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06-04-2018 , 11:12 PM
mods should ban anyone that doesnt have proof imo
06-04-2018 , 11:21 PM
I'm up 4500 in mtts on global in 50 games. I don't believe its rigged at all. I've played on many sites. You cant take a 674 game sample size of mtts and go its proof its rigged because i fold KK after break because I know its AA and still win 9500 in674 games. Variance is insane in mtts. Thats why i play cash full time not mtts except for fun every once in awhile. Mtts are like lotto tickets esp with global pokers structure.

Last edited by ibarebackurmum; 06-04-2018 at 11:28 PM.
06-04-2018 , 11:56 PM
That wall of text/exploits

06-05-2018 , 12:03 AM
Oh, thread.
06-05-2018 , 12:14 AM
Clearly fold KK guy is trolling. Nobody is delusional enough to think being up 10k in mtts makes them the best tourney player on the site.
06-05-2018 , 12:28 AM
I'm rUeTaMa on Global.
Look up MTT stats on sharkscope, or just take my word for it: I'm pretty much the best MTT player on there by the numbers.
Not sure anyone can take this guy seriously after they see his sharkscope graph, lol. There are plenty people with higher ratings/profits than him.
06-05-2018 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by ibarebackurmum
I'm up 4500 in mtts on global in 50 games. I don't believe its rigged at all. I've played on many sites. You cant take a 674 game sample size of mtts and go its proof its rigged because i fold KK after break because I know its AA and still win 9500 in674 games. Variance is insane in mtts. Thats why i play cash full time not mtts except for fun every once in awhile. Mtts are like lotto tickets esp with global pokers structure.
Too bad your full time booty @ 20NL, straight donk
06-05-2018 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Trump2020
Too bad your full time booty @ 20NL, straight donk
never seen your name before in my life. I've been playing 50nl the past month. I am on 20nl tables today though because ive been on a downswing.

That said the reason I play cash is I make more at the tables then in mtts which ive got a 500% roi in. So regardless of what any 20nl player thinks of my game, I'm doing just fine.
06-05-2018 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Trump2020
Too bad your full time booty @ 20NL, straight donk
Originally Posted by Trump2020
I forgot the dudes name but someone had 14 buy INS at 5/10 the other day, ive playedd200k hands around micros and never gotten over 10 bi I think which is still ridiculous for one table, could def understand the logic behind only a couple people are using huds and that would be higher stakes,
Oh wait this is coming from the dummy who's played 200k hands at the micros and thinks he's doing big things. Wtf is ur screen name on GP? Mfer does Mommy and Daddy know ur spending all the bread they're giving you on poker deposits?Where the **** were you when the Moneymaker poker boom was going down? Let me guess you prob still had ur moms t***y in ur mouth. Black Friday for you was when the gangster kids would catch you walking to school and jack ur pussy ass for ur lunch money. Stfu and put in some work
06-05-2018 , 02:52 PM
lol I love America

ruetama is certainly a good MTT player but I just have no idea how he or anybody else could ever make a post like that

I mean, how would anybody even ever notice these things? It's like people just enjoy randomly looking for "patterns" to everything. I could live 100 lifetimes and never come to these conclusions.

I've done pretty well in the 110 and 218 sundays, but maybe I'm not enough of a winner to qualify.
06-05-2018 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I'm curious how this works. If I were to rig a site to make more money, I'd want to keep pots small and make sure money changed hands more often, generating more rake. Increasing the number of big pots sounds like a recipe for less rake to me. Also seems like it would discourage players from returning when they bust out.
Sorry if I'm taking this back too far. This logic is just way too flawed imo.

The presumption is that RAKE is the key factor in a site rigging. "Casual" or "rec" accounts that "get lucky" in big pots would annihilate rake to pennies by comparison.

If you've ever worked in a poker room (saw the drop numbers), you know that being able to rig 3-5 big pots in a night would easily quadruple whatever rake you would collect in the night AND would not effect the overall flow of money into that game night. If those 3-5 spots were "drunk player, ambitious preflop range assumptions, he was 4 betting wide out of position, etc". Then the rake collected in those games would be literally IRRELEVANT. The theft from honest play would be written off, and the flow of money would continue without suspicion.

