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11-11-2018 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot
Have you paid attention to the thread at all? I've been called a liar, a riggie, a ******, a moron.
Just for fun, I thought I'd check on this, as I didn't think it was quite as bad as you were making out.

Before this post, the word "******" can be found in this thread exactly nine times. Number of times you were called ******? Zero. However, this post counts for two of those instances (it was quoted by someone once):

Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot
I play on Global ******
Moron has been used 18 times in this thread before your post. Indeed, you were called a moron by PokerONETWO twice. And you called him a moron twice.

Riggie - since that tends to be the term used in these threads to describe someone who thinks the game is rigged, isn't that precisely what you are?

Liar - yes, of the 14 times that's been used in this thread previously I believe PokerONETWO called you that once, and Monteroy's been trolling you with it more recently.

I'm not really sure what your point is. You called someone a ******, someone else called you a moron and/or liar a couple of times, and Monteroy's been trolling you like he does many riggies. None of this changes the fact that your claims would likely be treated more seriously if they were somewhat measured, nor should it stop you from following through on the bet you were offering, or responding to this:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Care to share any of them?

I'm not sure who all these "guys like Monteroy" are, but I would think anyone who ever posts on the Internet would have no trouble handling Monteroy.

I'm serious about this - if there are high stakes players that are genuinely convinced something is up on Global, they should be posting about it. It makes no sense to me why they'd instead be PMing some unknown poster about it - what on earth does that accomplish?
11-11-2018 , 07:51 AM
I am not trolling him when I called him a liar, because that is what he is doing constantly. That does not mean I actually mind that he is so casual with the truth, as that is generally part of the riggie culture, and I do genuinely appreciate some creativity in their "theories." He is sort of getting there with the ones about all the high stakes regs who are too afraid to post out of fear of a response by me, since that works alongside the weird beliefs that I get paid a ton to post. Quite the insult to me that I am well paid and have that powerful an opinion, so I will give him props for developing a new way to be creative with the truth.

The prop bet thing - meh, that is such standard riggie posturing ( I mean Bobo, how many have riggies have you seen do that over the years, I think that AMEC guy - who is kind of similar in personality to this one, is the only one to follow through lose money in that way). Oh wait, I did win $1 from a riggie years ago (and he did actually pay!)

The tormented victim routine by him is also yawn, mundane. No creativity.

Now the common cold cure thing - yeah, maybe that was a bit of light trolling, because he probably has not discovered that yet.

As to a known pro saying riggie stuff becoming a leader that all riggies will follow - I tried to help the riggie culture with that by often posting

but alas, he has not become a beacon of hope to riggies. There have been some other known pros who have all sorts of interesting theories - a thread on one from Canada was quite big, but that person had a genuine mental disease, and he was rambling about voices and secret groups out to get him etc, and as I mentioned before - if I think any riggie has a genuine mental condition (beyond low level paranoia and a lot of whining) then I do not do my routine ever on them.

Being serious for a brief moment, if anyone, even this guy, provided verifiable evidence of a rig or super user or collusion or criminal practices by a room, then I would be the first to defend him and fight with him, and I have done so in a couple threads that at first looked like new accounts whining, until they put more meat to their particular bone. This guy has nothing on his bone. Yours and others repeated direct questions will not be directly answered. People like that reply to me, because I do not worry about how they answer those questions, so they get to scream at the clouds as they like.

Hopefully in the basically zero chance this guy actually is onto something - he will get his act together and present his evidence in a proper manner. Otherwise, he should carry on as he is doing, and you pointing out that nobody before today has directly called him a ****** (I hate when people use that word, and I see another rando tossed it at him just now), will not change his belief that he has been called it directly many times, because he feels that.
11-11-2018 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot
See you've just proven how much of a moron you are.

Simply because I have a 2018 in my profile and Thayer is a huge crusher makes you draw two completely different conclusions about literally the exact same content.

He's saying the exact same ****ing thing that I am--->Certain plays don't make sense/makes me feel like someone knows the board runout and taking notes on players causes them to sit out and never be seen again. Has happened for certain once and quite possible (don't play there anymore so can't verify) multiple times.

