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Account blocked-reported for being a bot Account blocked-reported for being a bot

06-20-2018 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by NTellier85
47 of your 1,200 SNGs played on Global were with TOH, I'm not sure how you're such an expert on TOHs gameplay.
Damn thats it? Sorry, I really thought it was more than that, with that said, there is so many fish at these stakes that when I see a reg its very easy for me to watch them play and see what they do, especially in a format like SnGs, I just don't think the people at global that have not played a SnG a day in there lifes are competant enough to sit down and judge him, also, any fish can sit down and open 7 tables and start pushing buttons, do you really think they have the measures to see if he plays exactly like he did before this situation happened? I very much doubt it.
06-20-2018 , 07:17 PM
I think everyone just needs to take a deep breath, settle down, and let the process play out. This hyper aggressive berating of each other isn't helping anyone. I get why poker12 is so quick to defend as I'm pretty sure he was suspected of being a bot as well and cleared so he doesnt want to see that happen to other people.
06-20-2018 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by NTellier85
I think everyone just needs to take a deep breath, settle down, and let the process play out. This hyper aggressive berating of each other isn't helping anyone. I get why poker12 is so quick to defend as I'm pretty sure he was suspected of being a bot as well and cleared so he doesnt want to see that happen to other people.
I agree, if TOH really is a bot, I just don't think they have the measures or the knowledge to catch him, hopefully im wrong. I know players that have abused the free $2 and their accounts are still active, they can not even catch those guys, were talking about a site that can't even fix these simple bug issues, also if they did have these measures in place, how the hell did it take 20k plus games to investigate him? Look, maybe im wrong and they are competant around the issue of bots and do have these measures in place, but with the history they have with other issues it tells me they probably do not.
06-20-2018 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by NTellier85
Just as an update, it appears that TheOnlyHuman has now opted out on Sharkscope. Not surprising however.
lol. definitely innocent.
06-20-2018 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by LETIGRA
lol. definitely innocent.
He gets suspended/banned because of individuals checking his SS and screaming BOT! He then opts-out of SS because of this incident, and that means hes "guilty", superb logic.
06-20-2018 , 09:52 PM
06-20-2018 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
I’m sure they’re going to watch to ensure quite a few things to include:

-he is playing as many tables as he normally does
-the timing of his plays are consistent with his normal play
-the plays he is making is consistent with his normal play
-watch his screen to ensure he’s not using other software to assist his play

Stuff of that nature. Key word: consistency. If all of that doesn’t add up, back to frozen status you go!
all good reasons to opt out of shark scope.

best part about this thread is he is definitely pinched, but even if not, he still loses because of admitting to having no life playing over 400 hours a month @20k/yr.

I like when MHM says he is "always" complaining about girls. Yeah, I'll bet lol.
06-21-2018 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by JoeSchmo
First off, I don’t know TOH and have never played with him. So, I have no dog in this fight. Many in this thread have focused on how many tables he plays at once. I realized long ago that there are some sick dudes (rainkhan, jorj etc) out there that can multitable way more than I ever thought possible. But I think the other (possibly more important) piece to the puzzle is how much the player is playing.

So I took his data for June up until his ban, 16.75 days. It's a small sampling but all I cared to deal with. I ignored any small breaks of less than 1.5 hours to make it easier to compile. So his actual playing time may be a touch less than shown. I estimated 30 minutes for his sessions to begin before the end of his first SNG result.

And again, I have no idea if this is possible, impossible, piece of cake or what for the megagrinders. I couldn’t do it, but that’s irrelevant. So with that, here’s what I found. Does it help or hurt his case? I have no clue. I'll let the court of public opinion have at it. Top to bottom from 6/17 to 6/1.

I seem to have 10 extra hours somewhere (412 instead of 402) but I’ve already wasted enough time on this one, so this will have to be close enough.
You have to understand these guys grinding tons of tables were not playing on GLOBAL POKER. Its the worst poker software in history. It lags. When you bet it takes a few extra seconds. Sometimes you hit the bet button and it dont work until you punch 2 or 3 times. Or you try to change the bet amount and it wont let you. Plus the time bank is pretty fast. You don't have a lot of time to react. You have all these technical issues with the software. So thats the problem with him being able to play 75 sngs in 3 hrs. you can't do it on global. Maybe another site with good software ya and using hot keys (which you can't use on global). But not on global. You will time out all over the place. Even as you multi table the tables when the first pop up they open up huge and you have to reduce the size of it and thats even hard to do and you start timing out on other tables trying to resize it. There is no way he can grind 75 sngs in 3 hrs on that crap software by himself without any sort of assistance.