If you can hide data, and deploy superusers with the presumption of Facebook/Zynga players so XYZ......Yeah. Unlimited opportunity to defraud people.
06-05-2018 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
6 months 60k minus 28.5% in Taxes + 70 hrs per week = Congrats your earning about .86 Cents per hour . Yeah your killing it

What planet do you live on where that math would be right even if he does play that insane amount of hours that you claim (which he likely doesn't)

I don't have any opinion on any site being rigged but I was browsing this post because its funny to read and couldnt help but be incredibly confused by how you came up with those numbers. Even more alarming to me is that no one else (at least on that page or the next, i didn't read further) immediately noticed how ******ed and far off your math was.

6 months (26 weeks), at what you claim is 70 hours/week is 1820 hours. And somehow you came to the conclusion that equals $.86/hour. 1820 x $0.86 = $1565.20

How do you even figure out how to get on the internet to post ridiculous things like this?

Please enlighten me to how you came up with that number. I am trying to run it any way I can possibly think that you could have messed up (maybe you calculated 70 hours/day rather then 70 hours/week? Nope, even at an impossible 70 hours a DAY it would be significantly more then $0.86/hour). I am really interested how you screwed up that bad.

His real hourly (if he was actually playing your made up 70 hours/week) would be $33(pre-tax). Which is likely a **** load more than you make with those kind of math skills you got going on.

People working **** jobs (likely you being one of them) who make $10/hour dont make near 60K in 6 months. How could you possibly think your 86c number even began to make sense.

I cant get over how dumb this is. You see a lot of dumb **** on the internet but I can honestly say this takes the cake as the worst I have seen in a long time

Please do me the favor of responding to this because I am dying to know how you messed up that poorly

Last edited by sfustin900; 06-05-2018 at 11:46 PM.
06-05-2018 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by sfustin900
What planet do you live on where that math would be right even if he does play that insane amount of hours that you claim (which he likely doesn't)

I don't have any opinion on any site being rigged but I was browsing this post because its funny to read and couldnt help but be incredibly confused by how you came up with those numbers. Even more alarming to me is that no one else (at least on that page or the next, i didn't read further) immediately noticed how ******ed and far off your math was.

6 months (26 weeks), at what you claim is 70 hours/week is 1820 hours. And somehow you came to the conclusion that equals $.86/hour. 1820 x $0.86 = $1565.20

How do you even figure out how to get on the internet to post ridiculous things like this?

Please enlighten me to how you came up with that number. I am trying to run it any way I can possibly think that you could have messed up (maybe you calculated 70 hours/day rather then 70 hours/week? Nope, even at an impossible 70 hours a DAY it would be significantly more then $0.86/hour). I am really interested how you screwed up that bad.

His real hourly (if he was actually playing your made up 70 hours/week) would be $33(pre-tax). Which is likely a **** load more than you make with those kind of math skills you got going on.

People working **** jobs (likely you being one of them) who make $10/hour dont make near 60K in 6 months. How could you possibly think your 86c number even began to make sense.

I cant get over how dumb this is. You see a lot of dumb **** on the internet but I can honestly say this takes the cake as the worst I have seen in a long time

Please do me the favor of responding to this because I am dying to know how you messed up that poorly
Agnoostic's posts seldom make much sense. Get used to it.
06-06-2018 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by willwes23
Sorry if I'm taking this back too far. This logic is just way too flawed imo.

The presumption is that RAKE is the key factor in a site rigging. "Casual" or "rec" accounts that "get lucky" in big pots would annihilate rake to pennies by comparison.

If you've ever worked in a poker room (saw the drop numbers), you know that being able to rig 3-5 big pots in a night would easily quadruple whatever rake you would collect in the night AND would not effect the overall flow of money into that game night. If those 3-5 spots were "drunk player, ambitious preflop range assumptions, he was 4 betting wide out of position, etc". Then the rake collected in those games would be literally IRRELEVANT. The theft from honest play would be written off, and the flow of money would continue without suspicion.

If you can hide data, and deploy superusers with the presumption of Facebook/Zynga players so XYZ......Yeah. Unlimited opportunity to defraud people.
I have no idea why you chose to pull my post from a few weeks ago to respond to. You haven't pointed out a flaw in my logic; you're making an entirely different argument. Your post really doesn't relate to mine.

This is the post I was responding to:

It's strongly in the site's interest to have an algo for action as it reduces cashouts, results in more rake, and lowers reg's winrates (no one plays their A game while stuck 3bi).
My reply was pointing out that this would reduce the rake, not increase it. Your superuser house account theory is about something altogether different.
06-06-2018 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by sfustin900
What planet do you live on where that math would be right even if he does play that insane amount of hours that you claim (which he likely doesn't)

I don't have any opinion on any site being rigged but I was browsing this post because its funny to read and couldnt help but be incredibly confused by how you came up with those numbers. Even more alarming to me is that no one else (at least on that page or the next, i didn't read further) immediately noticed how ******ed and far off your math was.

