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solving the ev of a turn call spot solving the ev of a turn call spot

06-30-2014 , 02:12 AM
5 handed, 1/2NL. $250 effective stacks or 125bb deep.

preflop: Hero opens Co $5 w/ 98o, btn calls, sb folds, bb calls.

Flop: 7h6s3s (1600)
bb chk, Hero bets $9, btn makes it $20, bb folds, hero calls.

Turn: 2c ($56)
Hero checks, btn bets $45, hero calls.

River: 5h ($146)
hero checks, btn bets $100, hero shoves ai $180 total ($80 more), btn snap calls.

--look at ev of such a light turn call given.....
1) always get his stack if i hit a clean straight (flush does not come in)
2) hand is checked down if 9s/5s comes on river and I win everytime but no extra money goes into the river
3) If we dont improve, we have to fold to rivershove and we win pot 0% of time.


16% time I improve to a straight.
4 fives
4 tens
8 total
2 of which are spades which I wont always get his stack.

How often I win if I call:
So 12% of time I win a $500 pot.
4% I win a $146 pot.

How often I lose if I call:
84% of time I lose $45.

(12% * 500) + (4% * 146) - (84%* 45)
60 + 5.84 - 37.8
solving the ev of a turn call spot Quote
06-30-2014 , 04:59 PM
This was asked and answered in the Beginner forum.
solving the ev of a turn call spot Quote
