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08-19-2015 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by got there!
-with a premature turn card, the premature card is pulled, card is burned and river is then placed FACE DOWN on the table, and then action is completed, etc, etc.
Originally Posted by The Big K
I'm assuming the river is placed faced down, then the premature is shuffled into the stub, cut, then a turn is placed face up, turn action is completed and if a river is needed, then the river is turned face up, yes? This is against RRoP's procedure, I'd speak to who ever runs this.
Originally Posted by got there!
Yup you got it.
Originally Posted by mariettabull
This is a standard rule as well. It preserves the integrity of the original river and only requires a redeal of the turn. With professional or experienced dealers, it's just a faux paux that doesn't happen that often so you almost never see it in a casino.
He didn't explain it well originally, but what they are doing is not standard. In fact, what they are doing is very wrong, imo. Just as bad if they were placing the turn and river face down right after the flop, ie semi-prematurely dealing the turn and river.
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08-19-2015 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by The Big K
He didn't explain it well originally, but what they are doing is not standard. In fact, what they are doing is very wrong, imo. Just as bad if they were placing the turn and river face down right after the flop, ie semi-prematurely dealing the turn and river.
I'll have to go recheck RRoP. I'm pretty sure that's how we've always handled that particular situation. To preserve the "original" river card, it should be:

place River face down on the board
Shuffle / Cut
Place a Turn card without burning again
Use the river card if needed
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08-19-2015 , 09:29 AM
From RRoP:
4. If the dealer turns the fourth card on the board before the betting round is complete, the card is taken out of play for that round, even if subsequent players elect to fold. The betting is then completed. The dealer burns and turns what would have been the fifth card in the fourth card’s place. After this round of betting, the dealer reshuffles the deck, including the card that was taken out of play, but not including the burncards or discards. The dealer then cuts the deck and turns the final card without burning a card. If the fifth card is turned up prematurely, the deck is reshuffled and dealt in the same manner. [See “Section 16 – Explanations,” discussion #2, for more information on this rule.]
Which is standard in most casinos these days.

Originally Posted by mariettabull
I'll have to go recheck RRoP. I'm pretty sure that's how we've always handled that particular situation. To preserve the "original" river card, it should be:

place River face down on the board
Shuffle / Cut
Place a Turn card without burning again
Use the river card if needed
This shouldn't be done for the same reason we burn cards before each street.
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08-19-2015 , 09:49 AM
I've been in the area - ATL Metro - for six weeks
Bad news on the location. I know some folks who play in "home games" in that area, and they are all hugely over-raked and often shady. I'm sure there are some legit home games, but most are fly-by-night underground clubs.

The good news is that the standard of play is very bad and spewy, from what I hear.
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08-19-2015 , 09:57 AM
Fair enough. Bad memory on my part.
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08-19-2015 , 10:14 AM
Thanks all! I've just accepted that things in this league are different from what I'm used to and that, if I'm going to play in this league, I have to deal with differences and let go of the little **** that annoys me. Just adjust and focus on playing good poker. I'll speak up if things are done that are just egregious- like last night: a rail bird repeatedly tossing her phone across the table lengthwise, during a live hand with the flop on the board. As Dr. Strange said, my focus should be on creating a positive image to get connected to some decent home games. Given the level of play I've seen, finishing well in this league isn't much of an issue even with all of its quirks.
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08-19-2015 , 10:16 AM
Georgia has no "Social Poker Home Game" exception in its laws, like we have in Kentucky. Shocked that a state ( Georgia ) that made oral sex a crime would have that LOL. Now as to enforcement against non raked home games, well who knows? Maybe mariettabull can shed some light on that one. I suppose it is not a common practice and maybe even the underground rooms can buy some protection from ( you know who) as they do in my State from place to place.
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08-19-2015 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Bad news on the location. I know some folks who play in "home games" in that area, and they are all hugely over-raked and often shady. I'm sure there are some legit home games, but most are fly-by-night underground clubs.

The good news is that the standard of play is very bad and spewy, from what I hear.

Well that blows.