I have had 3 high stakes players PM me saying basically the same things. One said they were winning but not as much as they should have, one dropped a couple of names of players he played as well as hand histories that basically confirm my suspicions. I will of course not be posting the content or the names of the players, because they PMed me for a reason and I will keep their content private.

There is more than enough suspicion from high stakes winning players to pursue this further without you derailing the thread with your autistic shilling. Seriously, leave the thread and stop posting. You're an embarrassment.
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot

He's saying the exact same ****ing thing that I am--->Certain plays don't make sense/makes me feel like someone knows the board runout and taking notes on players causes them to sit out and never be seen again. Has happened for certain once and quite possible (don't play there anymore so can't verify) multiple times.
Thay3r isn't saying anything remotely close to what you've said. He even said he isn't saying GP rigged it, but pretty much what I've said, a hack/break through the browser.

Your posts are said with a tone of absolute certainty and when asked for any sort of evidence, it's private or feels. That is why you get grief. The riggie thread is a trillion posts long of the same thing. Players sure of the scam with no evidence or proof.

I know someone that was charged, with another high profile individual, for breaking into federal classified networks. They now consult for the feds as terms of release from prison. He has said with 100% certainty that he could access my browser remotely. I've not a clue how, but Google has acknowledged that their browser is vulnerable through Flash, ffs. That is a real and honest threat, to any company. My only reason, correct or not, for not being overly concerned about it being a likely thing here is the other networks using Cubeia's software don't have massive amounts of riggie claims. The only real difference is GP caters to clueless Zynga players that click buttons. Occam's Razor and all.
11-11-2018 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by a dewd
Thay3r isn't saying anything remotely close to what you've said. He even said he isn't saying GP rigged it, but pretty much what I've said, a hack/break through the browser.

Your posts are said with a tone of absolute certainty and when asked for any sort of evidence, it's private or feels. That is why you get grief. The riggie thread is a trillion posts long of the same thing. Players sure of the scam with no evidence or proof.

I know someone that was charged, with another high profile individual, for breaking into federal classified networks. They now consult for the feds as terms of release from prison. He has said with 100% certainty that he could access my browser remotely. I've not a clue how, but Google has acknowledged that their browser is vulnerable through Flash, ffs. That is a real and honest threat, to any company. My only reason, correct or not, for not being overly concerned about it being a likely thing here is the other networks using Cubeia's software don't have massive amounts of riggie claims. The only real difference is GP caters to clueless Zynga players that click buttons. Occam's Razor and all.
So a few things; I would like to start with what I had said previously in this thread and that was that something fishy was going on but it certainly was not the RNG. My vision was blinded by the fact that I had a specific set of exploits that worked for so long that when the pool adjusted against those exploits I could not believe it happened. I let it all happen because of stress outside of poker. The reason I say this is because I was able to sit down and iron-out my errors and work no stronger strategies which have resulted in a win-rate near what it used to be.

I still believe at a point in time there were quite a few bots that showed up on GP. This is proven by the fact that there were refunds to players.

I do also believe GP/cubeia has a really good team on the back-end that can come up with solutions to battle bots and collusion. From a statistical standpoint, identifying collusion should be very simple. I believe they have software in place that fights this fight for us.

As for a browser "hack". This would not be GP's problem. If you have not set up security for your network and do not actively protect yourself from outside threats then you are asking for intruders. My guess is intruders that are able to get into your system have much more profitable routes to go though.

Also, Flash is going to be phased out by Adobe by 2020 and Global Poker doesn't even use Flash, they use Javascript. So I am not really sure why you are pointing fingers that direction.

I doubt there is big security issues on this site. Security issues that do appear I believe are easily identifiable and have protections - at least for the site. Most sites have 'umbrellas' in place to protect from simple software malfunctions.

The biggest security issues are bots and collusion. Collusion is easily identifiable and I believe bots are present but stick to lower stakes because at 100nl+ I believe they would start getting owned and identified by players. The RNG is fine. It is verified by a third party and even though I have seen my share of dumb luck by other players that seems fishy, I have also seen these players make dumb plays and lose. It is poker. There is an amount of mathematical variance that takes place.
11-12-2018 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by yourgfmyrailbird
So a few things; I would like to start with what I had said previously in this thread and that was that something fishy was going on but it certainly was not the RNG. My vision was blinded by the fact that I had a specific set of exploits that worked for so long that when the pool adjusted against those exploits I could not believe it happened. I let it all happen because of stress outside of poker. The reason I say this is because I was able to sit down and iron-out my errors and work no stronger strategies which have resulted in a win-rate near what it used to be.

