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What are the best poker chips?? What are the best poker chips??

11-24-2010 , 10:08 PM
I'm looking for something expensive and fancy. Thanks!
11-24-2010 , 10:17 PM
The ones that I scoop in, after a multiway, multi-raised pot!

You're not narrowing things down much. Search for "poker chips" (with the quotes) on this forum, then check out and
11-24-2010 , 10:32 PM
Assuming an unlimited budget, and a desire for custom chips, your options are:
  • Order a quantity of 100,000 and you can probably still buy Paulson chips at about $1 each. Enjoy your $100,000 purchase and be revered as a god among chip connoisseurs.
  • Order custom "clay" [nothing is clay] chips from ASM.
  • Order custom ceramic chips from any number of vendors. [I like ABCGiftsAndAwards.]
Assuming an unlimited budget, and a desire for non-custom or someone else's custom design, your options are, likely in order...
  • Take home real Paulson casino chips at face value. A perfectly fine option if your game uses a lot of $1's.
  • Buy canceled Paulson chips from closed casinos. $1's cost almost as much, but your big chips are cheaper.
  • Buy older "fantasy" Paulson chips like the Casino de Ithmus or Casino de Mexico chips.
  • Buy current "fantasy" Paulson chips like the Le Noir set.
  • Buy pre-made Chipco ceramics like Oysters, etc.
  • Buy pre-made non-Chipco ceramics like Venerati.
  • Hotstamps on high-quality "roulette" chips.
After that, it's down to "China Clays" like the ProGen and NexGen lines, either precustomized like the Pharaohs (et all) or self-customized from someplace like
11-24-2010 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
[*]Order custom "clay" [nothing is clay] chips from ASM.
I thought ASMs were part-clay?
11-25-2010 , 03:06 AM
I'm part gold, and part arsenic, too.

The precise ingredients are a secret. I think some nut actually put part of a "clay" chip in a mass spectrometer and detected that some dirt-related compounds were in there, but it's all silly so I won't track it down. Basically, these things are all made out of plastic.

The real difference between Paulson/ASM/BCC vs cheaper chips is the way they're molded. The top-quality chips are compression molded at ridiculous forces which makes a very high-resolution imprint and improves the feel of the chip.

ASM's do have a substantial amount of brass flakes included, mostly to increase weight.
11-25-2010 , 04:51 AM
Fair warning guys: OP has been starting some pretty "akward" (I'm trying be gentle) posts lately around the forums so I wouldn't take this post too seriously.

Some examples:

Possible to run 200$ to 30k in one day?
How come Johnny Chan doesn't get any respect?
Am I the only one who thought "Rounders" sucked?
HSP refuses to invite Johnny Chan
I don't think poker is a game of skill
10 million in 30 days

And the most famouns one at the moment which has been generating a lot of buzz over at NVG is this one about the cometishian
11-25-2010 , 08:50 PM
If the OP is a troll, oh well
For those that really are looking for a killer deal on great chips get ready for chiprooms "black friday" sale, you must join then link here:
The sale starts Friday at 5am central time I believe so you'd better be ready to click the buy button, they'll be going fast.
11-26-2010 , 01:05 AM
For a .10/.20 home game, is there a good clay or clay feeling chip to look for during that sale? Not looking to spend a ton. 5-8 person game.
11-26-2010 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by lanyi
Fair warning guys: OP has been starting some pretty "akward" (I'm trying be gentle) posts lately around the forums so I wouldn't take this post too seriously.

Some examples:

Possible to run 200$ to 30k in one day?
How come Johnny Chan doesn't get any respect?
Am I the only one who thought "Rounders" sucked?
HSP refuses to invite Johnny Chan
I don't think poker is a game of skill
10 million in 30 days

And the most famouns one at the moment which has been generating a lot of buzz over at NVG is this one about the cometishian
11-26-2010 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
For a .10/.20 home game, is there a good clay or clay feeling chip to look for during that sale? Not looking to spend a ton. 5-8 person game.
Paulsons are pretty much the gold-standard when it comes to chip-desireability. Most casinos use Paulsons or if they use Ceramic they'll almost always be Chipcos. You can't beat Paulsons for 25cents so you'd really have to have your order ready and click, click, to get them. These black Friday sales get crazy on Paulsons.

