip out on $50 and $100 buy in games.

Funny thing is these huys accuse me of shilling for Global when in the past Ive vented on here after a run bad...

This run bad is something else....I seriously doubt these rigtards have had anything close to the bad beats and coolers I have had in the past month.
06-05-2023 , 08:44 PM
The bad luck continues....1st hand I play in the $33 bounty series I flop the 2nd straight...of course the limper has the nuts.

Can not do a damn thing right. Ready to just cash everything out give up.

P!ssed away half my bankroll in less than month.b
