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Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game)

09-24-2016 , 09:04 PM
Alright this is my c'thun list:

I'm pretty rusty and it really sucks when you don't hit your draws, but if you even draw sorta good it's pretty insane. This is a more grindy deck then other versions like kolento's, where he runs pure cycle and tries to hit a discounted brann + c'thun combo

mine just sits back, survives the onslaught, and c'thun when you need a tempo swing or think they're out of answers. it's really more of a fatigue deck but runs way more minions than fatigue warrior.

also seriously mess around with fool's bane, the emotes i get after a shaman smugly throws a mana tide behind some feral spirits and i wipe it out is so worth it. it functions as a third brawl basically and c'thun warrior almost always has health to spare.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-24-2016 , 09:10 PM
Slightly off-topic, but lol Eloise:

"I did a big poop last night in Hafu's toilet it clogged._. We both feel gross and I want to die now. Can anyone suggest any idea to cure her"
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-24-2016 , 10:13 PM
Not sure where to post this but I am getting back into hearthstone after like 2 years. I was never good but now I flat out suck. I feel like I am drawing totally dead in arena...I've watched the Trump videos but I'm def a dog in every matchup.

If someone wants to coach or sweat me I'd appreciate it a bunch and can offer poker coaching in return or something. PM me!
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-24-2016 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
I endorse Geddon heartily as anti-Shaman tech.

As a bonus he obliterates those Apprentice/Sorceror/Mirror Image boards that tempo mages love.

Yup, geddon has singlehandedly won me two games tonight against a shaman and an annoying yogg mage (who somehow managed to have 4 portals)
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-24-2016 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by djz
Not sure where to post this but I am getting back into hearthstone after like 2 years. I was never good but now I flat out suck. I feel like I am drawing totally dead in arena...I've watched the Trump videos but I'm def a dog in every matchup.

If someone wants to coach or sweat me I'd appreciate it a bunch and can offer poker coaching in return or something. PM me!

Phase 1: Pick mage
Phase 2:?????
Phase 3: Profit
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 04:33 AM
I don't think I'm meant to play Warrior. I just tried that C'Thun deck and got destroyed in 9 rounds or less by 3 different classes.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 06:40 PM
as Tempo Mage 27W 43L 38.6%

Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 06:42 PM
I feel like I beat Warrior with the ramp Druid, Malyogg beats most Warriors but the C'Thun warrior with Shieldbearers is definitely the toughest.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 06:48 PM
I wish I could figure out what I'm doing wrong with mage.

Like, look at my class stats this month...

as Shaman 11W 5L 68.8%
as Hunter 38W 23L 62.3%
as Warrior 29W 20L 59.2%
as Druid 41W 35L 53.9%
as Rogue 19W 25L 43.2%
as Priest 14W 20L 41.2%
as Mage 34W 65L 34.3%
as Paladin 1W 3L 25.0%
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 07:03 PM
What kind of rogue do you play?

I have 0 wins as tempo mage in my life.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 07:11 PM
I only play weird burgle rogue stuff with yogg and nzoth heh
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-25-2016 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
as Tempo Mage 27W 43L 38.6%

i wanna ghost you to see wtf you're doing
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-26-2016 , 02:07 AM
Dragonlock actually wrecks Mid Shaman
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-26-2016 , 07:50 PM
I'm searching diligently br0s but so far I've been unable to find a deck that can't beat murloc pally I'll keep you posted though
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-26-2016 , 09:12 PM
Playing against Pally is super annoying.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-26-2016 , 09:48 PM
Hillary played Secret Paladin, definitely. Untrustworthy
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-26-2016 , 11:29 PM
Just had an insane 21-6 run to mid rank 3 with aggro hunter. i'm goin for it boys.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 12:17 AM
6-4 vs shaman tonight which is kind of absurd because I was rocking a 20% winrate this month. The emergency of greedy midrange decks is totally helping my WR, those are beatable whereas the aggro matchup is completely abysmal to the point where I almost want to auto concede.

I also discovered a huge leak, I spent way too many resources trying to remove mana tide totems, I've been ignoring them and pushing damage instead and it's been working out great. Also trying really hard to play around AOE has been helping a ton. a lot of these shaman are also really bad - 2 games out of the 10 they missed a lethal turn and 2 others made massive mistakes

of course my highmanes will always get top decked hexed two turns in a row but what can you do. surprisingly, the hunter mirror is giving me trouble. I think i am trying too hard to play around houndmaster and maintain board control and should just push face because my deck's way less midrangey than these ones running around ladder right now.

oh yea and i removed deadly shot entirely, decided that card's just not that valuable in the aggro deck
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 12:23 AM
I'm pretty sure at my lowly ranks, the shamans who are still at that level are teh suck because they play dumb cards (stuff that are like clearly inferior to their class cards like troggs/FWF) or do really ridiculous stuff.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 12:53 AM
I may just go full AIDS and try to push the last few ranks with shaman, but i have never played the MR or aggro version really so i'm not sure. Seems to be working for everyone else though
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 12:54 AM
You've never played Aggro Shaman?!
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 12:56 AM
i played the burst version pre-wotog a fair bit but this new version is basically an aggro midrange deck that people call aggro

i hear the old version's making a comeback but i tried it the other night and sucked with it

oh man, the hate adds on casual mode from practicing this deck are glorious
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 01:18 AM
This season I was stuck with Dragon Priest at rank 10 for two weeks, queue up pre-wotog Aggro Shaman and hit rank 5 in a few hours.
But I agree Midrange Shaman is just stronger and more annoying to deal with.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 07:45 AM
well this is a bad situation. at least we got yogg

board state next turn after mirror entity into cat trick into ice barrier into gadg + wild growth + arcane giant

'oh i guess we have lethal'

gonna be honest probably the most satisfying comeback ive ever had
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
09-27-2016 , 11:28 AM
Sounds like changes to Yogg are definitely coming. The whole "it's on our radar" is Blizzard code for that.

They've said in the past they don't like to announce nerfs too far ahead of time because it would make people feel worse losing to it in the interim.

On an unrelated note, how did I miss this the first time around, not sure if posted already.

Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