Hard to recommend a particular chip or number of chips since your game may be very different a year from now. Paulsons for 25cents is a huge bargain and Chipcos for 15 cents also a killer deal. If you're looking for the absolute best deal for the least price a large set of Chipcos would probably be the way to go since those Paulsons will probably be gone.
A 600 chip set would be a good number to shoot for. I'd probably get
300 $1s
200 $5s
100 $25s
I know you're not using these denominations currently but games usually go up in stakes so just make the chips the denominations you need until your game gets bigger, at least for these crazy deals.

If you could get the 1s(Diamondbacks) & 5s (Route66)in Paulsons for 25cents/per and the 25s(Route66) for 50 cents that would be a 600pc set of Real Casino Paulsons for $175, or you could get them all in the 45cent Funsters for $270 or 40cent Presidents Casino for $240.
Good Luck if you want these, you'll be very happy with them I'm quite sure, Jim at the Chiproom is one of the best in the business, I get all my chips there.
11-26-2010 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by lanyi
Fair warning guys: OP has been starting some pretty "akward" (I'm trying be gentle) posts lately around the forums so I wouldn't take this post too seriously.
The cometishian thread was pretty epic.

Originally Posted by CrazyJoeDavola
If the OP is a troll, oh well
For those that really are looking for a killer deal on great chips get ready for chiprooms "black friday" sale, you must join then link here:
The sale starts Friday at 5am central time I believe so you'd better be ready to click the buy button, they'll be going fast.
It started at 11am EST, the .25 Paulsons were gone in a flash.
11-26-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Schmendr1ck
The cometishian thread was pretty epic.
It hasn't died yet as far as I know. That last addition with the animation peice was funnnnnnnnny. I rarely venture into NVG but ever so often a gem like this pops up.
11-26-2010 , 11:32 PM
So are these chipcos for .15 good? Will they feel casino quality? I have no problem spending 85 bucks for 500 if they are actually good, but if not I'll skip.
11-26-2010 , 11:37 PM
Dah they keep going in and out of stock.

I'll check later.

But even if its a little more does anyone have any reccomendations? I don't really care about the logo or colors, I just want them to feel casino quality, or at least close. Tired of those cheap Dice Chips.
11-27-2010 , 12:15 AM
clay and ceramic (chipco) chips have a totally different feel and aesthetic. If you're not familiar with them, I think you should find some samples and figure out what you really like, rather than rush into something.

chipcos are used in some casinos, if that helps you. I'm not a fan of ceramics, though.
11-27-2010 , 12:31 AM
I've got a large Chipco cash game set and I'm very happy w/ them, much better than anything you'll be able to find for 15 cents for sure
A lot of casinos use ceramics, and if they're using ceramics they'll almost always be Chipco.
Ceramics have a clinky sound when you splash em compared to the clacky Paulson sound (if that makes sense), but they stack real well and shuffle pretty easy. Paulsons will stack higher and shuffle easier, but Chipcos are a very well respected chip. A 500 pc Chipco for $75 is a steal, and one I wouldn't hesitate to recommend, you really don't have time w/ a sale like this to get samples, and if you were paying close to regular prices I'd DEFINATELY recommend samples first but if you really want a lot of quality chips for the lowest price I'd latch these up (if they have the quantity you need).
BTW, new Chipcos sell for about a buck apiece.
11-27-2010 , 09:23 AM
In fact, I think those Chipcos are from real casinos.
11-27-2010 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by eneely
In fact, I think those Chipcos are from real casinos.
True, about 90% of Jims used chips are from closed Washington state casinos, that's where my set originated.
11-27-2010 , 10:06 AM
What happened to of all those casinos? I thought that would be a business that couldn't fail.
11-28-2010 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by eneely
What happened to of all those casinos? I thought that would be a business that couldn't fail.
I believe they had a vote in Washington that barred casino gaming, hence the shutdowns
11-28-2010 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyJoeDavola
I believe they had a vote in Washington that barred casino gaming, hence the shutdowns
While not the question asked, a number of other casinos change names, management, themes, logos, etc.

That's the source of numerous others.
11-28-2010 , 09:06 PM
Any good chip deals on Cyber Monday?
11-29-2010 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Any good chip deals on Cyber Monday?
Not sure, but the "marketplace" section of, particularly the deals are worth looking into.
11-29-2010 , 02:48 PM
Great new addition to the FAQ, eneely!
11-29-2010 , 03:33 PM
You must be great at Easter egg hunts!

Yes, I added a post about poker chips. These questions come up every now and then, and everyone is very helpful with providing tips. I thought it would be good to compile the best of our thoughts on poker chips.

I'm going to start a thread to get some feedback on it. I know I got something wrong, or missed an important aspect.
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