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Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread
View Poll Results: Did Doug Polk use jlamma to play against other players
95 45.24%
115 54.76%

11-13-2017 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by SageDonkey
I don't think there is any onus on a professional gambler to give back to society (although it would be nice), but I would agree that if one wants to then the first port of call or at least one port of call should be to give money to charities that help problem gamblers or the effects of problem gambling.

Therefore, may I not recommend REG whom do not do this, and whom when I probed them about this displayed a total disregard for the immoral aspects of professional gambling and the damage that it causes to society.
Sage donkey, why shouldnt they give back to society, they are taking peoples money and ruining their lives, so yes doug does play a part in that.

Some people could be playing with their last $5000 on a cash game and doug takes their money and they end up divorced and homeless.

Doug in my opinion is a total douche and a self loathing mofo, kind of like donald trump
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by FeelsGoodMan
Sage donkey, why shouldnt they give back to society, they are taking peoples money and ruining their lives, so yes doug does play a part in that.

Some people could be playing with their last $5000 on a cash game and doug takes their money and they end up divorced and homeless.

Doug in my opinion is a total douche and a self loathing mofo, kind of like donald trump
If I was making substantial amounts of money from professional gambling, which I am not, then I would contribute to charities that help repair or ease the suffering of those affected by problem gambling, but that is my own moral code. Each individual has their own.

However, there is no onus to do so because gambling is a legalised activity. (legalised vice one could argue).

It is a complex issue because there are other legalised industries that also cause harm to society on some levels, e.g. the tobacco and alcohol industries.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by theorangeone
Let me guess, you were one of the donks that sat down with their last $5000 and Doug took your money? Do you have any concept of being responsible for your own actions?
LOL, i love NVGers, always quick to assume.

I dont care about money. to me its the same as a bunch of grass.

So let you and doug and every other douche on here keep chasing money and you can find out for yourself when youre older that chasing money is all a dream.

True happiness is when you give to people and make other peoples lives better.

Why do you think a lot of celebrities kill themselves! because they have all the fame and fortune but are unhappy because money cant buy happiness, all it can buy is freedom.

If you are a prick ( like doug is) you will still and always be a prick whether you are rich or poor.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 09:05 AM
therefore, Doug is a truly selfless hero by not giving away his money and condeming himself to life of misery, unlike all the selfish filantropist who realised this is the only way to feel good?
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
therefore, Doug is a truly selfless hero by not giving away his money and condeming himself to life of misery, unlike all the selfish filantropist who realised this is the only way to feel good?
When he was asked about philanthropy in an interview (a podcast I believe) his answer was that he wanted to secure his own future/financial stability first (or similar words), and then he would consider/look into charitable causes or projects.

I would not criticise this approach as it is a sensible one and perhaps he can do more good by first exponentially increasing his own wealth and then shifting some of his focus towards charitable causes.

Doing it the other way around might damage or even prevent the exponential growth happening in the first place.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by FeelsGoodMan

Hi doug, quick question, do you only care about making money?

What acts of kindness do you do? im not talking about " have you guys heard about the give away"

Im talking about helping people that really need help. Not fuelling people's gambling addiction.

Basically thats what you are doing!

Please name some charitable things that you do.

I'll tell you one of my things that i do.

1. I go the a mental ward and spend time with really messed up people that no one cares about even their family. I bring them food, and play sports with them

So please Doug, stop being a douche only caring about the $$$$, try give back to society, and please dont say that you think you are giving back to the poker community because that just shows you that you are a massive prick/egotistical douchebag(which is my opinion of you anyways)
Doug gave $11,111 to charity in the summer.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveThreePair
Doug gave $11,111 to charity in the summer.
I'd argue that it's the tournament organiser (Guy Laliberté) being responsible for the donation rather than the player as the donation from the player's perspective is a substitute for juice, unless you can demonstrate that the main motive behind the player's entry was to donate to the One Drop charity rather than because they thought they were +EV in the tournament or were playing for their own poker playing gambling/enjoyment/excitement reasons (e.g. the likely reason that most recreational players enter a tournament)

So I would call the One Drop donation an incidental one rather than a deliberate act of charity.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 11:24 AM
Hi all,

Whilst I don't disagree with previous arguments, whereby a persons refusal to donate to charity implies selfishness, I would also argue the counterfactual: in which the act of donating to charity also implies a sort selfishness. This topic has been widely discussed by a variety of authors most prominently Altaf Merchant, John B. Ford , and Adrian Sargeant, in 2007. The intent behind most donations is generally found to be bragging rights, feeling good about oneself, and perhaps most relevant to this scenario, fulfilling a societal expectation. Concepts such as: bad deeds are balanced out by good deeds, which features strongly in Islam, or Karma all imply that the good deed is in itself done for selfish reasons. Therefore, if the act of donating to charity is not done strictly with the intent of benefitting others, then it should not abolish a person from being labeled selfish.It is in fact by identifying man as always doing the same thing is knowing what the people want. I hope this clears things up a bit.

Kind Regards,
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by SageDonkey
I'd argue that it's the tournament organiser (Guy Laliberté) being responsible for the donation rather than the player as the donation from the player's perspective is a substitute for juice, unless you can demonstrate that the main motive behind the player's entry was to donate to the One Drop charity rather than because they thought they were +EV in the tournament or were playing for their own poker playing gambling/enjoyment/excitement reasons (e.g. the likely reason that most recreational players enter a tournament)

So I would call the One Drop donation an incidental one rather than a deliberate act of charity.
In other news, the sky is blue.

