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What am I getting myself into? What am I getting myself into?

06-16-2008 , 11:32 PM
cut out a few hundred you plan on losing and just concentrate on bleeding away the chips over a few hours or however long it takes to woo this young lady.
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06-17-2008 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Bumbaclat
so this is clearly a raked game.

did you really say "my word is my bond"?
Yeah why?
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06-17-2008 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by redtrain
I play in cash games were sometimes more than one person wins
Obviously. But statistically speaking, overall, if all players are of the same level, this is correct. In practice there is usually more then 1 winner at a FR table (though at a raked game this is less probable as now if everyone plays at the same level potentially everyone can loose) and the level of players is practically never identical.

Just to be clear, this was merely said to make a point.
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06-17-2008 , 04:33 PM
Walk in and demand to know what the max buy in is. When they tell you, demand that they raise the stakes to 10/20 or you wont play. They will refuse and then you look cool.
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06-18-2008 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by bigDee
Bonita : ...u can't get hot-headed or intimidated.
Me: How long do yall play for, what time?
Bonita : Til everyone gives up...i'm telling u it gets crazy.
Me: Sounds like it's kind of a big deal, should be fun LOL. Where's the game at, what city?
Bonita : Can i trust u to keep this place a secret? U can't tell anybody!
Me: Yeah you can trust me, my word is my bond.
Bonita : I'm serious! This cannot leak out!
Me: I'm trying to be as serious as I can be over a text. You can trust me bonita.
Hold on, you don't even know what city the game is in? When you talk to the girl on the phone you can't tell what she's saying? Something smells really odd here.

That said, you've only been playing for a month and are playing penny stakes online? You're going to get crushed. You need to have enough for at least three buy-ins so you should plan on walking in with at least a thousand dollars, although 1500 would be better. So you need to be comfortable dropping that amount of money. Are you?

Also, if you've only played online, you're going to look like a newb when you show up. You just are. It takes a few sessions to get used to the nuances of live play.

You need to try and find a comfortable, tiny stakes game, preferrably with some friends. 10 cent/20 cent blind levels or maybe .25/.50 where you aren't talking about more than a hundred bucks or so at risk, and get comfortable playing live. Or maybe some small buy in tourneys.
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06-18-2008 , 11:55 AM
Eh, some of us live in major metropolitan areas, where two people can be "local" to a central location but still 90 miles apart separated by dozens of cities and towns.
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06-18-2008 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Eh, some of us live in major metropolitan areas, where two people can be "local" to a central location but still 90 miles apart separated by dozens of cities and towns.
Ok. The tone of the whole thing was striking me as odd, which was leading me to suspect some sort of level, but maybe its just the whole "I'm a super-inexperienced penny stakes player, thinking about playing in a 500 dollar buy-in game in order to be cool" thing sounds perilously close to a level to me to start with. Although, of course, there is a chick involved and all caculations of reasonableness therefore go out the window.

So, yeah, I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt and a serious answer (i.e. yes you'll be throwing your money away to play in this game), but I read the following, and go, c'mon are you at all serious?

Right now I'm only breaking even playing .05/.10 limit on pokerstars. The other problem I have is that I'm not sure what to do in no limit compared to limit. I know nothing of bet sizing or any of that stuff. How long will it take for me to learn that? At any rate, would I be throwing my money away if I played this game tomorrow?
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06-18-2008 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by bigDee
Bonita : I'm serious! This cannot leak out!
Me: I'm trying to be as serious as I can be over a text. You can trust me to tell everyone at 2+2 bonita.
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06-19-2008 , 04:45 PM
I cant believe he plays .05/.10 LIMIT

I would rather shoot myself

More to the point, why is everyone assuming this guy is going to get crushed? With the amount of variance in a standard NL cash game he's not destined to win or lose. Just cram using the great NL strat posts on this forum and play some NL on stars to get acclimated
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06-19-2008 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by TIEdup14
I cant believe he plays .05/.10 LIMIT

I would rather shoot myself

More to the point, why is everyone assuming this guy is going to get crushed? With the amount of variance in a standard NL cash game he's not destined to win or lose. Just cram using the great NL strat posts on this forum and play some NL on stars to get acclimated
Because I don't believe a player can go from being pretty much a complete newb to even competently bad at NL in a few days, particularly without a coach, and at stakes that are going to be very large for such player.

Is it possible that he could pick up some strategy like buy in short, wait for AA-QQ or A-K and push PF, and possibly come out ok? Yeah, but not too likely either that he'd come to such a strategy or be able to stick with it, and even then, he may not win.

And it is, of course, possible that he gets hit so hard with the deck that he can't help but win.

But the much more likely scenario is that he gets crushed.

Also, I remember my first live session. Free bar tourney. Nothing to win but some points. And I couldn't keep track of the action and my hands shook everytime I got involved in a pot. And I'd played over a hundred thousand hands online at the time.