I still believe at a point in time there were quite a few bots that showed up on GP. This is proven by the fact that there were refunds to players.

I do also believe GP/cubeia has a really good team on the back-end that can come up with solutions to battle bots and collusion. From a statistical standpoint, identifying collusion should be very simple. I believe they have software in place that fights this fight for us.

As for a browser "hack". This would not be GP's problem. If you have not set up security for your network and do not actively protect yourself from outside threats then you are asking for intruders. My guess is intruders that are able to get into your system have much more profitable routes to go though.

Also, Flash is going to be phased out by Adobe by 2020 and Global Poker doesn't even use Flash, they use Javascript. So I am not really sure why you are pointing fingers that direction.

I doubt there is big security issues on this site. Security issues that do appear I believe are easily identifiable and have protections - at least for the site. Most sites have 'umbrellas' in place to protect from simple software malfunctions.

The biggest security issues are bots and collusion. Collusion is easily identifiable and I believe bots are present but stick to lower stakes because at 100nl+ I believe they would start getting owned and identified by players. The RNG is fine. It is verified by a third party and even though I have seen my share of dumb luck by other players that seems fishy, I have also seen these players make dumb plays and lose. It is poker. There is an amount of mathematical variance that takes place.
I think collusion and boots are real, on every site.

The browser security is an issue, although I'm no convinced it is a problem yet today. If not, in the near future it will be. You standard security is mostly pointless I'm told. My buddy broke into private federal networks. I have to believe they are far more secure than see browser.

Collusion is a real issue and I don't see how any site can stop it. I've watched people play on a Euro site inside the US sitting aide by side. Their VPNs all were pointing to different countries. It's a real problem, no question.
11-12-2018 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by a dewd
I think collusion and boots are real, on every site.

The browser security is an issue, although I'm no convinced it is a problem yet today. If not, in the near future it will be. You standard security is mostly pointless I'm told. My buddy broke into private federal networks. I have to believe they are far more secure than see browser.

Collusion is a real issue and I don't see how any site can stop it. I've watched people play on a Euro site inside the US sitting aide by side. Their VPNs all were pointing to different countries. It's a real problem, no question.
I will give one scenario - as there are several. People who collude have more information that the other players. This leads to the colluding players achieving more actual winnings than EV suggests. Over a long period this is easy to identify. Over a short period this is identifiable which can put the account under review.

Over short periods I am sure they can identify players with strategy that is outside 2 standard deviations of the player pool etc. If they can hire programmers to build a secure poker site that generates 30mil+ in rake in a year I would be willing to bet some of these programmers have math degrees and are competent enough to build security for the site

Last edited by yourgfmyrailbird; 11-12-2018 at 11:04 AM.
11-12-2018 , 11:26 AM
I did a little digging and this may be more of a concern than I previously believed. Take a look at this youtube video. It seems that this software was build with bots in mind. I am going to do some more digging but it is a little worrisome to see bots playing on this YouTube. And, is this software built by one dev?
11-12-2018 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by yourgfmyrailbird
I did a little digging and this may be more of a concern than I previously believed. Take a look at this youtube video. It seems that this software was build with bots in mind. I am going to do some more digging but it is a little worrisome to see bots playing on this YouTube. And, is this software built by one dev?
Once upon a time they were open source. Due to it's evolving into a more complex model than initially thought, they terminated OS updates, removed the hubs, and then sold it. My guess is that they saw the potential profit and said 'show me the money'. They offer more than what GP utilizes, like Run It Twice.

When I reached out to them about 18 months ago, they were fairly close in discussion of licensing their software. We never got around to discussing terms and stuff because I was not going to, or able to, provide the qualifying information. I took that as a strong positive.

I called them and never got to speak on the phone, but did have a lengthy email exchange with one of the developers/officers. I sense it is a very small company and seemingly well run as they haven't greatly expanded from their success. I believe their number is +46 (0) 704 10 69 53 and if you were interested is speaking directly with the lead guy, my opinion, I can get you his email address.

