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Grand Tournament Card Discussion Grand Tournament Card Discussion

07-22-2015 , 06:05 PM
Let's use this thread to discuss and evaluate all the new 130 (!!!) cards.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:10 PM
Some screencaps here.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:13 PM
Love the inspire mechanic. I don't know how good it'll end up being for constructed (Seems quite good for handlocks and control warriors in theory) but the idea to approach the set designing a bit around HPs instead of just a different tribal effect is great. The 4/5 inspire draw a card has looked great in this showmatch.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:15 PM
Agree, "inspire" is a great new mechanic. Really like that.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
i disagree

Inspire cards are mostly good for control. Same for heropower altering cards
But it loops back to problem 101: how are you going to survive to the turn 6+ where you can actually play an inspire + hp?

vs the aggro, as strong as ever, you'll be too far behind.

vs the combo, they'll just lulz at you bc their combo is gonna be better than your slow grind hero power tappy tappy.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:20 PM
Wow at the totems. Looks like they are trying to make Shaman viable.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:20 PM
This card is absolutely insane:

I can't wait to try it out!
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:38 PM
Lol at the power is this?!
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:40 PM
It's the Saraad show on the HS stream right now. MVP. Without seeing the rest of the cards, it's the Emperor card for this expansion.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by mephisto
This card is absolutely insane:

I can't wait to try it out!
really? to gain one HP over an azure drake you a) have to use a hero power b) dont get the draw from your deck c) dont get spellpower

yeah you can get value if it stays alive a couple turns, but by then you are either dead to aggro or would have won with any 5 drop that stays alive that long
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
really? to gain one HP over an azure drake you a) have to use a hero power b) dont get the draw from your deck c) dont get spellpower
It's not a 5 drop. when combined with the card that let's you infinitely hero power each turn + hero power only costs 1 -- puke
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:46 PM
so its a specific 3 card, late-game combo (one of which is a legendary) that gives you a bunch of random spells?

i feel if archmage antonidas was released today people would be just as freaking out.

admit all i know about these cards is from this thread so far, may have missed something
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:48 PM
Saraad is going to be crazy in a druid deck. It's just another must-kill target that will waste removal to make way for emperor/Dr. Boom/Sylvannas. Saraad, if left untouched, just like Emperor, can just win the game outright with a few hero power taps imo.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
It's not a 5 drop. when combined with the card that let's you infinitely hero power each turn + hero power only costs 1 -- puke
This comment is making my brain explode, are you talking about the card he quoted?
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:51 PM
yeah upon checking, isnt the "infinite hero power" a mage 6 drop and "hero power cost 1" a 4 drop? that combo is only getting off in a rank 15 trolden video or tidesoftime 2 am troll deck
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Michael888
This comment is making my brain explode, are you talking about the card he quoted?
yes. are you upset about the fact that it costs 5 mana and i said it's not a 5-drop?
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
yeah upon checking, isnt the "infinite hero power" a mage 6 drop and "hero power cost 1" a 4 drop? that combo is only getting off in a rank 15 trolden video or tidesoftime 2 am troll deck
it happened in 2 games just now. obviously it's not full premade decks, but still
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:56 PM
I just misread a little and thought you were saying some combination of cards led to it costing 1 to drop.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 06:58 PM
Wonder if playing jaraxxus will reset the hero power counter for the frost giant
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 07:01 PM
Going to do my projections/predictions for the cards. Granted there are 132 of them so I'm bound to get some very right and some very wrong.

I've taken the pictures from this guy, so wanted to give credit.

I do love pirates. But here's the thing about this card - it's bad. It's a 4/6 charge, which means either it's basically a minion-removal or a beafy mid-range unit, with the unfortunate aspect of having 4 rather than 5 power. The closest parallel I can think of is argent commander, because if you can expect to have 1 pirate on board (either from your hand played in the late game, so it becomes a 6 mana cost, or 1 leftover I suppose) it should theoretically be 6 mana often. If you have a ton of pirates on board you're probably overkill winning anyway, and your hand is probably depleted so the mana cost savings aren't that important.

Is it better than Argent Commander? I don't know. The divine shield often makes it stickier, if you're looking for an expensive face option, and I'm not sure on average whether 4 health > divine shield in isolation. The pirate text synergizes slightly with ship's cannon and the dude that buffs other pirates, but... Pirates decks have been niche. They've never been tip top competitive or even 2nd-tier.

I was goofing around with the piratadin this month (posted the decklist in the paladin thread) and the question I had is: Does this card even make the cut? That was a 3rd tier deck and I'm not convinced it's an auto include.

It will be worse in Arena for the sad reason it's 7 mana and you very very rarely will have the pirate synergy. Almost every other 7 drop is better. (War Golem may be worse, since charge does something immediately!)
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 07:05 PM

Initial thought: What a cool card! Shame it's wasted in the scumbag class hunter.

This is a lot like feign death. When that card came out, people were legit JAZZED about the feign death hunter archetype. Problem is, that deck was just never that good.

I do see it from time to time (maybe 3% of all hunters?) but the same death to that card occurs here: (And suffers the same problem in arena, where you need a deck that caters to it) people dont play combo hunters. there are super cancer hunters, hybrid face versions, and slightly more midrangey versions.

In theory, a super cool control spell-heavy LOCK AND LOAD hunter deck will exist, but in practice, this deck will be very very weak. It will not work.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 07:14 PM
Apparently, the warlock hero power will do 3 damage and draw a card, if used with Fallen Hero.

Not a big deal since that is a mage card, but it can pop out of a shredder.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
Lol at the power is this?!
Yeah, you gotta figure a lot of it is purposeful too, gotta keep selling those packs.
Grand Tournament Card Discussion Quote
07-22-2015 , 07:23 PM

Funny funny, in the game mechanics thread:

Originally Posted by BobboFitos
id like to see a minion(s) that decreases the cost of the hero power by 1
I wanted this half a year ago. I wasn't alone:

Originally Posted by dkgojackets
there is never going to be decision making on your opponents turn, and more boom bots doesn't seem fun

with bobbo that Id like to see more minions that interact with hero powers.
Funny, I think Bliz was listening here too:

Originally Posted by BobboFitos
I really really would like to see a card introduced that doubles the hero power.
That was 2 months ago.

Obv, power creep ****ed with everything, my desire was:

Originally Posted by BobboFitos
nah I mean like a common minion. Like a 3 mana 1/3 "double your hero power".
A 3/2 2 mana is quite a bit more powerful!

but enough of that. More of that card later.

So, maiden of the lake. Getting additional hero powers is all about tempo, since when you decrease mana cost it allows you to do more. However, getting a lot of hero powers in a game typically means control matchup, where you're not looking to unload your hand all at once. So in a sense, this card is at odds with itself. Depending on the other "inspire" cards, this card could be awesome, or could be terrible.

A few notes about a 2/6 body: We haven't had a card with these stats yet! So that's really cool. 2 power for 4 mana is very, very underpowered. But it accomplishes one main task, which is deter early aggression. It can deal with stuff like sorcerer's apprentices, knife jugglers, all the random hunter garbage, and so on. it gets raped by patron, which is actually a legit big minus.

Also, 6 health is a lot. Normally in constructed you just can't rely on a minion sticking around, unless it has a deathrattle (reason why shredder is so GOAT obv) but 6 health is on par with water elemental. I actually think it'll stick around an additional turn.

so if you think of it like 4 mana 2/6, and you get 2ish turns of 1 mana reduction, it's kinda like a 4 mana 2/6 gain 2 armor. or 2/6 deal 2 damage to face. etc etc, with a little bit of upside. I think this card is alright.
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