Thanks for the high level of analysis though. There's me thinking people only entered because they wanted to donate to One Drop.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by boyka
Hi all,

Whilst I don't disagree with previous arguments, whereby a persons refusal to donate to charity implies selfishness, I would also argue the counterfactual: in which the act of donating to charity also implies a sort selfishness. This topic has been widely discussed by a variety of authors most prominently Altaf Merchant, John B. Ford , and Adrian Sargeant, in 2007. The intent behind most donations is generally found to be bragging rights, feeling good about oneself, and perhaps most relevant to this scenario, fulfilling a societal expectation. Concepts such as: bad deeds are balanced out by good deeds, which features strongly in Islam, or Karma all imply that the good deed is in itself done for selfish reasons. Therefore, if the act of donating to charity is not done strictly with the intent of benefitting others, then it should not abolish a person from being labeled selfish.It is in fact by identifying man as always doing the same thing is knowing what the people want. I hope this clears things up a bit.

Kind Regards,
REG need to read all of the above and get their heads out of the sand. One phrase I coined when challenging them on aspects of charitable giving is that some people do it to "buy themselves integrity" and that integrity cannot be purchased, you either have it or you don't.

Originally Posted by IHaveThreePair
In other news, the sky is blue.

Thanks for the high level of analysis though. There's me thinking people only entered because they wanted to donate to One Drop.
Yes my analysis does make some pretty obvious points, but was done in response to you saying that Doug gave $11,111 to charity, when in actual fact he didn't in the true sense of making a donation.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 11-13-2017 at 12:39 PM.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by FeelsGoodMan
Sage donkey, why shouldnt they give back to society, they are taking peoples money and ruining their lives, so yes doug does play a part in that.

Some people could be playing with their last $5000 on a cash game and doug takes their money and they end up divorced and homeless.

Doug in my opinion is a total douche and a self loathing mofo, kind of like donald trump
This is a common theme among some individuals who keep up with high profile personalities in x-industry. They feel they're entitled to tell big-name people what to do or not do with their own money/fame.

The issue with this is that Doug (or any other person with a large amount of followers) has to make up his own mind, and navigate the life-minefield just like every other person. It's not your decision to dictate to others how they spend their time, money or whatever (even if you think it is). Because in the end, the only person responsible for one's actions in most cases is going to be that person.

However, you are entitled to stop keeping up with a big-name personality, or not support them however you please. For-profit poker players -- just like any other business people -- have to make their own decisions and be responsible for them and how they affect their own life. Living one's life at the behest of what someone else believes you should do with your own time/money is a recipe for disaster.

Perhaps instead of name calling, you should consider simply unfollowing if Doug (or anyone else's) actions don't reflect how you believe they should live their own lives.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 01:31 PM
by that argument if doug drops down in stakes he naturally becomes less of a scumbag... let's boycott his material until he agrees to play nl25 again.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 02:09 PM
Lots of high horse sidesaddle ITT
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 02:12 PM
Need more input from FGM on this. It's brought hilarity back to the thread.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 02:58 PM
Guys, thats the thing, my networth is basically zero dollars!

Yes i still do kind things, now i dont do nice things expecting nice things to happen to me.

I do nice things because i just want everyone to be happy and if that makes me happy it makes our god, or world creator happy.

At the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters(we all came from God/world creator), so basically, doug is having sex with his sister if you look at it that way.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:02 PM
FGM, I'm curious why you picked Doug for this mission of yours. The things you say are true for millions of people.

Last edited by .isolated; 11-13-2017 at 03:02 PM. Reason: only asking for the lols. idc. make it funny!
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
FGM, I'm curious why you picked Doug for this mission of yours. The things you say are true for millions of people.
I picked Doug because he attacked a friend of mine personally in a thread years ago on 2+2.

Would you like me to find the thread and show you what a douche he is and how he thinks he is above everyone else?
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:16 PM
That's more of a sad reason than a funny reason.

Would you like me to find the thread and show you what a douche he is and how he thinks he is above everyone else?
Sure. I'm surprised you don't have it in your favorites since it was such a traumatic thing to happen to you. Was your friend ok after this vile attack from this monster by the name, Douglas K. Polk? Also, why now and not a year ago?
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:23 PM

My poor friend just wanted to show a sick brag and doug came in a derailed it.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:25 PM
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by FeelsGoodMan

My poor friend just wanted to show a sick brag and doug came in a derailed it.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
I can see where you're coming from. Doug has some serious explaining to do! By the way, did the OP in that thread donate to charity with the winnings he cashed out so he could be productive in society?
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:31 PM
Bet it's the same person, not a "friend", but yeah Doug should've let you have your 15 minutes.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
Bet it's the same person, not a "friend",
nothing gets by you.

yeah Doug should've let you have your 15 minutes.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by rackitup0509
I usually like to have my own opinions about someone and not follow wat everyone else thinks but they are right.. You are a tool...

Keep playing a better all round poker player than you

I got the gambling gods on my side this year, Ive just told them to put the curse on you...

Cant wait to rail you losing millions

Definitely looks similar. New line after every sentence and the references to god.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I can see where you're coming from. Doug has some serious explaining to do! By the way, did the OP in that thread donate to charity with the winnings he cashed out so he could be productive in society?

My friend is so generous, even though his networth is zero dollars, he has paid for a hotel room for his mates(well ill call them users) for over a week, paid for food, picked up girls and also paid for all the coke.

Now I live in australia so coke aint 50 a gram, its 350 a gram here! So when he buys 15 bags over the course of the weekend it adds up!

This is how nice my friend is on zero networth, yet i bet doug whos networth is greater than 5 million wouldnt do that at all

And no i am not the same person, i am a good friend of his whom wants to out doug for the real person that he is!

Thats the beauty of the internet isnt it, you will never know if im his friend or if im actually him.

The mods can check the IP address and email associated with the two accounts and see that they are two different people
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
