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League of explorers discussion thread League of explorers discussion thread

12-12-2015 , 12:18 AM
for some reason this guy waited to wait to play jaraxxus at 6 turns into fatigue?!

also lol @ getting reno from monkey in fatigue

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12-12-2015 , 12:41 AM
how dumb are these handlock players?!

the VERY NEXT GAME this guy does the exact same

plays jaraxxus 6 turns into fatigue, as his 30th card.

(shadowflame was from a cho -.-)

neptulon clutchest last card in the game lol
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12-12-2015 , 12:57 AM
lol @ cardstone hud
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12-12-2015 , 12:57 AM
He doesn't know they fixed the Jaraxxus fatigue bug.

You'd think he'd realize that after it stopped working.
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12-12-2015 , 06:41 AM
Tested a lot of desert camel. I think this card is legit awful.
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12-12-2015 , 06:42 AM
cannot run desert camel in any meta where many decks run 1 drops.

That is to say, cannot run desert camel in any meta in the foreseeable future. Would have made a great Hunter card in 2013.
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12-12-2015 , 06:43 AM
It's just so bad against anything faster than your midrange, and its so bad against the control decks that are running chows

honestly that card makes me want to punch things

it tanks the zoo matchup

tanks the mirror

hurts secret pally


done with this card.
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12-12-2015 , 06:45 AM
really had high hopes for it too and ive run into a guy who was trying it with injured kvaldir

but im done testing. can only take so much losing with hunter
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12-12-2015 , 07:06 AM
Saw a couple of interesting theory craft Hunter beast decks that were running desert camel and then timber wolf as their only one drops. Not sure it works in practice though, as hunter rely so heavily on early board advantage. But it could create some nice surprise burst damage with UtH and a few other cards.
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12-12-2015 , 07:12 AM
Tirion is annoying but not a huge problem imo. If your opponent isn't an idiot, jaraxxus can be an exceptionally huge pain in the ass. I don't think it's worth running harrison but possible ooze.
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12-12-2015 , 08:02 AM
it doesnt work. ive only queed a ton of camel hunter and the deck just has worse matchups vs most decks than standard mid
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12-12-2015 , 05:43 PM
I watched Jab play with Camel for a while last night. He was running 2x Injured Kvaldir, which I think is the only card to run with Camel, and Defender of Argus as a 1-of 4 drop (cutting Shredder). It takes matchups that are very good, to pretty good, for Hunter, and makes them weaker. Full stop. Zoo is much stronger vs Desert Camel in Hunter. Midrange Paladin becomes almost unbeatable. So, yeah. It's not a good card unless Hunter is ever given a strong class only 1-drop (which I don't see happening).

I think Hunter is in a ****ty spot right now. Midrange Hunter is still good, it's just a lot worse than it used to be, because it got nothing all that useful in TGT, and less than nothing in LOE. Meanwhile, a lot of classes got great answers to Highmane. It's really stupid.
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12-12-2015 , 10:04 PM
Does Jab every play anything other than hunter and druid?
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12-12-2015 , 11:49 PM
Yeah he plays Ctrl and Patron warrior and lot of Casino mage.

He used to play tons of Shaman, one of the few that used to stream it, but he hasn't seemed to play it much in quite a bit.
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12-14-2015 , 11:38 PM
Made a new control/fatigue warrior with new cards. Feels pretty powerful, also a bit of fun

(In this game i used the brann + coldlight combo when he had 1 card to go)

Brann should be saved for Iron Juggernaut or Coldlight, depending on card draw. Also works amazingly well with Arch-thief and Elise, or sometimes with Taskmaster and Dr. Boom.

Reno should be saved pretty much regardless of matchup
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12-15-2015 , 02:33 AM
anyone try out the deck?
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12-15-2015 , 02:41 AM
so i tried trogg finley aggro shaman

apparently its really hard to ever successfully mulligan any of finley, troggs, leper gnomes, who knew.

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12-15-2015 , 02:52 AM
apparently golden monkey shows what card you had left in your deck

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12-15-2015 , 02:54 AM
those werent the cards it replaced in your hand?
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12-15-2015 , 02:58 AM
90% sure it wasn't. Would've done brann + siege first, or dr boom or gorehowl, pretty sure first 6 were left in my deck and last 6 are what they became.