*Shrugs* That said, I'd like to hear the trip report. Maybe he'll prove me wrong.
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06-19-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by bigDee
Hey thanks for all the support, you guys are funny as hell lol. Yeah I need to get a job or work on my poker skills so I can get a car first. I kind of felt intimidated when she rolled up in her brand new Mercedes when we met up for a study group last summer. I just don't know what to do with her without a car.

Anyway I'm really thinking of playing this game with her since she's leaving for cali in a month. But I will feel like an idiot if I go there and lose all my money. I will look like an idiot in front of her, the nine other people at the table, and all you guys since I'm definitely gonna up date on what happens if I do it. I keep thinking of a quote from that poker movie or wherever it comes from where they say if I can't spot the donk at the table in the first half hour then it's me. I don't want to sit down after that half hour and know that everyone else is thinking I'm the newbie.

So I guess I shouldn't play because one, these stakes are too high for my bankroll, two, people at these stakes are probably too good for me, and three, playing poker is a dumb way to try to hook up with a girl.

I just want to go to their baller ass house and chill with them. I talked to her on the phone the day before. It was hard for us to understand each other on account of my phone but I think she said something about wanting to hang out. I didn't really jump on it cause I'm not sure if that's what she said but either way I was just being a little bitch for not asking her out.

So here's the deal mang. Something is goin down this week or the coming weekend. We're either gonna hang out or I'm gonna donate a few hundred bucks playing poker. This should be pretty interesting.

btw I'm still losing a little at .01/.02 nl but it's not as bad as before so I'm workin on it.
I have to admit that I too think this is a level based on some of your phrasings but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you need to provide us with pics of you at this game and your hot 'lil asian cutie.

I'm assuming that you are going to ride with her since you don't have a car? So no matter what happens to your stack you'll still be leaving with her. OK, so here's what you do. Play super-nit tight (as posted about earlier) and with the game winding down make sure to donk off as much as you can to her. Hopefully she'll feel so bad about taking all your money that she'll throw you a bone in her Mercedes. It wouldn't hurt to make sure she is drinking.

GL. And or it didn't happen. lol
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06-22-2008 , 05:22 PM
Bonita : ...u can't get hot-headed or intimidated.
Me: How long do yall play for, what time?
Bonita : Til everyone gives up...i'm telling u it gets crazy.
Me: Sounds like it's kind of a big deal, should be fun LOL. Where's the game at, what city?
Bonita : Can i trust u to keep this place a secret? U can't tell anybody!
Me: Yeah you can trust me, my word is my bond.
Bonita : I'm serious! This cannot leak out!
Me: I'm trying to be as serious as I can be over a text. You can trust me bonita.
[ ] happened, ever
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06-22-2008 , 08:12 PM
LOL this is the funniest thread I've read in a LONG time
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06-22-2008 , 08:12 PM
Pics or it didn't happen.
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06-23-2008 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by JJDarling
2 things...

- man up and ask her out!
- don't use poker as a crutch for picking up chicks!
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06-25-2008 , 06:23 AM
It seriously sounds to me like she already knows OP is a sucker and is manipulating him to bring dead money to the home game.
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06-25-2008 , 12:19 PM
bonita isn't really an Asian name, imo

Are u sure she's not a Mexican?
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06-25-2008 , 12:41 PM
What are you getting yourself into?

[ ] her pants

But seriously, just go and give it a shot. Be aggressive with premium hands and try to play the opposite style of the others around you (i.e., if they're tight, play loose, if they're loose play tight), since that's probably your best chance to win in a game where you think you're otherwise overmatched.
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06-26-2008 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
bonita isn't really an Asian name, imo

Are u sure she's not a Mexican?
Because Asian people always have asian names?

Some Asian girls I know:
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06-26-2008 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by bigDee
Ok I'll try and take ninja pics of bonita, the asian cutie, when I'm playin poker.
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06-26-2008 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rottersod
Play super-nit tight (as posted about earlier) and with the game winding down make sure to donk off as much as you can to her. Hopefully she'll feel so bad about taking all your money that she'll throw you a bone in her Mercedes.
(Hot) Girls like to **** winners. people that are good at things. Watching you play bad poker is not going to get her hot. If you managed to pull off some pity/loser **** it would be a miracle and probably means she wasn't worth chasing in the first place.

Originally Posted by Rottersod
It wouldn't hurt to make sure she is drinking.
more good advice, make sure your ride home is drinking. also, make sure she is drinking or she probably won't **** you. that's the kind of confident thinking that will pull many quality women.
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06-27-2008 , 04:39 AM
This thread wins
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06-27-2008 , 08:29 AM
wow man just ask her out, or get lessons quick
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06-29-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
bonita isn't really an Asian name, imo

Are u sure she's not a Mexican?
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06-29-2008 , 06:17 PM
I'm not gonna do it. sry to disappoint.
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