I have grinded on acr up to 20 tables no problem doing 10k hands a day (using hot keys). Khan used hotkeys!. But on global i have timed out on just 6 tables cause of the software issues. You guys are not understanding how bad the software is. And the people sticking up for him is very fishy. It is not realistic that he can play 75 games in 3 hrs without having tons of problems with the software and timing out every where. I haven't seen anyone do it. I seen people try to run 12-16 tables on cash games and had very rough time not that they can't do it but the software issues is what slows it all down and causes problems for the player trying to mass table.

Last edited by iburydoscocaroaches; 06-21-2018 at 01:55 AM.
06-21-2018 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
You have to understand these guys grinding tons of tables were not playing on GLOBAL POKER. Its the worst poker software in history. It lags. When you bet it takes a few extra seconds. Sometimes you hit the bet button and it dont work until you punch 2 or 3 times. Or you try to change the bet amount and it wont let you. Plus the time bank is pretty fast. You don't have a lot of time to react. You have all these technical issues with the software. So thats the problem with him being able to play 75 sngs in 3 hrs. you can't do it on global. Maybe another site with good software ya and using hot keys (which you can't use on global). But not on global. You will time out all over the place. Even as you multi table the tables when the first pop up they open up huge and you have to reduce the size of it and thats even hard to do and you start timing out on other tables trying to resize it. There is no way he can grind 75 sngs in 3 hrs on that crap software by himself without any sort of assistance. I have grinded on acr up to 20 tables no problem doing 10k hands a day (using hot keys). Khan used hotkeys!. But on global i Is have timed out on just 6 tables cause of the software issues. You guys are not working understanding how bad the software is. And the people sticking up for him is very fishy. It is not realistic that he can play 75 games in 3 hrs without having tons of problems with the software and timing out every where. I haven't seen anyone do it. I seen people try to run 12-16 tables on cash games and had very rough time not that they can't do it but the software issues is what slows it all down and causes problems for the player trying to mass table.
There’s no discussion . . His volume is down, his style has completely changed and he has lost over 5% of his total winnings since being back. He’s no longer a fixture at the tables. He’s nowhere to be found. GG TOH
06-21-2018 , 02:20 AM
The remaining questions are is Matt him, and are they going to refund the people harmed in the 25,000 sng he played
06-21-2018 , 02:36 AM
Haha so funny!

And yeah great question!

I admire how people trash you and you take the high road rather than jab them like me lol.

Well played haha
06-21-2018 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
You have to understand these guys grinding tons of tables were not playing on GLOBAL POKER. Its the worst poker software in history. It lags.
This stuff never happens to me. Ever. Maybe you have a ******ed computer.

Originally Posted by MikePence
There’s no discussion . . His volume is down, his style has completely changed and he has lost over 5% of his total winnings since being back. He’s no longer a fixture at the tables. He’s nowhere to be found. GG TOH
How could you know he's lost "over 5% of his total winnings" if he blocked his sharkscope, artard?

Also, I lost over 5% of my total winnings over the past few days and I'm not a bot. It's called variance, stupid.
06-21-2018 , 01:23 PM
[QUOTE=pokerONETWO;53962352]This stuff never happens to me. Ever. Maybe you have a ******ed computer.

Are you using chrome or firefox?
06-21-2018 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by pokerONETWO
This stuff never happens to me. Ever. Maybe you have a ******ed computer.

How could you know he's lost "over 5% of his total winnings" if he blocked his sharkscope, artard?

Also, I lost over 5% of my total winnings over the past few days and I'm not a bot. It's called variance, stupid.
Only had an issue with lag once, and it was because of having lobbies kept open in the background. So, maybe that's your issue?
06-21-2018 , 01:40 PM
Chrome, although I have run it a few times on Firefox and didn't have issues there either.
06-21-2018 , 03:05 PM
I never experience lag when I 12 table, but I also dont keep lobbys open.
06-22-2018 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by a dewd
I don't know why anyone would make their stats available to Sharkscope. It provides every player at any table you ever sit at information to your MTT history. I'd block hand histories is able to do it. I have no desire to provide free historical records to any opponent.
Best post ITT
06-22-2018 , 04:20 PM
Email received from GP this morning.

As I said at the beginning of this thread, I wasnt 100% he was a bot, but suspicious enough to request an investigation, and said if legit I would recognize that he was one of the sickest grinders online right now. And it looks like he is just that, one of the sickest grinders online right now.


Thank you for your report.

