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Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game)

12-10-2014 , 01:03 PM
Firebat vs RDU in a best of seven should be starting in just a moment. Interesting to see what kind of gvg decks they are using.
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12-10-2014 , 01:09 PM
They are using spectator mode for Deck Wars. I'm excited to see how this goes. Off the bat they're having trouble with the invite system but they do have a stream going. Firebat is playing Ancient Watcher + Deathlord + Wailing Soul Druid lol. Turn 4 dream.
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12-10-2014 , 01:17 PM
I cruised from 20 to 13 with my pally aggro dumpdeck. I am blowing out handlock, control warrior, zoo, hunter. Getting murdered by priest. Basically the goal of the deck is to unload everything onto the board and exploit the 2 jeeves and 2 Divine Favor.

I have been going back and forth on mechs. Spare parts are aids in this deck, but Mechwarper leads to some blowouts. Juggler in insane. This is a pretty cheap deck to build for any poorboys out there.

Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
I cruised from 20 to 13 with my pally aggro dumpdeck. I am blowing out handlock, control warrior, zoo, hunter. Getting murdered by priest. Basically the goal of the deck is to unload everything onto the board and exploit the 2 jeeves and 2 Divine Favor.

I have been going back and forth on mechs. Spare parts are aids in this deck, but Mechwarper leads to some blowouts. Juggler in insane. This is a pretty cheap deck to build for any poorboys out there.

This style build really seems to work, superjj102 is running a rogue version of it right now that he took to legend. Have you thought about putting quartermaster in it?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 01:38 PM
Yea, that is probably worth adding. Problem is having Quartermaster in opening hand is really, really bad. On the plus side, the tokens are almost always ignored so it would be easy for me to pull off a massive Qmaster in some games. 8/11 for 5? Yea I'm down for that. 1 of probably has value. What would I take out? One Harvest I guess. I kinda wish I had more mechs for Warper tho.

This current version is the only version I beat priest with. Went 100% control and just outdrew him. Getting a fullboard Enhanco is pretty #value.
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12-10-2014 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Weirdest thing about this photoshop is that it makes more sense with the original card text than the photoshopped one.
a++ btw
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
I really wanted this Divine Favor / Jeeves deck to work, it's not bad but didn't feel strong enough to me. Hella fun though, regularly go through your whole deck. I went about 50% with it so you can have some fun, I think the combo needs a better implementation and then it's possible it could work. Morale victory running Target Dummy though.

Fixed it, basically added Blessings of Might, Abusive Seargent. Removed Mad Scientist. Multiple turn 5 kills since, so sweet.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA
Here are my first hands-on impressions of the new Priest cards. I don't play Arena, so this is purely from a constructed point of view.

Light of the Naaru - This is a good card. I cut a PW:S and put a copy of this in my deck and I think I'm going to keep it. The Lightwarden that spawns has a taunt similar to Cleric/Mana Wyrm/Taker and you can get some extreme value from it if your opponent doesn't remove it.

Shrinkmeister - I'm disappointed with this card so far. The combos with Shadow Madness, Cabal, and SW:P are obvious. Unfortunately, in most games, I found this card sitting in my hand, waiting for one of those combo opportunities to arise. If you have to drop this card on an empty board because you didn't draw any of your early game, it's pretty terrible. Realistically, you'll be using this card to prevent two damage to your minions when you trade with them. Maybe I was just running bad. Meh.

Shadowboxer - This card is trying to fill a role in a Priest deck that Wild Pyromancer fills much better. I don't think it will be played much.

Velen's Chosen - This card isn't bad but the problem is that the three-mana Priest slot is already filled by Cultist and Blademaster. This is similar to Mark of the Wild, a decent card that won't see play because it's hard to justify cutting something else.

Upgraded Repair-Bot - I didn't try a mech deck yet so I can't comment on this card. Seems like it could be good.

Vol'jin - I agree with everyone else that's reviewed this card. It's very strong and will be included in every competitive Priest deck moving forward.

Lightbomb - Brawl for Priests. Great card. I think you'll see a copy of this in most Priest decks. A Handlock dropped his two moltens vs me last night and I had this in hand. That was fun.

Shadowbomber - lol, a Priest epic that's worse than a Leper Gnome, amazing.

Edit: I should note that I was playing vs mostly aggro decks last night. If the meta shifts more toward control, Shrinkmeister's value would increase.
Hey, not sure how much you've play tested all this, but I wanted to weigh in. The full disclaimer is I've gone nuts with how much I've played since the expansion, (obv play will tail off, but I'm really trying to get a major feel for all the new cards) and I've tried every class, so my play hasn't been directly focused. But I've logged the most with priest play, mainly because I thought the new cards benefited it most.

