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03-12-2019 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
Jesus, if I took a 10 BI downswing anywhere I'd be done with the game.
explains a lot if 10 buyins is your nuclear meltdown point, 20-30% happens more often than you realize.
03-12-2019 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Lozgod
Sorry for the late response. Just seen this. You talking on WSOP/888 or Global? WSOP/888 I'm Lagtard, Global I am ROI_RUINER. Still have money on Global but haven't been on in a while. Haven't been in the mood to be enraged by 35 hands in a row losing as 90+% favorites.
Thanks for the response. I've played almost no poker lately. I'll look for you on GP.
03-12-2019 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
Jesus, if I took a 10 BI downswing anywhere I'd be done with the game.
03-12-2019 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
Would you really take a 10 BI downswing here and then redeposit? I lost a few BI's, the games were obviously not on the level at all, so of course I'm not going to hand them more money. Jesus, if I took a 10 BI downswing anywhere I'd be done with the game.
This dude has to be trolling..
03-12-2019 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by BoozedUpGambler
This dude has to be trolling..
I can't even tell anymore...I don't want there to be such stupidity in the world, but it makes sense with some of the chat I see at the tables.
03-12-2019 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
Watching guys go AI preflop with 49o vs QQ and AA and repeatedly winning money is not quite what I would call normal variance. It's each individual's decision as to whether or not they will deposit somewhere and I'm definitely not putting in more volume here when I'm a winning player everywhere else online. Beats and variance are one thing. Being blatantly ripped off is another.
What stakes/games are you playing at? I would love to find players that go 49o pre.
03-12-2019 , 06:59 PM
Weird how there are so many people saying they had large downswings and lots of people talking about regularly being on the losing end of 2 and 4 outters.

There’s no way a for profit company would manipulate a “random number generator” to create lots of action and big pots and long shot rivers to attract more new recreational players and gamblers with constant action.

That’s impossible so everything must be ok. Nothing to see there.
03-12-2019 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
Jesus, if I took a 10 BI downswing anywhere I'd be done with the game.
I lose 10bi just getting warmed up.
03-12-2019 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Lozgod
Weird how there are so many people saying they had large downswings and lots of people talking about regularly being on the losing end of 2 and 4 outters.

There’s no way a for profit company would manipulate a “random number generator” to create lots of action and big pots and long shot rivers to attract more new recreational players and gamblers with constant action.

That’s impossible so everything must be ok. Nothing to see there.

What are all these big pot action hands that require one player to always need a 2 and 4 outer? Can you at least suggest a couple examples when you make up stuff, as that will give some context to what you are whining about.

All the best.
03-12-2019 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
What are all these big pot action hands that require one player to always need a 2 and 4 outer? Can you at least suggest a couple examples when you make up stuff, as that will give some context to what you are whining about.

All the best.

Not whining. I won’t even play there anymore. I posted enough in the RNG thread about the double daily quads for about a week straight before I left the site. I know I know. Quads happen 1 every so many hands. Guess all the quads on the site just happened to be happening at the tables I was playing.

I bet you argued that Milli Vanilli was really singing them songs until they finally admitted themselves to lip syncing?

I haven’t talked about this site in over a month. Don’t know why I even commented on this thread.

Won’t respond again. I know what I saw in my time on that site. If you don’t believe it then more power to you.

All the best.
03-12-2019 , 09:05 PM
Never seen a Milli Vanilli reference in a riggie thread before, so will give creative props for that, even if your use of it, as per riggie tradition, is exactly wrong. Riggies, including, yourself are the ones who "believe what they think they see" so extending that - your kind would be the ones actually arguing that Milli Vanilli were singing their own songs since you heard it with your own ears at the time. Riggie, you know it's true...

All the best.
03-12-2019 , 09:13 PM
why would a site need "action hands" when theres a cap on rake
03-12-2019 , 09:24 PM
TheRealQB has to be trolling. LOL @ if I took a 10 BI downswing anywhere I'd be done with the game. If everyone operated under that rule the game of poker would no longer exist.
03-12-2019 , 10:55 PM
Can't believe there's still people who after tens of thousands of hands still haven't figured out the Global Rigging System. Yes, when you are 6bet with 95 (all combos except 9s5c), you 7bet jam and win 94% of the time. That's the way the algorithm is set up. Duh.