As far as bots and the software, I'd guess that some engineering, GTO, and Complexity/random study courses would use it as a study. Like every site though, simple technology exists to create a bot/HUD etc... I think the lack of use of the fold button by a large percentage of the player pool would frustrate those attempting to bot play. Would imagine it's tough to play against a table full of players where their range never narrows and ATC is a lock for preflop action.
11-12-2018 , 09:15 PM
I think my favorite detail in all this is the mysterious winning high stakes regs that send PMs to DoDN about how all this **** is totally rigged. Said regs are so SHOOK to post their theories publicly, that they simply have no recourse but to send PMs that just happen to totally agree with the stuff DoDN talks about ITT, while requesting anonymity.

These regs must be scared of the Global Poker Hit Squads roaming the plains, ready to arrest and imprison any loose rigtards still out in the wild.

Also, btw, someone being good at poker does not necessarily mean that they have a knowledge base or any authority on which to make claims about a rigged RNG or superusers. Thayer makes a ton of really stupid posts about a litany of subjects on 2p2; appealing to him as an authority because he runs deep in some donkaments is a joke.

Last edited by pokerONETWO; 11-12-2018 at 09:22 PM.
11-13-2018 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot
You can't be certain of anything, including the claim that you can't be certain of anything? Well of course that's bull****. You can be certain of logical inferences, and mathematics. You cannot be certain of conclusions based on circumstantial evidence---there is always some doubt, because it's always 'possible' that some other conclusion is the truth.

You're conflating two types of knowledge claim. One is a logical inference and one is an epistemological claim.

Of course no one would argue that A can be A and notA. A cannot be A and notA, certainly, because it violates the law of noncontradiction. You can be certain of this based on the laws of logic.

When I claim a person is either naive or malevolent due to ignorance of basic logic, that claim is an inference from the laws of logic. It'd be like someone claiming they can prove A and notA. Someone trying to prove A and notA either doesn't know it's impossible and is thus naive, or they know it's impossible and are lying. There is no middle ground.
Are you certain about this?

Wave your fancy philosophical words around if you wish, you still haven't answered the question.

How can you be so certain when you insist we cannot be certain?

Is it one of those, you can only be certain when you want to be certain, kind of things?

When does it cross the line of inference to epistemological? How can you be sure, how can you be certain that it has crossed that line you see so clearly? Are you certain it is a clear line?

You are the one who wants to play games of saying people can't be sure of what they are saying, yet you are very confident in what you claim. Seems to me the kettle is calling the pot black.
11-13-2018 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
do you play on global? I think i played against you weak tight nit. Usually guys who get married their personality adapts to that level. Have you ever played a session on global and put in some decent volume through a month to experience the rng, the players and the software? I am not talking like 1000 hands but you know some serious volume like 40 to 50k hands. And then come on here and give your ideas and thoughts. If you have then you can argue about rng and software and all that. If you haven't then you have no experience to talk about your experience with poker. Your experience is getting people on poker site and collecting money from what I am reading. If thats the case your arguments are not valid.

60k hands so far, winrate is so ridiculously high that quoting it is pointless.

Fact: Random USA players are ****ing awful poker players.

Fact: Some portion of them blame “OMG rigged obv” because of it.
11-13-2018 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
60k hands so far, winrate is so ridiculously high that quoting it is pointless.

Fact: Random USA players are ****ing awful poker players.

Fact: Some portion of them blame “OMG rigged obv” because of it.
^ This
11-15-2018 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
60k hands so far, winrate is so ridiculously high that quoting it is pointless.

Fact: Random USA players are ****ing awful poker players.

Fact: Some portion of them blame “OMG rigged obv” because of it.
Originally Posted by BoozedUpGambler
^ This
Few things here..

-robert_utk is playing micro stakes. Nearly all micro-stakes games are crushable. While I am not going to say the games are soft or difficult (because that is the dumbest thing you can do is tell everyone on a poker forum where the bad players are) be careful believing randoms on the internet.

