Originally Posted by T0ken
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure if that answers my question or not. Let me try and word it differently.
Say I have some mid or lower suited connectors and a couple of players see the flop. I flop a flush and a situation arises where I have to call an AI. Mathematically speaking only, what are the odds that I'm up against another flush?
Okay - that's a different question
For 1 or 2 opponents to have a flush under the stated condition, then
Case 1:A and B each have 2 flush cards
Case 2 A has 2 flush cards and B doesn't
or A doesn't have 2 flush cards and B does
The probability the first player has two flush cards is 8*7/(47*46) = 0.025902, say P1
The probabilty the second has 2 flush cards given the first has is (6*5)/(45*44)=0.015152, say P2
For Case 1, the probability is
P1*P2= 0.000392
For Case 2, the probability is
2*[P1* (1-P2)]=.051019
Therefore, the total probability is .0514, or odds against of 18.5 to 1