Also, always fold jacks, because even when you win big with them, it just means that Global is making sure you'll be felted by an insane suckout 5-11 hands later.
03-14-2019 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
TheRealQB has to be trolling. LOL @ if I took a 10 BI downswing anywhere I'd be done with the game. If everyone operated under that rule the game of poker would no longer exist.
In case you haven't noticed - there is virtually no online US market left. Such a small percentage play for a living that nobody new is coming in and investing time/money the way they used to. Again: Minimum wage absolutely destroys what 99.99% of poker players make today. $15/hour, 40-60 hour work weeks, no downswings? No reason to play online poker for a living anymore.

Yes - 10 BI's is just too much. Not when 10/10 of them are to bad beats as an 80%+ favorite. There's no reason to play a game like that when working at McDonald's can net a good 45k+ a year to start now. I like poker but I just don't trust these sites and the game just doesn't make one enough money to justify playing it full time today.

Last edited by TheRealQB; 03-14-2019 at 12:51 AM.
03-14-2019 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Lozgod
Not whining. I won’t even play there anymore. I posted enough in the RNG thread about the double daily quads for about a week straight before I left the site. I know I know. Quads happen 1 every so many hands. Guess all the quads on the site just happened to be happening at the tables I was playing.
Translation: I was shown that the number of quads I was seeing were well within what I should have expected, because I have very little understanding of probability. But rather than admitting I was wrong and moving on, I left the thread and now pop up in other threads to try and tell the same "rigged for quads" story, and pretend I was never proven wrong.
03-14-2019 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
In case you haven't noticed - there is virtually no online US market left. Such a small percentage play for a living that nobody new is coming in and investing time/money the way they used to. Again: Minimum wage absolutely destroys what 99.99% of poker players make today. $15/hour, 40-60 hour work weeks, no downswings? No reason to play online poker for a living anymore.

Yes - 10 BI's is just too much. Not when 10/10 of them are to bad beats as an 80%+ favorite. There's no reason to play a game like that when working at McDonald's can net a good 45k+ a year to start now. I like poker but I just don't trust these sites and the game just doesn't make one enough money to justify playing it full time today.
Playing poker as a source of income is harder now than it was in the past, and it does require a much higher level of emotional stability, along with innate talent and the willingness to constantly study/improve. To be blunt, you lack those qualities, so playing poker as a fun diversion or not playing and learning to say "would you like to supersize that?" are by far your better choices.

All the best.
03-14-2019 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
In case you haven't noticed - there is virtually no online US market left.
That definitely slipped by me. I've been playing online across multiple sites in the US since black Friday, some small and a few with decent traffic, and still do today. I'm not sure Global, Ignition, WPN, BOL, etc got the memo either.

Again: Minimum wage absolutely destroys what 99.99% of poker players make today. $15/hour, 40-60 hour work weeks, no downswings? No reason to play online poker for a living anymore.
While neither of us have the raw data to debate your % (although 99.99% is obv exaggerated on the high end), this isn't exactly a bold statement since 90%+ of poker players are losing players, and the low level winners are probably grinding out what is akin to minimum wage. Which, in case you haven't noticed, isn't $15/hour. The minimum wage in the US ranges from $7.25 (the federal minimum) to $12 in a couple states. Most states are under $10/hour. I don't think that changes your argument, but you could at least have the diligence to make your argument with some measure of fact and not lazily pull numbers out of the air that are clearly wrong.

Yes - 10 BI's is just too much. Not when 10/10 of them are to bad beats as an 80%+ favorite. There's no reason to play a game like that when working at McDonald's can net a good 45k+ a year to start now. I like poker but I just don't trust these sites and the game just doesn't make one enough money to justify playing it full time today.
Fair enough, do what ever makes you happy.
03-14-2019 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Playing poker as a source of income is harder now than it was in the past, and it does require a much higher level of emotional stability, along with innate talent and the willingness to constantly study/improve. To be blunt, you lack those qualities, so playing poker as a fun diversion or not playing and learning to say "would you like to supersize that?" are by far your better choices.

All the best.
Right - Because the most emotionally stable and talented people in our society play poker for a living LOL. You may call losing 10 BI's in a row to horrible, totally unrealistic 2 outters "emotional stability" while others may just call it being unbelievably naive. You forgot to add that to the list of traits required to be a true pro in today's game lol.

