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2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) 2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes)

01-14-2016 , 05:44 PM
Just show him this link among hundreds of others...

Anyways back to the podcast. Great job Joe you should do another while you're still at the PCA
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-14-2016 , 05:52 PM
More degens who have lost their BR 20 times please.

I liked Kanu's podcast but wanted to know more about ike's opinions of his usual opponents. Will watch MM now.

Anyway, thank you for doing this Joey.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-14-2016 , 10:37 PM
Going to be live in about 25-35 minutes with Fedor Holz

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-14-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Gilmour
Papi- can you confirm if youre working with getting either Scott Seiver or 2+2 legend DGAF on the podcast or not?

Also would like Vanessa Selbst as a guest, as a tourneyplayer she is an absolute beast.
Nah don't get Selbst Joey won't be able to help himself and he'll try to bang him the whole time. They're both married it'll just cause trouble.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 12:25 AM
Actual link for the Fedorcast is

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 12:50 AM
just subbing. finally got on your snapchat game joey big ups. <3
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 06:22 AM
yes, yes, yes

on that podcast game!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 06:30 AM
Fedor podcast was great as always! The last 20 minutes or so was kinda sad though when Joey seemed to get serious about Fedor having so much fun the girl.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 07:05 AM
"I just banned 8 people in the chat forever" hahaha

confirmed mad and jelly
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Vesko Eirri
Fedor podcast was great as always! The last 20 minutes or so was kinda sad though when Joey seemed to get serious about Fedor having so much fun the girl.
Yeah, this made me kinda sad. I was stoked that at least when I got banned Fedor said "Why did you ban Matt Wall! He's the funniest guy ever!" lol. Joey said the podcast will be private but hopefully he just cuts the end bits with his GF and it still makes it out there because it was super fun. Hopefully I get unbanned too if Joey sees this lol!
Much love pappii hope you feel ok in the morning!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 07:24 AM
Tired pill? GG... GTO Fedor *Holdz
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 08:02 AM
Hey papiii, get Jim Egerer (lefty2506) or Scott Palmer (urnotindanger) on the podcast. Super interesting what these 2 are doing. And unban me please, much love to the podcast!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 01:36 PM
Loved the Ike pod papi!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 02:18 PM
the grill fell in love with F-Dawg..I would be jelly too
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 03:10 PM
great podcast wouldn't mind seeing all guest drunk fedor almost revealed a few secrets on air
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 04:37 PM
I think the pod should be renamed "A Few Hours of Joey Not-so Subtly Dropping hints he hooks up with Girls".
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 04:39 PM
Where is the Viktor Blom hangout????!?!?!?!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
"I just banned 8 people in the chat forever" hahaha

confirmed mad and jelly

Confirmed banned user
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 07:16 PM
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 07:20 PM
Is fedor a creeper? Junglemans girl, joeys girl.... He's not the right stature to be messing with other men's women.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 10:56 PM
whats the story with junglemans girl?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-15-2016 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Nick_AA
Is fedor a creeper? Junglemans girl, joeys girl.... He's not the right stature to be messing with other men's women.
Are you serious? Come on he wasn't doing anything wrong. Joey got jealous that Fedor was dominating the convo most the night and was interacting with his girlfriend while he was feeling down because he lost some games vs him and felt like he was getting big timed by Fedor who was genuinely having a good time. I could feel what Joey was feeling when they had the convo " well im better at" ect ect then it moved to "poker" which was a low blow but I think Fedor was feeling defensive at that point because Joey was acting aggro. Didnt help that Fedor jokingly sayd" wow look at this ****ing idiot" while Joey attempts to try some Wim Hof breathing technique. I really lold when Joey was at peak mad whgile they standing on 1 leg and Fedor is like " Im here to grind" " Making her sweat" I lold hard. Most guys have been jealous at one point in time its fairly common but behind the jealousy are some psychological issue's.

Last edited by NemoInDeniaL; 01-15-2016 at 11:19 PM.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-16-2016 , 12:02 AM
Resembles something akin to a toddler having a tantrum.

Although the aggro is always entertaining. Guy's 6' 4' and 80kg, bout as intimidating as a lamp post.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
01-16-2016 , 06:40 AM
That last episode with Fedor certainly was special. That's all I'm gonna say.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
