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Grand Tournament Card Discussion Grand Tournament Card Discussion

07-28-2015 , 09:08 PM
Yeah mad bomber is solid comp. My first thought was Ironforged Rifleman, which is such a bad 3 drop that even on 2 mana it wouldn't be that great. (It would be a cruel taskmaster without upside, which makes it not as good as a pretty solid class card)

Not being able to control the ping is so massive, bliz has fallen in love with RNG.

Agree that if it couldn't hit face it would be miles better. Having to nail a 50/50 in the early game to have a chance sucks
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by D104
Mad bomber is straight up better than this card and sees no play.
I thought Mad Bomber had earned a spot for brief time periods in alternative hunter and mage builds...

Mad Bomber is a cool card because it's that tier of cards that isn't elite or even really good, but situationally can be quite powerful and can at least be considered for constructed, even though it isn't quite there. And the ability is enough of a drawback that it isn't a super OP arena card, in fact I can't stand it.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:10 PM
It does seem like Bliz is creating a ton of pretty solid arena cards. :/
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:17 PM
These points Make sense if flame juggler was a 3/2...but the 2/3 stats make it decent with an amazing upside! Does it suck against grim patron...yeah, but at that point you're looking to aoe/use weapons to stabilize in the matchup...otherwise you're prolly dead anyway
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:19 PM
it's not like mechwarpers are being run for their 2/3 body
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:24 PM
The 2/3 deal 1 random damage would be better if it were 1 random damage to an enemy MINION.

If your opponent plays a 1 HP opener you've still only got a 50% chance of killing it with this guy.

Originally Posted by Kirbynator
it would be a good card if it couldnt hit face
Yep. My exact first though as well.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:26 PM
That's not a good comparison since we're talking about a tempo swing card that has a 50/50 shot of destroying face hunter (again I'm talking from a paladin midrange pov, and I haven't found a good pally mech deck yet haha).

If I miss chow on turn one and can play flame juggler turn two, I can be back in the game. And if I did play chow turn one, I'm not screwing up my chances of making good trades with chow if mad bomber is killing him.

I'm just saying the upside of this card in paladin is worth testing as sometimes knife juggler can be too slow against face Hunter (sounds weird but true). Cuz at least if it doesn't regain tempo right then and there, it still doesn't die to a leper gnome.

I can see running a "one of" of either flame or knife juggler with two of the other in pally.

Last edited by KremePuff; 07-28-2015 at 09:36 PM.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:34 PM
I liked my mad bomber warrior

So good with acolyte of pain and against 1 hp aggro drops
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 10:15 PM
and not just face hunter...lets you trade into 3 health/divine shielded creatures that are hard to deal with (minibots, annoyotrons, voidwalkers, mechwarpers...even argent squire is a good hit) this is a faster knife juggler that makes better trades with one drops when its best case scenario doesn't it
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:00 PM
in general KP i find random effect cards not that useful in constructed, unless they are REALLY REALLY good (like boom).
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:04 PM
It just really needed to be 'enemy minion'.

****, ANY random minion would be better. It just can't go face and fail to DO ITS ONE JOB.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
in general KP i find random effect cards not that useful in constructed, unless they are REALLY REALLY good (like boom).
All random effects cards:

Mech Bear Cat-Get a random spare part
Webspinner: Random Beast
Glaive--Random buff
Animal C- Random Complainion
Deadly Shot-Random Kill
Multi-Shot-3 damage to random minions
Arcane Missles-3 random damage
Flame Cannon-4 damage to a random minion
Goblin Blastmage-4 random damage + 5/4
Avenging Wrath-6 random damage

Tinker-+3 random attack to a minion
Kidnapper-return a random minion
Forked Lighting-2 damage to 2 random minions
Crackle-random damage 3-6
Lightning Storm-2-3 damage AOE
Fireguard-3/6 with 1-4 buff to attack
Neptulon-4 random murlocs
Soulfire-discard random card
Blood Imp-+1 health to a random friendly minion
Succubus-discard random card

Voidcaller-random demon
Implosion-2-4 damage + imps
Bane of doom-random demon
Sense demons
Doomguard-discard 2 cards
Cleave-2 damage to 2 random enemy minions
Bouncing blades
Ogre Warmaul-50% chance to hit
iron Juggarnaut--10 damage card
Brawl- 1 unit survives

