Craziest Hand In Hold'em Ever Dealt to Me; the odds?
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 1,508
This happened a few years back one time, and yet to ever see it again. I was wondering if others had crazy hands similar to this one? Here it is;
I was dealt J10
Turn: 10
River: 10
I figured the odds a while back to be something like 10,000,000 to 1!
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 4,240
These questions always depend on how you define the event.
One way is to say you had a super-full-house, 4 of one rank and 3 of another. There are C(52,7) = 133,784,560 7-card hands. There are 13*12 = 156 ways to choose two ranks, and 4 ways to choose one suit to exclude of the three-card rank. So the chance is 4*156 / 133,784,560 = 1 / 214,318.
Another way is to say you are dealt two cards of different ranks, flop three more of one rank, then get two to match the other rank on the turn and river.
Getting hole cards of different ranks: 16 / 17
Flopping quads: 2 / 19,600
Turn matches other rank: 3 / 47
River also matches: 2 / 46
Multiply these together and get 1 / 3,751,971.
If you insist the two cards be J and T, with the quads on the flop being J's, then it's 16 / 1,326 x 1 / 19,600 x 3 / 47 x 2 / 46 = 1 / 585,307,450.
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 1,508
wow, I thanks for clearing that up, kinda; I will take your word for it. I never knew the exact math, and anytime I tell anyone about the hand; it doesn't mean anything to them. Thx again.
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 8,391
i've seen this once and i like to call it a yacht (eg a large boat)