As we've both said now: To each their own. Traffic is pitifully low compared to pre BF and poker is never, ever even brought up in a discussion in America anymore. If you want to pretend the game is thriving, that's also your business but it's most definitely not.
03-14-2019 , 01:43 PM
So, acknowledging that 2 players can be of equal skill and one can lose tons of money and the other can win tons of money, simply due to variance - You can obviously see why this is an unreliable source of income, no? When I lose 8 BI's in a few hours all due to "bad beat" 2 outters, what am I supposed to do? Keep playing? No. People don't do that in 2019. They move onto something else. I can't trust those results and neither can anyone else. You're obviously allowed to make money now and then. Some of us have not had that experience here. It's just lose, lose, lose no matter how good you get. I'm not a college kid. I don't have time for that nonsense.

I told you that I like the game and there's quite a bit I find appealing about it. When ALL that happens online to me and everyone else I've ever spoken to in person is beat, beat, beat, beat after beat, after beat - At a certain point, enough is enough. I told you, it's either a ridiculous AI preflop beat or it's villain calling a preflop 4b, flopping nothing but a backdoor, calling 80% pot, 80% pot, and then just donk shoves when he hits his runner runner but you have a set+ and can't fold. I don't mean now and then. I mean that's ALL that happens on here. You want me to just keep depositing? How on earth could anyone in their right mind be expected to do that?

Last edited by TheRealQB; 03-14-2019 at 01:48 PM.
03-14-2019 , 02:00 PM
Any mods around? While I still think this is an amazing troll, very well done (largely because virtually every statement is not only false most are simply ridiculous), this "discussion" really should be moved over to the riggie thread where it belongs.
03-14-2019 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
Any mods around? While I still think this is an amazing troll, very well done (largely because virtually every statement is not only false most are simply ridiculous), this "discussion" really should be moved over to the riggie thread where it belongs.
I don't know why you guys have to make these discussions personal and hostile. There's nothing unreasonable or untrue about my last post. You're acting like I'm the first person to not trust the outrageous negative variance on this site. I'm definitely not.

Do what you want to do but there's no reason to have to try and hide what other people report as their experiences. Remember - this isn't even my thread. I see the 2005 date on your profile. You've been playing the game longer than almost anyone ever will. I get that you love it. That has nothing to do with me or anyone else here in 2019, though. Beat, after beat, after beat, after beat. Redeposit? That's a fair query.
03-14-2019 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
Right - Because the most emotionally stable and talented people in our society play poker for a living LOL.
To succeed in online poker a person needs to have mental discipline to play the games they are playing. Now, does that mean they are emotionally perfect in all aspects of life? Hardly, but in this competitive arena they need to be better at it to succeed long term. No different than any other competitive activity.

The one difference with online poker compared to say professional sports is you get a lot more people who think they are much higher up on the food chain than they ever were, so what they expect to do with their perception of themselves often times falls way short of reality. We often see people posting in just they way you do when that happens.

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
You may call losing 10 BI's in a row to horrible, totally unrealistic 2 outters "emotional stability" while others may just call it being unbelievably naive.
Indeed you are naive in thinking that a 10 bi downswing is that significant (though for people like you, much of it is likely due to tilting and less skill than you believe you have).

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
You forgot to add that to the list of traits required to be a true pro in today's game lol.
Helps if you do not whine about mundane variance.

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
As we've both said now: To each their own. Traffic is pitifully low compared to pre BF and poker is never, ever even brought up in a discussion in America anymore. If you want to pretend the game is thriving, that's also your business but it's most definitely not.
The industry is different now than it was back then, and when people were happy with the poker games long ago, I was mainly organizing a team of online casino bonus whores, because that made much, much more than all but the highest poker playing at the time.

Is the game thriving? In some ways yes, and in some ways no. The game has changed quite a bit, and those that adapt to it are doing fine. Those who cannot are talking about working at McDonalds. Standard in a competition based activity.

All the best.
03-14-2019 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
I don't know why you guys have to make these discussions personal and hostile. There's nothing unreasonable or untrue about my last post. You're acting like I'm the first person to not trust the outrageous negative variance on this site. I'm definitely not.

