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June Constructed Thread June Constructed Thread

06-09-2015 , 12:18 PM
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-09-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Leper Gnome
2x Flame Imp
2x Voidwalker
2x Power Overwhelming
2x Darkbomb
2x Nerubian Egg
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Dire Wolf Alpha
2x Imp Gang Boss
2x Imp-losion
1x Doomguard
i would remove darkbomb and Leper gnome from the core list and add Haunted Creeper and Defender of Argus

Then there is to main ways to go with the tech cards
Demons: Mal'Ganis, Voidcaller, Dr.Boom, 2nd Doomguard, Bane of Doom or VoidTerror
Seas Giants: 2x Sea Giant, Dr.Boom, Leper Gnome/Argent Squire/, 2nd Doomguard
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-09-2015 , 01:09 PM
it's a sad day for zoo when people think leper gnome is part of the 'core'
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-09-2015 , 02:30 PM
when zoo was deathrattle zoo, it was part of the core
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-09-2015 , 05:12 PM
OVERTAKER Zoo! Never forget!
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 01:31 AM
I have never found Haunted Creeper to be that powerful and have been playing without it. Have I been making a massive mistake?
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 02:06 AM
In my limited experience it's pretty great as the first minion you play on a clean board, esp if you can buff with a cleric

Sucks in the late game obv unless you're a paladin or have a storm wind or something
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 02:07 AM
But I'm still feeling the same way about zombie chow, I don't feel like it has helped me much and if I get to mid game before I draw it in basically never playing it
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
I have never found Haunted Creeper to be that powerful and have been playing without it. Have I been making a massive mistake?
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 09:13 AM
2x doomguard are core in every zoo build imo
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
I have never found Haunted Creeper to be that powerful and have been playing without it. Have I been making a massive mistake?
There's okay subs for it but it isn't a bad card. It's value is knife juggling.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 07:30 PM
Haunted Creeper is the definition of value. Don't underrate it, it's a great sticky card. The board presence it generates for 2 mana is unmatched. It especially shines in decks like Zoo where you can buff the tokens with Abusive/Argus/PO and make huge trades.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 09:23 PM
HC is already 3/4 stats for 2 mana which is insane itself. Even though it is all in mini form spread out that is often better cause it is annoying to clear with minions so any decks that can make huge value from having stuff on board love it. They really shine in Zoo (abusive, po, Juggler, argus), Shaman (FT, Argus, Rockbiter) and Hunter (juggler, cheap beast for KC and Houndmaster, Hunters mark) and can be decent in other decks too.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-11-2015 , 11:25 PM
Currently running DracoMage, pretty solid
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-11-2015 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by wombat4hire
Haunted Creeper is the definition of value. Don't underrate it, it's a great sticky card. The board presence it generates for 2 mana is unmatched. It especially shines in decks like Zoo where you can buff the tokens with Abusive/Argus/PO and make huge trades.
Yeah in zoo it is decent. But in facehunter deck you can sub for it. It isn't the burstiest of cards alone.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-12-2015 , 02:00 AM
I am normally an arena player that is trying to push to legend for the first time this month and wow is the ladder troll when you play a lot of it. Been bouncing between ranks 3-5 for the last 4 or 5 days. So far I have tried playing flamewaker mage, mech shaman, dragon control warrior, face hunter, handlock, patron warrior, mid range pally, oil rouge, zoo and combo druid. I think I am switching decks to much without getting good at any of them. My favorite decks have been oil rogue and flamewaker mage. No real point to this post just looking for advice on getting the rest of the way to legend.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-12-2015 , 02:04 AM
Most of the time it's tough. Sometimes it's easy and you feel like you have the game completely figured out. No real advice other than stick with it, you'll get it (And good luck!)
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-26-2015 , 12:04 AM
Won 10 in a row with patron to go from 4 to 2 while at work today lol.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-30-2015 , 05:19 AM

Grim patron is OK.
Currently chilling at legend 20 and still feel like I'm simply mashing buttons. :3
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-30-2015 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by frankinabox

Grim patron is OK.
Currently chilling at legend 20 and still feel like I'm simply mashing buttons. :3
Balanced tho! I saw Sjow die from 37 on turn 7 when his opponent started with only 1 charge on a death's bite on board.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-30-2015 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by frankinabox

Grim patron is OK.
Currently chilling at legend 20 and still feel like I'm simply mashing buttons. :3
Which patron list are you running?
June Constructed Thread Quote