6 months (26 weeks), at what you claim is 70 hours/week is 1820 hours. And somehow you came to the conclusion that equals $.86/hour. 1820 x $0.86 = $1565.20

How do you even figure out how to get on the internet to post ridiculous things like this?

Please enlighten me to how you came up with that number. I am trying to run it any way I can possibly think that you could have messed up (maybe you calculated 70 hours/day rather then 70 hours/week? Nope, even at an impossible 70 hours a DAY it would be significantly more then $0.86/hour). I am really interested how you screwed up that bad.

His real hourly (if he was actually playing your made up 70 hours/week) would be $33(pre-tax). Which is likely a **** load more than you make with those kind of math skills you got going on.

People working **** jobs (likely you being one of them) who make $10/hour dont make near 60K in 6 months. How could you possibly think your 86c number even began to make sense.

I cant get over how dumb this is. You see a lot of dumb **** on the internet but I can honestly say this takes the cake as the worst I have seen in a long time

Please do me the favor of responding to this because I am dying to know how you messed up that poorly

Nobody cares what you think . My point with the ridiculous math you idiot was to show that while this guy is making money it is not worth the time and effort he is putting into it. He has paid $68k in rake in 235 days of active play . A profit as of today of $69,440.00 running 800k through Globals sweepstakes machine . Also 30% of his profit is Binked multi table tourneys that we both know take way more time then his turbo and hyper turbo sng that he normally plays.

Not to mention the 28.5% sweepstakes tax that he already admitted to not having available to pay the government. Also lets not forget that while it says he made $69,440 we have no clue if he chunked off a portion of that in cash games . My suspicions are that while on paper P12 is a good player and one of the more consistent winners on this site . The time and days he has played with zero rake back or vip points is just a huge waste of time .

The math was a joke you fool .

Sorry to disrupt your evening as you truly seemed to take it very personally .

( Also I don't play on Global ) Its not real poker . But hey somebody has to win the sweepstakes right? Its the law .

While we are at it lets not forget how easy it is to work teams of players into six handed games sharing hole cards especially in games like PLO . I have seen video evidence of this occurring and you would not believe the way the cards are action orientated and the flops and run outs create action . Bahh it doesn't matter . You all keep on keeping on if you are winning and if you are not there are reasons why .

Recent posts for stakes : LOL!!

Re: Poker12

ayo who wants to stake me for WSOP?

haven't played it since like 2009

guess I should note that I'm 0 for forever in all live events 1500+

Re: Poker12

Originally Posted by pokerONETWO
ayo who wants to stake me for WSOP?

haven't played it since like 2009

guess I should note that I'm 0 for forever in all live events 1500+
I was serious, let's do it. Just won the 100 Sunday MTT and running red-hot

I rest my case . Guy is KILLING IT ON GLOBAL but yet needs stakes for lower buy in WSOP events . If I was killing it and red hot I am certain I would not be selling any action . Oh wait there is more .

SCHEDULED 582 $38.92 $45.06 4,583% $22,652

Number of games, average profit, average stake, ROI, total profit

I want to sell my action for the WSOP main event or other big events. I feel really on form for MTTs and I've improved my MTT game in a couple of ways. I used to just 100% click buttons but I've learned some theory stuff. The ROI is messed up because I got 2nd in some huge freeroll but I'm definitely +ev vs any live field! (except for like the super high roller stuff)

Is there a place to go for this? I remember people used to sell shares on 2p2. Oh, probably in "marketplace and staking".

Comedy Gold : You certainly can't make this stuff up.

Last edited by The Agnoostic; 06-06-2018 at 03:12 AM.
06-06-2018 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic

The math was a joke you fool .
Oh give me a break it is so obvious you were not joking. Look at your additional posts referencing that number. There is not a chance it was a joke. So you did the actual math to figure out his post tax profits, came up with a weekly hourly, then just pulled 86c from your ass? No way. You arrived at that number somehow. Now you just won't admit it. Someone joking would have said $1/hour or something like that. Not the specific 86c.

