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June Constructed Thread June Constructed Thread

06-03-2015 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Seems like I'm capped at R17 without Dr. Boom or other legendaries with mech mage. That's ok. I only started a few weeks ago.
You might find the cap is much lower the first week of the month. Rank 15-17 right now is like Rank 5-7 at the end of the month, IME.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-03-2015 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Clinger
You might find the cap is much lower the first week of the month. Rank 15-17 right now is like Rank 5-7 at the end of the month, IME.
Yeah, the play today from 16-14 was tougher than at the end of last season from 10-7.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 01:06 AM
Been playing a lot of Zoo to start the month. Seems very strong as I've been running into very few hard control decks, and Zoo seems to do better against other aggro decks.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 01:58 AM
I've found zoo pretty hard to beat as control warrior. You kinda need the war axe early game or you just take so much damage
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 02:06 AM
I found zoo to be really hard on rogue. It's the main reason I didn't do well with rogue last month - tons of zoo and it seems to be a difficult matchup due to voidcallers always having malganis or doomguard.

The only class/deck I find to consistently destroy Zoo and leave no prisoners is priest. Everything else seems average to not effective at all.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 02:10 AM
Only played it for around 40-50 games so far. Seems like I struggle most against heavy control decks like traditional control priest and control mage.

Warrior is tough because they really need to get the armor cards to be successful. Control warrior seems to have a much better chance than Patron Warrior though.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
I found zoo to be really hard on rogue. It's the main reason I didn't do well with rogue last month - tons of zoo and it seems to be a difficult matchup due to voidcallers always having malganis or doomguard.

The only class/deck I find to consistently destroy Zoo and leave no prisoners is priest. Everything else seems average to not effective at all.
freeze mage is really good against zoo
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 06:07 AM
I'm running like God with this tempo Mage. Win% north of 80. Rank 20 to 13 in 2 days, not sure how many games, but I've been on crazy long win streaks.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 07:09 AM
What is your deck list. Tried face hunter but I run in way too many warriors and mages to make that work. Had some fun with flamewaker mage but the winrate is not high enough. Now trying some warlock decks. Wish I could do warrior but miss several legendaries for that.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 07:55 AM
You should be able to beat some of the mage decks with facehunter. Warrior match ups give me a little trouble, but I can beat them depending on how my cards are dealt. Mind you I have a crappy facehunter deck. It comes down to killing off their set up cards for Patron. Control warriors give me the most trouble.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 08:21 AM
This is my Zoo deck. Aggro deck even by Zoo standards, but still allows me to trade out pretty well in some spots.

1 (11)

2x Power Overwhelming
1x Soulfire
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Flame Imp
2x Voidwalker
2x Leper Gnome

2 (10)

2x Darkbomb
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x Dire Wolf Alpha
2x Knife Juggler
2x Nerubian Egg
1s Sunfury Protector

3 (3)

1x Arcane Golem
2x Imp Gang Boss

4 (5)

1x Defender of Argus
2x Imp-losion
1x Hellfire
1x Piloted Shredder

5 (1)

1x Doomguard

Overall the list is pretty similar to most Zoo decks. I put in the Sunfury for early help against super aggro decks like Face Hunter. Worst case, a 2/3 body for a 2 drop isn't terrible.

The Hellfire is mostly because I'm running into other Zoo decks or Tempo/Mech mage quite a bit. The Hellfire acts as a reset button of sorts if a fast opponent gains board control first. It doesn't work as well against a face hunter because of the amount of damage out of hand they have, but more against aggro decks that use minions to get out their damage.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dutch101
What is your deck list. Tried face hunter but I run in way too many warriors and mages to make that work. Had some fun with flamewaker mage but the winrate is not high enough. Now trying some warlock decks. Wish I could do warrior but miss several legendaries for that.
2x mana worm
2x unstable portal
2x sorc apprentice
2x mad scientist
2x frostbolt
2x flamecannon
1x arcane intellect
2x flamewaker
2x mirror entity
1x counterspell (this is an absolute must, best card in the deck imo)
2x fireball
1x kezan mystic
2x water elemental
1x azure drake
1x loatheb
2x sludge belcher
1x flamestrike
1x dr boom
1x ragnaros

I'd replace the flamestrike with Archmage or Alex, but don't have either of those. You can run shredders over the water elementals too, I tried that out and just prefer the elementals because they tend to eat fireballs, executes, etc. The elementals give me a massive edge over weapons classes though. Like, warriors have to execute them to have any chance, rogues have to sap, etc. You can swap kezan for another azure drake too (I only have 1 in my collection). Kezan wins mirror matches.

