Originally Posted by DarkMagus
If we call A=(26,inf), and B=(0,inf), then we have:
B = A or (0,26]
If B is defined as A, plus some extra stuff, how can you possibly say they are the same size?
Sets are said to have the same
cardinality (or informally "size") if and only if their elements can be placed into 1-to-1 correspondence with each other. In this case, each element a of set A can be paired with 1 unique element b of set B where b = a - 26, and each element b of set B can be paired with 1 unique element a of set A where a = b + 26. These sets have the same cardinality.
Finite sets have the same cardinality if and only if they have the same number of elements. For transfinite sets (sets with infinitely many elements) the cardinality of a set can be the same as the cardinality of a subset of that set, as in the example above. The sets of integers, even integers, odd integers, positive integers, negative integers, prime integers, and even rational numbers all have the same cardinality because it is possible to place their elements into 1-to-1 correspondence. These sets are said to be
countably infinite because their elements can be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the counting numbers (1,2,3,....), or "counted". It can be shown that the real numbers cannot be placed into 1-to-1 correspondence with the integers or the counting numbers, so the set of real numbers has a different cardinality, and is said to be
uncountably infinite. Any interval of the real numbers has the same cardinality as the entire set of real numbers.
Last edited by BruceZ; 07-19-2010 at 05:25 PM.