Cliffs: I disagree with most of your card evaluations.

Here goes...

Light of Naruu sucks. I swapped out a smite for one originally, and there is almost no occasion it's better than it/other more beneficial cards. I rolled with it for a while, and basically the ~dream is basically comboing it with Priest/Injured Blademaster so you draw a card, heal up the blademaster, and get a lightspawn. There are also times you can on turn 6 basically get a 4/7 and the 3/2 with similar results. I barely have encountered old school Alexstrazza mages so the insta heal on self hasn't provided much utility, and everytime I kept it in my hand it sat there until I could basically pop it on myself for a lightwarden - which is too slow vs any sort of aggro, as the 1/2 by itself does little. The dream of playing it as a 1 mana frostbolt with my Auchenai almost never occurred. I'm going to keep 1 copy in my deck for the time being as I want it to work, but I imagine it will be cut soon. (Basically, it's bad super early, generally works as a card cycle with priest in the midgame, and later game rarely impacts the board - very niche card. With so many good priest cards, I can't imagine keeping it)

Shrinkmeister - This is UNQUESTIONABLY the best GvG priest card. I've changed my deck a bit to reflect the beastiness (running 2x shadow madness, 2x sw, 2x cabal - all up from 1 copy of each). Also, you cite dealing 2 less damage to your minions as a "meh" thing - I disagree. This card allows you to 2 for 1 very easily, and also opens the door to much bigger combos. If you're playing it as a 3/2 alone on a board that's probably a big mistake, although it depends on the opponent. Main gist is you mulligan it away unless you start with a combo, much like Auchenai/circle. It's not an early game card is the point, it's a mid or late game card that swings games by itself.

Shadowboxer - Didn't get one in my first 65 packs, got one in the second. I agree with you, it's a weaker pyro. It has potential to be built around in a very specific burn priest deck, but in the standard or pseudo-standard control deck it sucks.

Velen's Chosen - I agree with you here, too. The 3 spot is too good, and generally there aren't enough minions in the early game to put it on something unless you're a deathrattle priest with UT/Chow. I could see a different/newer priest deck emerging with this card, but I do not run any and advise against it.

Upgraded Repair Bot - I think the mech priest deck is one of the worst options among the mech possibilities. This is a worse temple enforcer, and almost no one runs temple enforcer.

Vol'jin - It's not that great. I crafted it after my packs since I wanted a class legendary/initially thought it was the best, but man it has underwhelmed. The specific 6 attack is nice, but it requires a. having something on board to take advantage of the battlecry b. technically having something with a lot of health. It has aided the almost unwinnable handlock battles, but it's worse than other options vs any and all aggro. (I've cut my sludge belchers to make room for this/other cards, and that has stung vs zoo for example) I also think I need smite back in just for the possibility of the combo vs a mountain giant or w/e, and now we're branching back into needing to pair it with things that deal 2 damage. (I'm only running 1 nova, as there just isn't room for 2)

Lightbomb - I put it in my deck since I got a golden copy. In 90% of games it just sat there. It's a nice AOE but it's overcosted, although it does allow you to come back. Just because it hasn't worked for me doesn't mean it's bad, I'm cautiously optimistic but specific results (FOR ME) have been poor.

And, lol shadowbomber. Wtf were they thinking. And it's an epic!
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by mephisto
How's Zoo with GVG? I saw Firebat play it with Enhanco Mechano and it looked pretty strong.
zoo is strong as ever. it's still giving me fits, especially as there are more cheap solid deathrattle options to buff UT. im considering putting an exorcist (or for paladin, the purifier) just to combat them, since it's so common to run into it
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by D104
Played vs. a mill druid today. That deck seems really viable. Naturalize and tender of the grove really make that deck shine were the mill rogue lacks. Being able to either develop your board or kill a minion while milling your opponent is so good.

Kaze was watching me play it a little bit yesterday, and I basically ****ed up with tender one game otherwise it was a win (the card draw is on the RIGHT, crystal on the LEFT!) and even beat a hunter, which normally destroy mill decks. I am convinced druid mill >> rogue mill, and it's possibly viable in ranked.

