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2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) 2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes)

10-05-2019 , 08:30 PM
LIVE 815 PM PST TONIGHT - part 2 Postle interview

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-05-2019 , 09:15 PM
mike matusow needs to just shut the **** up for once in his stupid miserable life
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-05-2019 , 11:37 PM
@ChicagoJoey, I've posted this in the main thread, but it moves so fast, I'm not sure if you saw it. I've tracked seat, phone, hat, and key data and more for all sessions I can find since 2018. Hope this can help with the investigation.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:03 AM
LoL at Mike the mouth's ninja edit, to dig on joe ingram fanboys at part 2 of the postle interview.

Mike is the goat. Joey, get him on the pod sometime.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:12 AM
lolmao, him talking about playing with prahlad is the most epic defence ever. Someone needs to make a compilation and edit these clips with the interview.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.Jones
LoL at Mike the mouth's ninja edit, to dig on joe ingram fanboys at part 2 of the postle interview.

Mike is the goat. Joey, get him on the pod sometime.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 10:15 AM
Where did you all go?

Mouth is the worst, drunkest, most idiotic interviewer ever.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by kizik
Where did you all go?

Mouth is the worst, drunkest, most idiotic interviewer ever.
I obv was not serious.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 11:20 AM
Hey Joey.

When watching youtube you can use keys to go through the video without having to click at the exact same moment you're looking for.

j: -10sec
k: pause
l: +10sec
,: previous frame
.: next frame

You might also want to install Video Speed Controller that lets you change the speed of any video and also setup hotkeys for stepping back and forth at custom intervals (Might wanna setup a key to go forward 1min to go to the next hand).
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 11:42 AM
The most just thing that Joe Ingram can do is to do another 5 hour analysis video focused on the tells that Postle's relevant opponents might be exhibiting when Postle was outplaying them.

I know that in this age of game theory and math oriented poker that tells and things like intuition are frowned upon. Maybe Postle is just a better tell reader than most.

I am in no way saying that he did not cheat. What I'm saying is that the ones that are doing the judging of him may have biases that could be unconsciously clouding their judgment. There is a guy named Elwood who has written a good book on tell reading. There is also a guy named Caro that had done the same thing. Perhaps, Joe Ingram can have them as guests.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
Hey Joey.

When watching youtube you can use keys to go through the video without having to click at the exact same moment you're looking for.

j: -10sec
k: pause
l: +10sec
,: previous frame
.: next frame
left arrow = -5s
right arrow = guess
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Registered 2018
The most just thing that Joe Ingram can do is to do another 5 hour analysis video focused on the tells that Postle's relevant opponents might be exhibiting when Postle was outplaying them.

I know that in this age of game theory and math oriented poker that tells and things like intuition are frowned upon. Maybe Postle is just a better tell reader than most.

I am in no way saying that he did not cheat. What I'm saying is that the ones that are doing the judging of him may have biases that could be unconsciously clouding their judgment. There is a guy named Elwood who has written a good book on tell reading. There is also a guy named Caro that had done the same thing. Perhaps, Joe Ingram can have them as guests.
Great shout. There is also Dave Navarro who is regularly featured as a body language expert.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Registered 2018
The most just thing that Joe Ingram can do is to do another 5 hour analysis video focused on the tells that Postle's relevant opponents might be exhibiting when Postle was outplaying them.

I know that in this age of game theory and math oriented poker that tells and things like intuition are frowned upon. Maybe Postle is just a better tell reader than most.

I am in no way saying that he did not cheat. What I'm saying is that the ones that are doing the judging of him may have biases that could be unconsciously clouding their judgment. There is a guy named Elwood who has written a good book on tell reading. There is also a guy named Caro that had done the same thing. Perhaps, Joe Ingram can have them as guests.
He has to look at his opponents in order to 'read' em.

He's looking at his c000000ck.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-06-2019 , 07:30 PM
Any chance you could get Chidwick on the pod?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 12:43 AM
No night #7 livestream because I want everyone to see this tomorrow. Will be reviewing a video posted today which shows the first time Postle decided to cheat on Stones Live. This guy watched every hand Postle played, compared mannerisms/play style & found it.

12pm EST tomorrow
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Utopia
@ChicagoJoey, I've posted this in the main thread, but it moves so fast, I'm not sure if you saw it. I've tracked seat, phone, hat, and key data and more for all sessions I can find since 2018. Hope this can help with the investigation.
Thank you very much for this - this is amazing

It looks like the black and white UA hat came into play on Dec 17th - months after the July 2018 date he is believed to have began. He stops wearing it on May 13th - this might have been around the time of the investigation.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 01:04 AM

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 03:05 AM
I can't wait to see the expose "Is Papi using cocaine?" by a poker vlogger, with excerpts from the hi energy Papi as 'examples' that, out of context, could manipulate anyone to believe Papi is using large amounts of cocaine while broadcasting about the cheating scandal. Just looking likle cheating isn't cheating! This looks like he's cheating to me, but that isn't evidence and I don't matter. Why 92% win in sessions among fish he knows is so impossible according to the geniuses here (many say that fact is enough) doesn't convince me.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
and I don't matter.
Good point.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
I can't wait to see the expose "Is Papi using cocaine?" by a poker vlogger, with excerpts from the hi energy Papi as 'examples' that, out of context, could manipulate anyone to believe Papi is using large amounts of cocaine while broadcasting about the cheating scandal. Just looking likle cheating isn't cheating! This looks like he's cheating to me, but that isn't evidence and I don't matter. Why 92% win in sessions among fish he knows is so impossible according to the geniuses here (many say that fact is enough) doesn't convince me.
thanks for your input Postle.