And yes the standard of play is......interesting. And by interesting I mean donktastic. Not all players, but most....
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08-19-2015 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
Georgia has no "Social Poker Home Game" exception in its laws, like we have in Kentucky. Shocked that a state ( Georgia ) that made oral sex a crime would have that LOL. Now as to enforcement against non raked home games, well who knows? Maybe mariettabull can shed some light on that one. I suppose it is not a common practice and maybe even the underground rooms can buy some protection from ( you know who) as they do in my State from place to place.
So I have a brother in law who is a cop and a number of friends who are lawyers. From a police standpoint, your run of the mill officer doesn't want to be busting up a social home game (or even a raked one). They have better things to be doing than kicking in the door of a poker game. It generally only becomes in issue in a few cases:

1) There is something else involved, be it drugs, other gambling, repeated complaints from neighbors, etc. This is what happened with the last big bust in Cobb County--they came in to bust them for illegal video poker machines and found a cash game going on in the back.
2) A DA or other politician has decided to make a big stink about it to make themselves look good. This is what happened in Gwinnett County a couple of years ago when a number of games go busted. However, they were also hit under 1) as well.

If you're just having a social game, aren't pissing off your neighbors, and aren't causing issues, it's highly unlikely that the cops are going to cause you an issue.
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08-19-2015 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by mariettabull

Also, ping me via PM. I'm in the Atlanta area and can hopefully point you to some stuff that will make you less frustrated.
Thanks! Will soon as I figure out how to send a PM. lol!
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08-19-2015 , 01:17 PM
I've played in multiple bar leagues in the Atlanta area and find that Atlanta Poker Club typically runs the best structures and rules (RROP with a few exceptions).

The common thread of most of the issues you had are dealer training issues. Unfortunately with bar league poker it is sometimes hard to get players to volunteer to deal and you get what you pay for. APC provides dealer training for those who want it, but do not require it.

We've all seen awful dealers in casino's also, so it's a matter of luck who you get to deal.
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08-19-2015 , 05:09 PM's a FREE bar league.....have a beer relax, have fun. ..... who cares....
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08-20-2015 , 02:34 AM
if the rules are as ******ed as this, then the game is probably ******edly soft, i'd just live with it and enjoy ur extra however many ks a month
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08-20-2015 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by got there!
-major pet peeve: when someone is facing a raise, dealers will often scoop the previous bets, even though action is not complete, leaving the amount to be called in front of the raiser. i.e. at 10 man table, four limp in for $200, fifth player makes it $600, dealer scoops in the four previous bets plus the raiser's $200 and action is then on the player to the raiser's left.
I've seen this a fair bit, especially in cash games in smaller rooms that have a lot of inexpert players. Doesn't really annoy me.

The other stuff, I'm wtfing.
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08-20-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
if the rules are as ******ed as this, then the game is probably ******edly soft, i'd just live with it and enjoy ur extra however many ks a month
Doubt there is much money to be made in a FREE bar league in Atlanta Georgia LOL
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08-20-2015 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
Doubt there is much money to be made in a FREE bar league in Atlanta Georgia LOL
ah, i thought it was cash games when he said "he makes it $600" or something
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08-20-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by got there!
I've joined, what appears to be, one of the more popular free bar game leagues/clubs in the area.

The key word for this entire post is "free." You get what you pay for.

A bar league is mostly a social occasion for people who need to get out of the house, and like poker (not to be confused with being skilled at poker, although there is some overlap). When someone deals the flop one card at a time, or has to stand up in order to deal, be extra nice 'cause they are there to have a good time and it could just as easily be bingo, darts, trivia or corn hole night.

So be social, gravitate towards those who seem to know what they are doing, and ask where else do they play?
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08-20-2015 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by got there!
-major pet peeve: when someone is facing a raise, dealers will often scoop the previous bets, even though action is not complete, leaving the amount to be called in front of the raiser. i.e. at 10 man table, four limp in for $200, fifth player makes it $600, dealer scoops in the four previous bets plus the raiser's $200 and action is then on the player to the raiser's left.