Not to mention your reasoning. Oh you made that number up just as a joke to show how it's not worth his time? Really? How does that make sense. He is making $33/hour working from home on his own schedule doing something he enjoys. That is more than the majority of this country (definitely including you) makes per hour. So explain how that makes sense.

Come on man your killing me. I really want to know where you ****ed up so bad. It's the internet and anonymous just come clean
06-06-2018 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I have no idea why you chose to pull my post from a few weeks ago to respond to. You haven't pointed out a flaw in my logic; you're making an entirely different argument. Your post really doesn't relate to mine.

This is the post I was responding to:

My reply was pointing out that this would reduce the rake, not increase it. Your superuser house account theory is about something altogether different.
I was simply addressing what you said:
"If I were to rig a site to make more money, I'd want to keep pots small and make sure money changed hands more often, generating more rake. Increasing the number of big pots sounds like a recipe for less rake to me."

If you were to rig a site to make more money, superusing accounts would dwarf any rake consideration. I'm not sure why people discuss the RNG/Algorithm rigging possibilities without regard for the much more lucrative prospect of just flat out cheating players.

How is this something altogether different? Rigging a site to make more money, correct?

Here is a hand example I think illustrates the difference perfectly:

My point is how many hands would have to be raked at this game to generate the same return? 50? 60?

One hand. Effectively more than one hour of rake for the entire table.
06-06-2018 , 02:50 PM
lol @ the agnoostic

my man has some serious issues

quite literally nothing he's writing about me is accurate

It also seems reasonable to inquire about selling action to live events, given that I've had much success at Global and elsewhere back in the day. But, if it makes you feel better, nobody bit.

bahahaha I just read "the math was a joke you fool". Quite the elaborate troll! Nobody believes that, buddy, not even you.

Last edited by pokerONETWO; 06-06-2018 at 02:57 PM.
06-06-2018 , 02:59 PM
also I crush cash games zzzzzzz

What do we have to do to get you to re-deposit? I think you should work out some exploits like ruetama and get back on the streets!
06-06-2018 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by willwes23
I was simply addressing what you said:
"If I were to rig a site to make more money, I'd want to keep pots small and make sure money changed hands more often, generating more rake. Increasing the number of big pots sounds like a recipe for less rake to me."

If you were to rig a site to make more money, superusing accounts would dwarf any rake consideration. I'm not sure why people discuss the RNG/Algorithm rigging possibilities without regard for the much more lucrative prospect of just flat out cheating players.

How is this something altogether different? Rigging a site to make more money, correct?

Here is a hand example I think illustrates the difference perfectly:

My point is how many hands would have to be raked at this game to generate the same return? 50? 60?

One hand. Effectively more than one hour of rake for the entire table.

That hand made the site about a buck in rake while busting a couple guys at the table. Your theory is that the guy who won (who was probably just a bad player which shockingly happens at nano Omaha, given his flop play) is a super user, and that this buck in rake is more than the site would normally make in an hour of regular play?

Ever consider that it was someone who was just splashing around with some pocket change and got lucky? He probably lost it all back soon enough. Strange that a hand like this of this game type and this buy in level (the other two players play was standard) is an example of anything in your mind, but I have no doubt you believe it.

Riggies really want to believe in rigs that would be very awkward to create, would make the site no money, and would be very easy to detect. I have this strange belief that sites that would cheat would do the opposite in pretty much all of those areas. Go figure. Sorry your aces lost in Omaha with the 34% equity you had on the flop. Wah.

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 06-06-2018 at 03:16 PM. Reason: Wah Wah Wah Wah (extra ones for Omaha)
06-06-2018 , 03:55 PM
Thread continues to deliver. Never know which way it will twist and turn. lol
06-06-2018 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
That hand made the site about a buck in rake while busting a couple guys at the table. Your theory is that the guy who won (who was probably just a bad player which shockingly happens at nano Omaha, given his flop play) is a super user, and that this buck in rake is more than the site would normally make in an hour of regular play?

Ever consider that it was someone who was just splashing around with some pocket change and got lucky? He probably lost it all back soon enough. Strange that a hand like this of this game type and this buy in level (the other two players play was standard) is an example of anything in your mind, but I have no doubt you believe it.

Riggies really want to believe in rigs that would be very awkward to create, would make the site no money, and would be very easy to detect. I have this strange belief that sites that would cheat would do the opposite in pretty much all of those areas. Go figure. Sorry your aces lost in Omaha with the 34% equity you had on the flop. Wah.