Global Poker continually monitors the games for automated gameplay (bots), and we sincerely appreciate you bringing your concerns to our attention. Following your report, we have completed an investigation into the account 'TheOnlyHuman ’.

One of the most important aspects of our bot detection measures is the identification of gameplay patterns that are consistent with automated behaviour. To that end, Global Poker maintains detailed records of the activity at our tables, and we review various data points including but not limited to:

a) playing session times and durations
b) the manner in which gameplay actions are input
c) the poker strategy behind gameplay actions taken

Additionally, players of concern are subject to providing streamed or recorded videos of their play, enabling us to observe how they physically interact with their device to input game actions, and compare the gameplay data captured during the videos with that of historical play.

Please note that we have many dedicated players on our site who are at the tables for long hours each day, just like there are dedicated gamers who spend endless hours playing their computer and video games of choice. Some may even choose to play marathon sessions for a few days a week when they are free from other commitments.

Our detailed gameplay records allow us to review whether playing sessions are within the realm of human capability and endurance, with sufficient breaks for rest, meals, and the like. That said, any competent bot operator would be aware that overly long hours of play is highly suspicious and limit the duration of their playing sessions in an attempt to stay under the radar. As such, we employ a number of advanced measures to detect automated gameplay regardless of whether suspiciously long sessions take place.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide further details as doing so would compromise our detection methods. The effectiveness of our tools is reliant upon secrecy, and knowledge of their workings would serve to educate bot developers on how to circumvent detection.

Based upon the data we have available, our investigation into your concerns found no evidence of automated gameplay. However, we will continue to monitor this account’s activity, and should any suspicious patterns emerge, we will investigate and take appropriate action.

Once again, thank you for your report, and for choosing Global Poker.
Game Integrity Team
06-22-2018 , 05:48 PM
damn what a beast, grats on the ban evasion onlyhuman (just ****ing with u :P)
06-22-2018 , 05:53 PM
Cliffs so far?
06-23-2018 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by okiidokii
Cliffs so far?
06-23-2018 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by NTellier85
Email received from GP this morning.

As I said at the beginning of this thread, I wasnt 100% he was a bot, but suspicious enough to request an investigation, and said if legit I would recognize that he was one of the sickest grinders online right now. And it looks like he is just that, one of the sickest grinders online right now.


Thank you for your report.

Global Poker continually monitors the games for automated gameplay (bots), and we sincerely appreciate you bringing your concerns to our attention. Following your report, we have completed an investigation into the account 'TheOnlyHuman ’.

One of the most important aspects of our bot detection measures is the identification of gameplay patterns that are consistent with automated behaviour. To that end, Global Poker maintains detailed records of the activity at our tables, and we review various data points including but not limited to:

a) playing session times and durations
b) the manner in which gameplay actions are input
c) the poker strategy behind gameplay actions taken

Additionally, players of concern are subject to providing streamed or recorded videos of their play, enabling us to observe how they physically interact with their device to input game actions, and compare the gameplay data captured during the videos with that of historical play.

Please note that we have many dedicated players on our site who are at the tables for long hours each day, just like there are dedicated gamers who spend endless hours playing their computer and video games of choice. Some may even choose to play marathon sessions for a few days a week when they are free from other commitments.

Our detailed gameplay records allow us to review whether playing sessions are within the realm of human capability and endurance, with sufficient breaks for rest, meals, and the like. That said, any competent bot operator would be aware that overly long hours of play is highly suspicious and limit the duration of their playing sessions in an attempt to stay under the radar. As such, we employ a number of advanced measures to detect automated gameplay regardless of whether suspiciously long sessions take place.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide further details as doing so would compromise our detection methods. The effectiveness of our tools is reliant upon secrecy, and knowledge of their workings would serve to educate bot developers on how to circumvent detection.

Based upon the data we have available, our investigation into your concerns found no evidence of automated gameplay. However, we will continue to monitor this account’s activity, and should any suspicious patterns emerge, we will investigate and take appropriate action.

Once again, thank you for your report, and for choosing Global Poker.
Game Integrity Team
Amazing. I think I f everyone when I asked about the refunds.
06-23-2018 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by SageLee
Lmao living in a bot’s paradise!
06-23-2018 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by MikePence
Amazing. I think I f everyone when I asked about the refunds.
OR, and hear me out on this one, you had no idea what the **** you were talking about.
06-23-2018 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by SageLee
lol. If I was a mod I woulda locked the thread right at this post.

I find it odd that they emailed anyone except for the accused the results of the security investigation.

I am not convinced. I think I will stick to my lolbitcoin site.
