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Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game)

04-29-2016 , 03:14 PM
I been trying aggro pally but cannot find a good list. I think my curve was slightly to low? just kept getting slightly outvalued by the midrange lists.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 03:22 PM
servent of yogg saron is so bad
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 03:26 PM
This is the list I'm running:

I've seen a lot of people running the new Murloc at two but he doesn't seem good to me.

The curve is really low but you can get a ton of value from Keeper of Uldaman, Divine Favor, Equality and Steward so it's not quite as low value as the curve suggests
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 03:29 PM
very similar to the lists I was running. fwiw I don't think I've lost a game to this list since release so I'm super sceptical.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 03:45 PM
ive now opened doubel golden hazeal. shucks
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:04 PM
Just by God not gonna get a quest today I guess
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:08 PM
I am running a patron warlock deck. It is fun to play, but I lose a lot. This is my list, what improvements would you make(Besides running another deck )?

2 Mortal Coil
2 Elven Archer
2 Void Caller
2 Demon Fire
2 Ancient Watcher
2 Pint.Sized Summoner
1 Sunfury Protector
2 Wild Pyromaniacs
2 Spreading Madness
1 Ironbeak Owl
1 Hellfire
2 Defender of Argus
1 Sen'jin Shieldmaster
2 Grim Patron
1 Siphon Soul
1 Emperor Thaurisson
1 Twisting Nether
1 Alexstrasza
1 Lord Jaraxxus
1 Mountain Giant
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:33 PM
Dark Peddler seems mandatory
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:34 PM
damnit i wanted to make a warlock patron before it was cool
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:38 PM
Is there an easy way to show only your golden, non-basic cards in the collection manager? I know you can put "golden" in there but "not basic, golden" and "not: basic golden" and stuff like that doesn't seem to work.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Aces123123
I am running a patron warlock deck. It is fun to play, but I lose a lot. This is my list, what improvements would you make(Besides running another deck )?

2 Mortal Coil
2 Elven Archer
2 Void Caller
2 Demon Fire
2 Ancient Watcher
2 Pint.Sized Summoner
1 Sunfury Protector
2 Wild Pyromaniacs
2 Spreading Madness
1 Ironbeak Owl
1 Hellfire
2 Defender of Argus
1 Sen'jin Shieldmaster
2 Grim Patron
1 Siphon Soul
1 Emperor Thaurisson
1 Twisting Nether
1 Alexstrasza
1 Lord Jaraxxus
1 Mountain Giant
Start by replacing: 2 Pint.Sized Summoner. This card is just very underpowered and I can't imagine it's the best use of a card. Replace it with Dark Peddler and pick up more elven archers from the discover.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
in 1 year of playing I have never opened a golden legend

I got golden bloodmage Thalnos from my first ever HS pack.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:47 PM
awesome a freezemage that ropes max every turn at 1 and 2 mana

cant wait to get to turn 3
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 04:54 PM
I played a face shaman that roped every turn to the end a few days ago. Hopefully he died in a fiery crash.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
very similar to the lists I was running. fwiw I don't think I've lost a game to this list since release so I'm super sceptical.
I am currently 28-10 with that list
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 05:51 PM
so did u guys dust naxx cards?
anyone playing wild?
I have zero desire to play wild but who know the futur of the game and disenchanting could be costy if some cards are reinstated one day.
played a bit since patch and just got the 13 free packs.
im at rank 12 using 2 decks I threw cards in kinda randomly and winning a lot for that low rank.
1st deck is murlock pally anyfin (without murk eye it still does good)
2nd deck is reno ctun with very few ctun boosters.
bran mvp usually.

Originally Posted by Kirbynator
awesome a freezemage that ropes max every turn at 1 and 2 mana

cant wait to get to turn 3
waht means ropes max?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 05:55 PM
Uses their entire allotted time each turn
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 05:56 PM
In the mid ranks lots of people attempting to play a zoo'ish warlock deck with lots of 1/1's and Dark Councilmen and stuff.

It seems terrible though. I crush it most of the time. So many bigger taunt minions and AOE's which actually clear the board now.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 06:08 PM
Thanks for the advice!
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 06:22 PM
I've roped people who BM early for no reason w my freeze mage, i cant imagine a more infuriating experience
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Can someone from the patron-is-still-good camp please post your decklist? I'm not even batting my own weight with it
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 06:38 PM
Did some big streamer try divine shield eboladin on stream today?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 06:44 PM
Rank 25, wrecking people with basic druid deck
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 07:13 PM
If there wasn't a 2p2 tourney going on I'd ask if any of you guys would want to race to legend once the new season starts since it is on the weekend.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
04-29-2016 , 09:24 PM
Steward of Darkshire is looking strong, I expect aggro paladin lists to become more refined in the coming weeks and dominate the meta. We will be right back where we started
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