All the best.
I'm not crying over a $20 pot. I could care less, but I do think people should be concerned about the legitimacy of Global Poker. I 100% fell for this site, but am now quite convinced the Facebook/Paypal player pool they are touting is a total mirage.

Yes, of course, I considered that he's just a bad player. Also, for the relevant pot in this hand I posted I had 75% equity against the winning hand. Bottom line is that I've played live and online poker since 2003. If I saw this play at a live table I would be giddy with excitement, and tell him KQJT is my favorite hand, knowing that player will give everything back in pretty short order. It's the short order part that never really occurs on Global Poker. The pots this player lost money too, few orbits later, were also accounts I had video notes on. One big freaking coincidence I guess. Multi-account, months long coincidence.

BUT that is just not the case with most of these accounts on Global Poker in particular. Things just don't add up on this site, far too many accounts playing a severely losing strategy but their stack steadily increases. As a poker player for 14 years, this just doesn't add up to me.

The accounts that are just bad players are OBVIOUS. They play bad EVERY hand (limp/limp fold.... wash, rinse, repeat), not some hands where they just happen to make the nuts.
Bad players don't play 22 VPIP/14 PFR, and suddenly spaz for 100 BB's with King high (prob accurate stats for this particular player as well).

Players that bad don't also runup 2,000 BB stacks, because it's just statistically impossible.

Have you ever been at a live cash table and see the calling station walk away with 20 buyin's? For a live $1-$3 NL game that would be $6,000. If anyone says they've ever seen this happen, they are full of it. I'll be chopping up the hundreds of hours of recorded play on Global Poker to account specific videos. It will take me a while since I haven't done video editing in years, but I intend to have it finished by the end of the month.

For proof of my 2,000 BB stack @50PLO yesterday:

This player was only losing significant pots to certain accounts I already had video notes on. I have hundreds of examples like this, calling pot bets to the river with two pair, but only when they turn or river flush, full house, etc.

I'll do my best to get some videos cut of certain accounts soon, it's just very time consuming.
06-06-2018 , 04:51 PM
losing players win sometimes that the greatness of poker and gambling.. gl at the tables.. and yes ive seen players run up 2000 bb stacks before, hint its even easier live...
06-06-2018 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by willwes23
I'm not crying over a $20 pot.
Yeah, you are.

Originally Posted by willwes23
I could care less
Of course you could care less. If you actually cared less you would not bother to post a mundane nano stakes hand. Obviously you did not care less, you cared quite a bit to have it inspire you to post your superuser at the 5/10 cent stake game warning with that hand as the backbone.

Originally Posted by willwes23
but I do think people should be concerned about the legitimacy of Global Poker. I 100% fell for this site, but am now quite convinced the Facebook/Paypal player pool they are touting is a total mirage.
Good thing you posted that routine hand then (which was not even that much of a beat).

Originally Posted by willwes23
Yes, of course, I considered that he's just a bad player.
and yet you only posted it with the claim that he might be a super user. At 10 cent games. You never mentioned the possibility of it just being loose/bad play in your initial whinepost.

Originally Posted by willwes23
BUT that is just not the case with most of these accounts on Global Poker in particular. Things just don't add up on this site, far too many accounts playing a severely losing strategy but their stack steadily increases. As a poker player for 14 years, this just doesn't add up to me.
Selective memory and your innate sense of entitlement will create some thoughts like this at time.

Originally Posted by willwes23
The accounts that are just bad players are OBVIOUS. They play bad EVERY hand (limp/limp fold.... wash, rinse, repeat), not some hands where they just happen to make the nuts.
Guess we see what 14 years of insight means for some people.

Originally Posted by willwes23
I'll be chopping up the hundreds of hours of recorded play on Global Poker to account specific videos. It will take me a while since I haven't done video editing in years, but I intend to have it finished by the end of the month.
Nah, you will not do this. Your anger over losing a McDonalds meal will somewhat fade and you will give up on this project quick enough. You may also eventually realize that nobody else will care about it if you bother to do it as well.

Originally Posted by willwes23
This player was only losing significant pots to certain accounts I already had video notes on. I have hundreds of examples like this, calling pot bets to the river with two pair, but only when they turn or river flush, full house, etc.

I'll do my best to get some videos cut of certain accounts soon, it's just very time consuming.
Be sure to have lots of sticky notes and red strings to put all of this together on your wall. The industry is depending on your important research.

All the best.
06-06-2018 , 06:28 PM
So does this mean I shouldn't sign up and deposit on this site?