-Random players from anywhere can be awful. Many US players are awful and many US players are great. That goes for everywhere. You do understand that a lot of US players have VPN'd into PS and other sites for years, right? Even though it says another country, lots of great players are in the US. Once you get to levels above 200nl, there are very many great players.
11-15-2018 , 04:29 PM
I'm not going to look for a specific post to reply to with this, but it's funny and relevant.
11-16-2018 , 04:17 AM
It seems like whenever someone is a massive dog on the flop they almost always turn equity even when most turns would leave them dead.

If it is QQ vs 77 on a QJ2 flop, 7 comes on the turn nearly every time

If it is KK vs KJ on a 862 flop J on the turn almost every time

Or the backdoor flush card comes or they pick up a gutshot it is almost impossible to turn someone dead it seems even if it is something like a 1 out chop draw they pick up something
11-16-2018 , 04:51 AM
Global is confirmed rigged.


11-16-2018 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by chilldy
Global is confirmed rigged.


11-16-2018 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by chilldy
Global is confirmed rigged.


Nah, if it was rigged a 4th player would have had a 5
11-17-2018 , 06:58 PM
site is dying .I see 2/4+ players are now grinding 1/2.
11-17-2018 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by barney big nuts
site is dying .I see 2/4+ players are now grinding 1/2.
Meh. Online poker is def less profitable than it used to be and the games get smaller certain times of day/month/year but I would not say the site is dying - there is just less fish these days.
11-17-2018 , 11:01 PM
I think a lot of people will find global more legit if they allow hand histories to be saved. Maybe not huds but hand histories so people can go through database and actually make sure the poker odds are where they are supposed to be. I think thats the main issue a lot of players have is they can't record their hand histories. And having hand histories we have proof of players cheating when we can get more then 1 session of players colluding against us. I have ran into obvious collusion. i have big stacks on my tables and of course collusion players are drooling to get it and at the same time want to clean me out. They don't like me busting the fish on the tables. When they sit i leave go to another table and here they come together on my right and left following me around table to table as i leave and go to another table. I coudl do a vid on it with benny hill back ground music. Its pretty hilarious. Especially when I bust both of them in a 3 way pot. But i have them marked as cheaters. If you avoid them i guarantee your win rate will be better. You see any signs of cheating go to another table. You guys get married to a table and even if guys are see sawing you on the table you get frustrated cause your losing and try to beat them anyways. I seen regs do it try to take on collusion players. It usually ends badly. I hate to leave tables too with a big stack but when cheaters sit gotta do it. And if global allows us to record hand histories i think that will give a lot of players peace of mind. I am done writing on here about this. But thats probably the biggest issue i see is people saying they quit global cause they can't record hand histories to see if any greasy stuff is going on with the rng or players.
11-18-2018 , 09:05 PM
Not sure what the downside of providing hand histories is. Has anyone ever thought, "I'd love to keep playing on Pokerstars, if they only stopped providing hand histories for me?"
11-19-2018 , 12:27 AM
really perfect comparison there
11-19-2018 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
really perfect comparison there
If Pokerstars stopped providing hand histories, would their traffic go up, go down, or stay about the same?
11-19-2018 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Not sure what the downside of providing hand histories is.
I've never known you to be the sort of poster that asks disingenuous questions, but I really can't see how you wouldn't know the answer to this already. Obviously, they believe it reduces the possibility of people using HUDs and other software, and protects the recreational player.

Originally Posted by lagtight
Not sure what the downside of providing hand histories is. Has anyone ever thought, "I'd love to keep playing on Pokerstars, if they only stopped providing hand histories for me?"
Of course not. But there are a lot of people who complain about HUD usage, on all sites.

Originally Posted by lagtight
If Pokerstars stopped providing hand histories, would their traffic go up, go down, or stay about the same?
In the short term, almost certainly down. In the long term - probably down as well, although I couldn't say for certain. But I'm not sure how that's relevant here. Sites have a couple of choices when there's one dominant player in the market - try to take them on directly, or carve out a niche for themselves. Most sites have chosen the latter, including Global. Whether removal of hand histories would be a positive or negative for Stars really doesn't matter and isn't relevant to a site like Global.

I'm not saying that no hand histories is a good (or bad) thing. But if people want to discuss it, it makes more sense to do so presenting both the pros and cons, rather then pretending there could be no possible benefit to the way they're doing things.