Do what you want to do but there's no reason to have to try and hide what other people report as their experiences. Remember - this isn't even my thread. I see the 2005 date on your profile. You've been playing the game longer than almost anyone ever will. I get that you love it. That has nothing to do with me or anyone else here in 2019, though. Beat, after beat, after beat, after beat. Redeposit? That's a fair query.
Okay... taking lots of beats, should I redeposit if I'm feeling like something's amiss? That is definitely a fair query. And the answer is no.

There is a lot unreasonable and untrue about your posts however. Nothing personal or hostile about my suggesting you were expertly trolling (I meant that as a compliment lol) or that it should be moved to the riggie thread (because it should, you're implying it's rigged).

Some examples of things I find to be unreasonable and untrue:

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
poker is never, ever even brought up in a discussion in America anymore.
Never ever ever? Come on bruh, you don't see the numbers at the WSOP each year or the broadcasts on ESPN? You need to get out more if you think this statement is reasonable and true.

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
When ALL that happens online to me and everyone else I've ever spoken to in person is beat, beat, beat, beat after beat, after beat - At a certain point, enough is enough. I told you, it's either a ridiculous AI preflop beat or it's villain calling a preflop 4b, flopping nothing but a backdoor, calling 80% pot, 80% pot, and then just donk shoves when he hits his runner runner but you have a set+ and can't fold. I don't mean now and then. I mean that's ALL that happens on here.
Again, this is reasonable and true to say ALL THAT EVER HAPPENS HERE IS BAD BEAT CITY, cooler and set up after cooler and set up? Not only to you but everyone you ever talked to in person (love how you added that in since it allows you to discount all the posters here like the one above who's making a decent living grinding SNGs).

We all take bad beats, we all have coolers, and if we are playing good poker we will sometimes deliver the beat or be on the good side of the cooler.

Your assertion is ridiculous. Sorry, it just is. Obviously global is not forcing bad beat loses en mass on everyone. I can assure you the players who's sharkscope shows they are crushing mtts and sngs take bad beats too. I'm more of a cash game player, and I know who the winning players are and who they aren't in the player pools by sheer observation. I see them all, myself included, take bad beats. My last session I ran QQ into KK for a stack (cooler), and I had my AA cracked by a rivered set for another stack. I didn't deliver any bad beats on others, but I somehow managed to finish up over 3 buy ins. In your world this result would be completely impossible. Yet it's happening, day in and day out.

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
In case you haven't noticed - there is virtually no online US market left.... Minimum wage absolutely destroys what 99.99% of poker players make today. $15/hour, 40-60 hour work weeks, no downswings? No reason to play online poker for a living anymore.
Already addressed this in my last post, but I guess it belongs here too. Are these reasonable and true statements? No online US market? Min wage $15/hour?

As for playing online for a living. This is still possible to do, even in the US. You don't have to. It's hard to make a living at poker. It's not impossible though and there are reasons people might like to do it like Ready4aBattle suggested from his own personal example.

Originally Posted by TheRealQB
I lost a few BI's, the games were obviously not on the level at all.
Losing a few buy ins = games obv not on the level AT ALL. (facepalm)

Again, my intention is not to make this personal or hostile, and I don't think I have unless you count facts as hostile. Which tbf, when your assertions are wildly out in left field, I suppose facts are the enemy.


-Poker is not dead in the US
-People can and still do make money at poker
-People can and still do play professionally, live and online
-The large majority of players are losing players.
-Many losing players overestimate their abilities, and blame their loses on external forces rather than their inability to beat today's game
-Bad beats are real! They happen to everyone.

-Poker is dead in the US
-Poker is never talked about any more
-<site> is rigged for <bad beats, action, suckouts, etc etc>
-ALL THAT EVER HAPPENS is 80/20's losing and runner runners getting there.
-A 10 buy in downswing is enough to judge the legitimacy of any website or live venue for that matter (these downswings happen live too!)

Again, if you tried Global or any other site and don't like it for whatever reason, don't deposit more and don't play. That's the prudent thing to do, and that query is certainly legit.

Making a series of statements that are so outlandish as to literally be impossible, is unnecessary and yes, may get you labeled as a troll. Which again, I meant as a compliment, expertly trolling the riggies. I'm sorry to learn that wasn't what you were trying to do.
03-14-2019 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealQB
You want me to just keep depositing? How on earth could anyone in their right mind be expected to do that?
You'll be depositing tomorrow, friday aka payday. Thats why your ass is still here talking poker.

People who are truly done playing aren't spending their downtime arguing with poker players online.