Clockwork-spare part
Young Priestess-+1 health to a random minion
Captain's Parrot-Draw a random pirate
Juggler-1 damage per summon minion
Mad Bomber
Mad Scientist
Nat Pagle-50% chance of drawing a card
Master Swordsman-random friendly minion get's +1 attack
Recombob- random minion of same costs
Ship's cannon-2 damage for each pirate summoned

Alarm O-bot
Deathlord--deathrattle-minion into battlefield for enemy
Demolishener-random 2 damage
Gnomish-Draw a card--if minion turn it into a chicken
Ogre Brute-50%
Enhanco-one of 3 powers
Mech Yeti--spare part
Hungry Dragon--summon a 1 mana for enemy
Kezan Mystic-steal a random secret

Tinker Tech-Spare Part
Toshley-2 spare parts
Piloted shredder--2 cost minion deathrattle
bomb lobber-4 random damage
Madder Bomber
Kodo-kill 2 or less attack minion
Gazlowe-Get 1 random mech for casting a 1 mana spell
PSG-random 4 mana minion deathrattle
Sylv-steal a random enemy minoin

Sneed-random legendary deathrattle
Ysera--add a random dream card
Nefarian-2 random enemy spells
Elite Tauren Chieftain

79 random effect spells/minions. Didn't realize it was so many before I started. Sick part is some of the best cards in the game are random--Boom, Sylv, Rag, Juggler, Mad Scientist, Shredder, Doom guard--and many of these can be controlled.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:42 PM
Kidnapper and Sense Demons aren't random.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:45 PM
the two legendary cards have been tweeted to 100% reveal meter

still no reveal

Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Kidnapper and Sense Demons aren't random.
Sense demons draws random demons from your deck. You are right on kidnapper though.

It literally says random. It's only not random if you only have a certain # of demons left or if you have none left. Likewise, rag isn't random if your opponent has no units left, neither is avenging wrath, knife juggler the same, tinker if you have 1 unit, mad scientist if you have 1 type of secret. Many of the best "random" cards can be made non random and thus more powerful than their mana.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 12:02 AM
it's not random capone, cmon
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
it isn't a super OP arena card, in fact I can't stand it.
I remember hearing it had the best win rate in arena, or it was the card most likely to be in 12 win decks or something along those lines.

Originally Posted by Kirbynator
the two legendary cards have been tweeted to 100% reveal meter

still no reveal

The reveal rate is ridiculous, there are 107 more cards and max 35~ days, give us a few a day!
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
the two legendary cards have been tweeted to 100% reveal meter

still no reveal

I imagine the tweets didn't change the reveal time, just how many cards are revealed. This is getting annoying. Can't even preorder, and we know they're ready to go due to the Amazon snafu #BlizzFail
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 01:15 AM
no there were 2 legendary cards shown that are supposed to be revealed when the meter reaches 100%

obviously its probably all just a fake meter bar for maximum marketing and thye probably were planning all along to reveal tomorrow or something
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 01:30 AM
my mistake, the page does say "reveal them early"

I guess it's just not automatic and since it was hit after everyone went home we'll have to wait for whenever someone gets around to it tomorrow morning. Which isn't much earlier than they were planning to reveal probably.

Would it be that hard to automatically reveal? Blizz makes such rediculous design decisions. Imagine if Steam went down for maintenance for a couple hours every week.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 01:33 AM
it was revealed at about 9 pm in the west is everyone really gone at blizz? =.=

anyway, we'll see tomorrow.

ps: just realized theres only space for 3 more neutral legendaries, two of them being those.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
it was revealed at about 9 pm in the west is everyone really gone at blizz? =.=
The people who make decisions are. Lowly peons can't be trusted with stuff like that.

Originally Posted by Kirbynator
ps: just realized theres only space for 3 more neutral legendaries, two of them being those.
how do you figure? there were 12 in GvG. We've only got 3? revealed so far.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 07:50 AM
Two new cards

Both seem good/avg, but not good enough for constructed. Maybe druid one will see play in some inspire deck
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 07:58 AM
Druid one is really interesting. Seems really strong if you can innervate or wild growth it out, bad otherwise.

Mech one helps create a midrange style mech deck, which is ok.

Agreed with zaephyr, not sure if either is good enough for constructed.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-29-2015 , 08:34 AM
Both great arena cards, just wish the druid one was a common.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