Also just had this happen in control warrior mirror (same game)

League of explorers discussion thread Quote
12-15-2015 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
apparently its really hard to ever successfully mulligan any of finley, troggs, leper gnomes, who knew.
Did you run any other 1 mana minions? I put 2 abusive's in the one I made tonight and found it helpful.

Haven't really touched hearthstone this month but was nice to clear out 3 quests in like 30 minutes.
League of explorers discussion thread Quote
12-15-2015 , 05:49 PM
What I've learned since the release.

Discover is a great mechanic b/c it gives you flexibility and expands your deck size.

Druid--Mounted Raptor only class card I've seen played regularly. Moonkin/Idol seem to be not working at this point.
Hunter--all of the class cards suck even desert camel which becomes a liability against many of the current top meta classes.
Mage--Got another 2 good cards in Torch/Etheral that go in a number of it's archetypes.
Pally-Keeper seems solid--I might overrate him but I think he's one of the best cards in the release and awesome in Arena. Anyfin--seems better than I thought but not that playable.
Priest--Entomb seems solid and so does the Curator. I think Excavated fits in some decks but I haven't been impressed with the card.
Rogue--I think Rogue got 2 solid minions, which for it is pretty good in raptor and pillager which created a new rogue archetype in a deathrattle rogue and pillager which threatens to bring miracle back.
Shaman-Little trogg has created a new, extremely strong archetype in a super allin aggro shaman that's fast and efficient at climbing. The other 2 cards seem pretty bad at this point.
Warlock-Reliquary seems better than expected which many thought was totally unplayable for warlock, peddler seems like mainstay of many decks. Warlock, benefitted hugely from Reno as well. Curse of Rafaam seems like super trash.
Warrior-Fierce Monkey I believe is underwhelming to many although probably good in Arena which was expected. Obsidian is annoying as crap in arena/brawl but won't ever be played in constructed unless a real taunt warrior deck arrives. It also competes in the Dr. Boom spot.


Sir Finley has made a few decks better including aggro shaman.
Brann--some expected this card to suck, I think it's one of the better of the release.
Elise--seems to slow but is being played.
Jeweled Scarab--solid
Reno--Surprise top card of the release despite it's limitations in deck building.
Arch Thief--I think he has potential due to discover being fixed but might be too slow for the meta right now.

Neutral cards I still think are trash:
Eerie--I think the card still has potential but it actually hurt piloted sky golem which for the first time had a card that sucks in the 4 spot in many decks
Djinni--I think he's just too gimmicky although a 4/6 isn't a bad card.

Indifferent on most of the other cards either because I haven't seen them enough or haven't played with them.
Anyone's thoughts on Gorilla?--I don't play mech mage
So the TLDR version: Discover is good. Reno is much better than expected. Many classes got totally screwed (Hunter and Warrior in Constructed) and one got a huge buff (Shaman).

All in all, I think the release was good and led to a few more decks being playable/viable including super aggro shaman, super control priest, DR rogue, miracle rogue, MR Shaman Pally, Reno Warlock and a few elise decks. What we didn't get was some help for Hunter (it doesn't bother me that much), and a new deck for warrior (taunt still isn't working--maybe elise/control Warrior will).
League of explorers discussion thread Quote
12-15-2015 , 05:58 PM
We now have the following viable archetypes per class:

Druid-Aggro/MR/Taunt/Mill (not viable)/Beast (not viable)
Hunter-Face/MR/Hybrid/Beast (not viable)
Mage-Freeze/Tempo/Control/Echo/Aggro Freeze/MM
Pally-MR/Aggro/Secret/MR Murloc?--control doesn't seem viable at this point
Rogue-Oil/Mill(probably not viable)/DR (Raptor)/Miracle
Warlock-HL/ML/Zoo/DreadSteed/Reno Lock/DemonLock (not very viable right now)
Warrior-Control/Dragon/Elise/Face (not that viable)/Patron/Fatigue
League of explorers discussion thread Quote
12-15-2015 , 06:13 PM
what is this aggro priest you speak of
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12-15-2015 , 06:17 PM
Divine Spirit/Inner Fire shennanigans, I guess? I haven't seen one of those in a while.
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