P.s. you don't know what you are talking about.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
Just looking likle cheating isn't cheating! This looks like he's cheating to me, but that isn't evidence and I don't matter. Why 92% win in sessions among fish he knows is so impossible according to the geniuses here (many say that fact is enough) doesn't convince me.
because there are tons of 1/3 and 2/5 regs that win 92% of the time. Variance in poker is also a lie.. doesn't exist.

People like you, who are not convinced by basic **** like variance, is why this guy got away with this **** for so long.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 09:32 AM
I think it's one thing to analyze this thing objectively but I would say most people who are writing here are just pure sceptics and that's a bit dangerous.

Sceptics will only focus on the evidence that support their theory and they can twist red flags from everything. I think this thing needs thorough investigation but even Joey seems to have completely made up his mind about everything.

I don't think the plays Postle has been making are that outrageous, I have seen alot of crazier stuff in homegames where I am almost sure no one cheated. I know live players who will fold the AK on K84hh against specific opponents. I know some people make very loose plays preflop that will lead them to marginal spots later on.

All this said, I think it is quite likely that at least at some point Postle has been cheating but it would also be important to be able to very objective about all the evidence.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
I can't wait to see the expose "Is Papi using cocaine?" by a poker vlogger, with excerpts from the hi energy Papi as 'examples' that, out of context, could manipulate anyone to believe Papi is using large amounts of cocaine while broadcasting about the cheating scandal. Just looking likle cheating isn't cheating! This looks like he's cheating to me, but that isn't evidence and I don't matter. Why 92% win in sessions among fish he knows is so impossible according to the geniuses here (many say that fact is enough) doesn't convince me.
That would be interesting to watch, I could make a great case for that as well. I don't need cocaine, I'm already crazy to begin with.

Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
I think it's one thing to analyze this thing objectively but I would say most people who are writing here are just pure sceptics and that's a bit dangerous.

Sceptics will only focus on the evidence that support their theory and they can twist red flags from everything. I think this thing needs thorough investigation but even Joey seems to have completely made up his mind about everything.

I don't think the plays Postle has been making are that outrageous, I have seen alot of crazier stuff in homegames where I am almost sure no one cheated. I know live players who will fold the AK on K84hh against specific opponents. I know some people make very loose plays preflop that will lead them to marginal spots later on.

All this said, I think it is quite likely that at least at some point Postle has been cheating but it would also be important to be able to very objective about all the evidence.
I started out very objective - after 60+ hours, I have made up my mind on what I believe. This is as thorough as I can get at this point without having access to private information. If I had access to that - I would have one way or the other confirmed very quickly.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by nickjehz
People like you, who are not convinced by basic **** like variance, is why this guy got away with this **** for so long.
No, if he got away with it it's because the ownership of the casino did a terrible job at security. It's not up to the players to protect themselves from hacks of the casino's RFID system. People like you blaming the victims are the problem, why is no one holding Stones to account? How is Stones still open?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-07-2019 , 10:25 AM

Found another shot of Mike's phone when leaving the table. What app is he using here? Its a pretty clear shot. Is that just the normal twitch app?
Warning: When viewing this clip it is recommended to use .25 speed or go frame by frame. Enjoy!



Here is a rare clip of a bomb pot played with table chatter completely on. Mike makes an odd comment about how the bomb pot straddle is "hiding in plain site." Also listen at the end how he is upset in regard to his current sports betting and that he "lost his Denver win total for the year." That is evidence he bets sports (not that that means too much but it is what it is)

Mike is in seat 2. Notice how the camera is just high enough to pretty much cover anything mike ever does. I really want us to focus on the camera man and these angles going forward. Seat 2 is just such a good position for Mike to be in when cheating. After watching footage for awhile I cant get past the Idea that the man controlling the camera is in on it. anyway enjoy the table chatter and Mike taking some good glances at his Christmas nutsack THAT GRINCH.



Here we can see where the phone is exactly and how it is in between his legs. Also this is an early stream of Mike's God mode. He is in seat 1, not his preferred seat 2. He makes some mistakes and I think this stream may possibly give us more answers in the sense that we can see his phone ALOT in this one folks. Click below for where exactly he puts his phone. What's on that phone when he goes to the food tray behind him???


July 27th 2018 rebroadcasted Stream.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