I get that it's their league and if I choose to play, I gotta play by their rules. Fine. But, some of their rules are complete BS, based on my experience, and NOTHING like what I've found in a brick and motor card room.

Again, maybe I need to get out more.

My question is to my last peeve - is it out of place for me to ask that the pot be counted down when they scoop in bets all willy nilly, despite action not being complete?
Seems very reasonable for you to protest the bets being scooped willy nilly. If that's the case, how would you (or anyone) know who is in arrears if the pot is short?

However, the procedure you have described does not seem willy nilly.

(when someone is facing a raise, dealers will often scoop the previous bets)
If done in a systematic and orderly fashion, what is the problem?

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08-22-2015 , 09:08 AM
major pet peeve: when someone is facing a raise, dealers will often scoop the previous bets, even though action is not complete, leaving the amount to be called in front of the raiser. i.e. at 10 man table, four limp in for $200, fifth player makes it $600, dealer scoops in the four previous bets plus the raiser's $200 and action is then on the player to the raiser's left.
I thought it was standard to scoop the bets while waiting on a player?
ex. 4 players in the hand, P1 bets 200, next 2 call, last player raises to 800 total and now P1 tanks. Could the dealer not put everyones 200 in the pot?
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08-22-2015 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by DavidNB
I thought it was standard to scoop the bets while waiting on a player?
ex. 4 players in the hand, P1 bets 200, next 2 call, last player raises to 800 total and now P1 tanks. Could the dealer not put everyones 200 in the pot?
There is no problem with your situation, although it shouldn't happen unless a player asks for it. The problem the OP has, I think, is P1 bets 200, 2 calls, P7 raises to 800. Then while P8 is thinking, the dealer is pulling in the 200. This should never happen.
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08-22-2015 , 11:09 AM
Didn't read the whole thread, but the Rules/practices stated in the OP would be enough to make me not play there anymore. Unreal.
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08-22-2015 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by The Big K
There is no problem with your situation, although it shouldn't happen unless a player asks for it. The problem the OP has, I think, is P1 bets 200, 2 calls, P7 raises to 800. Then while P8 is thinking, the dealer is pulling in the 200. This should never happen.
Ok I see now. No, it should never happen the way the OP said.
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08-23-2015 , 08:15 PM the dealers put up the flop one_card_at_a_time. and they like to pick_up_the_cards_to_look_at_them_first, too.

The classic dealer slowroll.

And of all the things you mentioned, that^ would probably bother me the most. Well, that and not being allowed to checkraise with the nuts on the river. That's stupid. But then again, I'm very spoiled as I'm so used to playing in very well ran rooms. But if this is your only choice, then hopefully the "goods" are outweighing the "bads."
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08-27-2015 , 11:24 AM
So check this out, last night this rule from RROP was invoked on me:

5. Any player who has been dealt in may request to see any hand that has been called, even if the opponent's hand or the winning hand has been mucked...

I was heads up at the final table. I'm first to act. The button's on the villain. The hand gets checked all the way down and the villain calls out "Ace high" and shows. I have nothing and muck my J2 off. The villain then asked the dealer to see my hand and the dealer turns it over. I voice my opinion saying that, while yeah it's a rule, it's ****ed up poker etiquette to ask to see my hand, especially when there was no action during the hand AND you won the hand to boot. The dealer agreed and a rail bird, who's one of the few true players in this club, also agreed. The villain's argument was that if it's in the rules, it's fair game and that, because "poker is a game about information", any information on what I played would help him. He also threw out the lame "this is tournament/bar poker, not Vegas" excuse.

Now that I think about it.....per the rule, a player can request to see a hand that's been the scenario above, I didn't "call" anything, so my hand shouldn't have been turned over? smh.....

Bar poker - yaaaaayyyy!
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08-27-2015 , 11:59 AM
I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to hear that some player at a free bar league would act like that. I am further shocked that a dealer would turn up the cards like that. Actually I am not too surprised at anything that happens in a venue like that. But if that's all you got, then you have to eat it or quit. How's the home game search going?
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