Most difficult opponent is face hunter, I figured out that you kinda have to race them. Usually doesn't work, but even if you draw a great starting hand they are difficult. All of my games and matchups are fairly low sample size.

Oh, one more thing. I think you need to use the hero power a lot, otherwise I've run into trouble playing with only a few cards. Get a lot of pings in (I'm still figuring out the optimal amount). One great thing about thisdeck is you're never in terrible shape at the start. With all the 2 cost cards, you always draw good starters and tend to press an immediate advantage. I cannot understate the importance of counterspell for tempo. That secret does two things. One, it forces opponents to play around mirror image, and two, it completely destroys one of their removals. I'm considering adding another one, but meh.

Last edited by vixticator; 06-04-2015 at 03:01 PM.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 04:28 PM
I bought 15 packs and opened a Sylvanas. Swapped out flamestrike for it.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 06:14 PM
Wait a minute, you just started playing fairly recently and have Boom, Ragnaros, and Sylvanas?

Teach me!
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 06:37 PM
Think he's p2w'ing lol

June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 08:42 PM
Straight cash homie.

It helped that I opened a golden legendary that was kinda useless. I de it and made Ragnaros. I made Dr Boom first, opened 2 Black Knights, de one for 400, then bought 15 packs and had enough given what I already had. I bought 15 more packs today and opened Sylvanas outright. Overall I've spent... way too much on card packs, haha.

I think I'm running hot opening legendaries too. I've opened like 75 packs total maybe (possibly closer to 100, no idea), and I've opened like 7 legendary cards.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I think I'm running hot opening legendaries too. I've opened like 75 packs total maybe (possibly closer to 100, no idea), and I've opened like 7 legendary cards.
You're running extremely hot. I've spent $120 on packs (88 packs) and have completed a bunch of daily quests, and have opened 4 legendaries: both Shaman legendaries (I've dusted one when I was at 1200 dust and used it to craft Boom, but still have Al'Akir), Hogger, and Gahz'rilla, neither of which I've ever used on the ladder.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 10:36 PM
I've spent the same on packs. Well, I bought an additional 10 pack one day. So, $130 overall. Not including the cost of the expansions. Not sure how many packs I've opened from arenas and spectating. Not a lot. Maybe 15 more?

Run better is my advice.

I've opened Gahz'rilla golden (thx for 1600 dust), Al'Akir, Bloodmage Thanos, 2x Black Knight, Mogor the Ogre, and Sylvanas. Haven't dusted Mogor yet. I'm thinking about it.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 11:06 PM
Is some big streamer running aggro paladin? I've played 10 paladins this month and 9 have been aggro. Even seen leeroy jenkins 3 times from them.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-04-2015 , 11:24 PM
There was a site with statistics on packs based on someone's data (small sample size). Iirc it's ~5% chance on Legendaries. I've gotten about 3 Legendaries playing 3 weeks or so on this account just with daily gold. Grom (which lol i dusted bc i didn't know better) and 2 crappy ones.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-05-2015 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
There was a site with statistics on packs based on someone's data (small sample size). Iirc it's ~5% chance on Legendaries. I've gotten about 3 Legendaries playing 3 weeks or so on this account just with daily gold. Grom (which lol i dusted bc i didn't know better) and 2 crappy ones.
Yeah, it's between 5 and 6%. I'm running incredibly bad (I have about half the legendaries I should have). You seem to be running really well. Vix is only slightly above average.

3 legendaries in 3 weeks is amazing. I get approximately a pack every other day for free. So in three weeks, you'll get about 10 packs. According to percentages, you shouldn't even have 3 epics in 10 packs.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-05-2015 , 01:26 AM
Still haven't gotten a single GvG legendary. Crafted Boom and that is the only one I have. I don't buy packs but with the amount of arena runs I have done I should have gotten several.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-05-2015 , 01:50 AM
I've opened a ton of epics. I can't tell the exact number on my phone, but more than 20 for sure.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-05-2015 , 02:55 AM
Timing the meta tonight super well.

Play Zoolock, run into a few rogues. Switch to Control Priest, 3/4 matches are vs. Handlock. Back to Zoo, more rogues.
June Constructed Thread Quote
06-05-2015 , 11:15 AM
Classic packs pre any expansions used to be 3-4 legendaries per 40 packs. The gvg packs have way more epic drops than classic packs and less legendary drops. Lastly, if you're spending $120 for 80 packs you're doing it wrong. I get 107 packs for $100.
June Constructed Thread Quote