It's also really fun to play, which I suppose is the point of this game. :X
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:46 PM
Is Arena just now going to give GvG packs indefinitely, or is will it switch back sometime? I'm wondering if I will be able to still get classic cards in Arena. Will there just be one kind of pack at some point?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Hey, not sure how much you've play tested all this, but I wanted to weigh in. The full disclaimer is I've gone nuts with how much I've played since the expansion, (obv play will tail off, but I'm really trying to get a major feel for all the new cards) and I've tried every class, so my play hasn't been directly focused. But I've logged the most with priest play, mainly because I thought the new cards benefited it most.
I didn't play for that long, I totaled 18 games between ranks 8/9 last night with this deck and that's it, so a pretty small sample size. 11 of my 18 games were vs Mage/Druid too which seemed odd so that likely had an affect on my evaluations also.

Admittedly, I was trying to work the new cards into my pre-GvG Priest deck, rather than building a deck around the new cards, so I think you're likely right that a deck built specifically around Shrinkmaster could be very good.

With regard to Naaru, it has worked for me so far but I'll obviously have to test it quite a bit more to get any sort of definitive opinion.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:14 PM
Now that GVG is out, what class has the best possible anti-hunter deck?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
Fixed it, basically added Blessings of Might, Abusive Seargent. Removed Mad Scientist. Multiple turn 5 kills since, so sweet.
I don't know why I didn't think about adding Avenge. I hate Clockwork Gnome, was pure **** and that spare part was just clogging up my carddraw. Cogmaster inf better.

One thing to think about that I realized last night: This deck can board control sometimes. The card draw in insane. I found that in some matchups, like priest, I had a better chance by making the right trades instead of just face face facing.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:33 PM
Any deck that I've tried to create beyond just updated previously made decks has mostly just sucked or gone like 50/50 except for this deck. Anyone who's having a lot of success with a non-updated deck care to share?

Everything except this deck. 8-0 in ranked:
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:38 PM
The hunter deck with mechs and jeeves is really good and undertaker is still ******ed
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
Any deck that I've tried to create beyond just updated previously made decks has mostly just sucked or gone like 50/50 except for this deck. Anyone who's having a lot of success with a non-updated deck care to share?

Everything except this deck. 8-0 in ranked:
What's the point of the snake trap? No skill command, marks or beasts at all. Wouldn't a glaivezooka, 2nd shredder or one of tinkertown be better?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 04:40 PM
I really wish there was a better way to DE stuff besides the big button or individually clicking on cards. I want to craft some stuff and need tons of dust, but I want to save as much stuff as possible to try and predict future nerfs.

I can't remember have they ever nerfed a common, and if so did they give a full DE value?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by jhall23
I really wish there was a better way to DE stuff besides the big button or individually clicking on cards. I want to craft some stuff and need tons of dust, but I want to save as much stuff as possible to try and predict future nerfs.

I can't remember have they ever nerfed a common, and if so did they give a full DE value?
Flame imp and UTH were nerfed and gave full value.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Facing a mage with at least 3 flamestrikes at 1-0, isn't that supposed to happen less often now?
yours was the first complaint this page

thats less often already
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:15 PM
crushing with pally right now. +1 QM +2 avenge -1 truesilver -2 golem
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I actually like having more cards in Arena, because, in my mind, Constructed is about using specific cards and decks, and Limited (regardless of the CCG) is about building a deck with unknown resources and adapting to the situation when you DON'T have access to specific cards.

Playing a druid in Arena shouldn't be about how many Swipes you get, playing a mage shouldn't be about how many Flamestrikes you get.

I look forward to Arena when Hearthstone has 10,000 cards in it.

The less you can rely on specific cards showing up, the better. It rewards the players that can adapt on the fly more.
I agree in concept but I've just been getting stomped. I've been drafting thoughtfully and playing slowly but just running into a gauntlet of players with super combos and infinite removal.
I'm sitting here with a priest deck with no nova, shield, death, cultists or anything big besides a deathwing...can't really adapt to that. Try as you might to grind out cards with hero power the guy with multiple board wipes is going to plow you every time.

Sss so obviously I could be running into a disproportionately high amount of these decks, but I've never had a bad streak like this before. Several 0-4 win decks and only 2 or 3 with 7 or better. Punted 600ish gold since GvG released which is net of a 480 12 win and doing all the dailies.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
What's the point of the snake trap? No skill command, marks or beasts at all. Wouldn't a glaivezooka, 2nd shredder or one of tinkertown be better?
Agree with the snaketrap. I switched mine out for an explosive trap and that's working fine.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:40 PM
Great priest run for me! Only downranked twice! :sigh:
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:41 PM
Just had a warrior play shredder then another shredder a couple turns later then when the first one dies it spawns that 1/7 that does double deathrattle. Really fun game blizzard.
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