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This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter)

08-01-2015 , 12:31 PM
Just crashed out with a game where turn five i was going to Starfall his Healbot but thought better of it and was putting the card back when my finger slipped and my turn five was doing 5 damage to my face. Next turn I play an abusive sergeant to kill his shredder and a sea giant he gets a patient assassin out of the shredder. And yes I had to play the giant before killing my minion on his shredder.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-01-2015 , 04:02 PM
Starfall cant target face. You mean starfire i assume

Anyway i may be in the minority and lol me if this is oldmanyellsatclouds.gif but these arena bad beat stories are kinda AIDS. Outside of the super insane story i dont care about how a particular 3-0 run was sullied by a guy curving out well or w/e. Its arena. Its hearthstone. You win some. You lose some. Yawn.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-01-2015 , 06:31 PM
Shameless bragging is still ok, right?

Just went 12-1 with the most insane Paladin deck I've drafted.

Screw your 240g though.

12-x runs are now at

I literally always 1-3 to pick the class.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:57 PM
kinda thought the thread WAS for shameless bragging! congrats man

(and hey if im the only one who dreads the bad beat stories, by all means i dont wanna rain on anyone's parades, genuinely curious if anyone enjoys reading them)
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-02-2015 , 01:02 AM
Just had a really fun rogue deck, only won 5 games but it was insane tempo with 2 defias, 2 deadly poison, 2 eviscerate, 2 back stab, a blade flurry, a fan of knives, a deckhand, ooze, stuff like that. No healing hurt me. No SI Agents. One time I didn't have a play until turn 3, which seems impossible. Must've had 20 one or two drops.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-02-2015 , 04:51 AM
I finally got the dream. 12-0.

+ Guardian of Kings

I had so much synergy. Mech synergy, card draw with Jeeves and Solemn Vigil, 2 minibots, truesilver, consecrate, blessing of kings, sunwalker, plus I drew crazy good. I played Muster for Battle on turn 3 in maybe half the games.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-02-2015 , 06:32 AM
Gj lenc. I finally managed to go 0-3 on my 6th try.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-02-2015 , 09:38 PM
Nice, Muster is maybe the best card in the game for arena (?). I can't immediately think of a better one. Like, I'd take it over any legendary.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-03-2015 , 01:06 AM
I just got Deathwinged by Kripparian.

I hate this game.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-03-2015 , 01:47 AM
Next game I get a guy who silences my Dancing Swords... how nice of him

At 6 wins I face a guy with two Mogu'shan...

This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-03-2015 , 02:29 AM
Damn, just made a fun list with 2 x Hobgoblin, Wisp, 2 x Micro Machine, 2 x Mana Wyrm, 2 x the 1-4 Spell Damage guy and a few others. Was going along nicely at 6-0, but failed to draw Hob a few times and finished 7-3
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-03-2015 , 08:33 PM
Back to back 12 brag, including a rogue deck weighing in at 58.9 on HA:

I'm well over infinite (70.7%) over a huge sample but somehow only 12 on 10% of runs or so, which seems really subpar compared to top streamers. Is it just that I don't remember all the streamed crap runs or is there another big gap between 70% and higher?
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-03-2015 , 08:42 PM
what do you mean by big gap? all progress more or less is incremental
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-03-2015 , 08:58 PM
It took me basically no time to go from zero to a six win average but getting to seven was much more difficult. I'm wondering if given my low (or is it?) winrate for 8-11 win runs the answer is that I'm doing worse than I should be against top competition.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 12:56 AM
I just lost to a priest who Mind Controled my taunt totem for the win.

Always think before tapping... gah
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
I'm well over infinite (70.7%) over a huge sample but somehow only 12 on 10% of runs or so, which seems really subpar compared to top streamers. Is it just that I don't remember all the streamed crap runs or is there another big gap between 70% and higher?
I've been right around 70% for the last three months and I don't have a single 12 win run iirc.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 01:52 PM
12-2 Shaman


8th pick was Feugen/Stalagg/Chromaggus. Was heavy on 1-3 drops so went with Feugen over Chrom for a faster deck. 4/7 body actually delivered and caught plenty of people off guard. Later in the draft got some big bodies offered so gameplan went from aggro to trade and survive until I can drop them.

Also pretty big surge of 2/1s coming in after the last major HearthArena update. Worgen has always been elite but now people are dropping Clockwork Gnome on turn 1 very often. I think it's time to officially announce 2/3s are better than 3/2s for at least a brief moment before TGT.

Bobbo, maybe for the next 2p2 tourney we can consider an arena one? Would allow people to all play on one server easily. Drawbacks are that the drafts will have to be an honor system thing(would be lame to ask people to share screens and stuff), wish you could spectate drafts.

12-x runs are now at
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 02:12 PM
Issue may just be not having access to full library of cards, but if we can find a way around it I'm in.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 02:48 PM
Oh yeah, I'm dumb. Didn't figure that there would be the same exact problem as with constructed decks.

But still a fun idea and I'd probably buy some packs just to craft my cards on US, the average arena deck should be pretty inexpensive.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:14 PM
How will the influx on new cards change what we play around in arena? Should we still be playing around equality/cons combo? mctech? other?
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 04:27 PM
You should not be playing around eq/con as it is.

The influx of new cards will dilute the card choices such that it becomes much less likely that your opponent has X class defining card. So you'll see a lot more mages without flamestrike, shamans with no fire ele's etc etc.

But the expansion should also add some good cards so I expect it will be more like playing against current paladins. On turn 4 they can Truesilver/consecrate/blessing of kings, and you really can't play around all 3.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Also pretty big surge of 2/1s coming in after the last major HearthArena update. Worgen has always been elite but now people are dropping Clockwork Gnome on turn 1 very often. I think it's time to officially announce 2/3s are better than 3/2s for at least a brief moment before TGT.
I kinda have felt this since gvg


Bobbo, maybe for the next 2p2 tourney we can consider an arena one? Would allow people to all play on one server easily. Drawbacks are that the drafts will have to be an honor system thing(would be lame to ask people to share screens and stuff), wish you could spectate drafts.
love love LOVE this idea
only downside is what happens if you draft 3x (or more!) of one card?

could do the draft on twitch before you play your match, honestly my favorite part of any arena run is the draft anyway
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
love love LOVE this idea
only downside is what happens if you draft 3x (or more!) of one card?

could do the draft on twitch before you play your match, honestly my favorite part of any arena run is the draft anyway
Drafting >>>>>>>>>>>> Playing. Felt that way about limited in MTG too.

Can set a rule that you can draft a max of 2 of one card and one of any legendary - same way they ran this on [insert one of the HS stream names here].
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 06:41 PM
Doing an arena-esque 2+2 tournament would be awesome. As someone who is basically f2p, I don't even bother signing up for the tournament as is.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
08-04-2015 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
I kinda have felt this since gvg

love love LOVE this idea
only downside is what happens if you draft 3x (or more!) of one card?

could do the draft on twitch before you play your match, honestly my favorite part of any arena run is the draft anyway
You don't take the 3rd+ copy obv. Reynad hosted two lord of the arena tourneys that has this format. I remember Massan drafted a sick sick deck but took a 3rd fireball or something and had to forfeit it.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
