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PF odds matchup question PF odds matchup question

09-11-2009 , 07:57 PM
So I've been playing for a long time, and I mostly play MTTs, during which your constantly faced with all in situations PF, and I mostly just use an assumed range and pot odds to decide if I should call.

This is fairly easy to calculate if it's profitable to call or not because you know you get to see all 5 cards for X price. (lets assume that for this when we call we are always heads up) We can just throw our cards into something like pokerstove against villains range and then compare our win% against the pot odds and make a good decision.

But here is my question, what if villain with his assumed range doesn't go all in. How can one go about calculating PF odds matchups (preferably vs a range but card specific matchups ok too) for win% on the flop?

Is there a quick way to do this? Or does a chart exist somewhere?

I would like to be able to reasonably quickly calculate or memorize my chances of winning vs odds being offered if I assume I'll throw away on the flop if I don't flop really strong. (don't get me wrong I don't always do this, this would be terrible poker considering he may be bluffing/c-betting with a worse hand, just curious)

A thought just occurred to me, and maybe one of your math guru's could tell me if it's plausible but could we just take the typical showdown win% and multiply by (3/5)? Since there will only be 3 cards dealt? Not sure if that works or not, using that logic 88 beats AA on ~11.72 % of flops is that close to correct?

Last edited by MrAtx; 09-11-2009 at 08:16 PM. Reason: A thought...
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