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rule question rule question

11-23-2007 , 10:46 AM
I always understood that when a card is exposed by the dealer when he is dealing, that card now becomes the burn card and you keep dealing and the player who's card was exposed now gets the last card on the deck.

Someone who used to be a dealer just told us the other night that if this happens when a player is getting their first card, that it is a misdeal. and if this happens when the dealer is getting their second card, then that card is used as a burn card.

Does it make a difference if it is their first card or second card? And is there a difference if it is a cash game or a tourney?

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11-23-2007 , 11:40 AM
Many Dealers do not know the rules on this, but yes, your friend is correct.
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11-23-2007 , 12:14 PM
My understanding is that the hand is declared dead only if the first or second card off the deck is exposed. If the third card off the deck is UTG's first card, the hand continues using the exposed card as the burn and giving UTG what would have been the burn card.
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11-23-2007 , 02:34 PM
I always understood that when a card is exposed by the dealer when he is dealing, that card now becomes the burn card and you keep dealing and the player who's card was exposed now gets the last card on the deck.
I have never ever heard of a rule were the card is replaced with the last card in the deck. I would never want the bottom card on a deck to be used this way, its much to easy to cheat.

Someone who used to be a dealer just told us the other night that if this happens when a player is getting their first card, that it is a misdeal. and if this happens when the dealer is getting their second card, then that card is used as a burn card.
different rooms use different rules. My room uses the rule that exposing the first card to either the small or large blinds, or exposing 2 cards results in a misdeal. Exposed cards to the button are treated like any other.

Does it make a difference if it is their first card or second card?
If the card is the first card to the button then when you deal to the button his second card and then deal him the replacement he is receiving two cards in a row. There used to be a concern about players receiving two consecutive cards. If you do it on the seond card the player doesn't keep that card so he isn't getting two cards in a row. This issue is not as commonly a concern these days. As far as the blinds getting their cards, I think that the idea is taht if one of the first two cards is exposed its not as big a deal to declare a misdeal because only one or two cards have been dealt, whereas if you declare a misdeal later in the deal you have wasted more time and have to listen to a bunch of whining from every player who liked their first card before you called a misdeal.

I have never seen a rule where any exposed first card results in a misdeal except in stud tournaments.
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11-23-2007 , 02:37 PM
It does make a difference if it's the first or second card to the player. Only if one of the first two cards dealt to the table is exposed (or more than one exposed during the deal) is it a misdeal. In some rooms, it's only if the first card is exposed. Yes, this will sometimes result in the button getting two cards in a row.
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11-23-2007 , 04:52 PM
My understanding is that the hand is declared dead only if the first or second card off the deck is exposed. If the third card off the deck is UTG's first card, the hand continues using the exposed card as the burn and giving UTG what would have been the burn card.
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11-23-2007 , 05:23 PM
My understanding is that the hand is declared dead only if the first or second card off the deck is exposed. If the third card off the deck is UTG's first card, the hand continues using the exposed card as the burn and giving UTG what would have been the burn card.

Where on LI are you metsfan? Im in Oyster bay.
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11-23-2007 , 06:22 PM
My understanding is that the hand is declared dead only if the first or second card off the deck is exposed. If the third card off the deck is UTG's first card, the hand continues using the exposed card as the burn and giving UTG what would have been the burn card.
I would refer to it as a misdeal, not a dead hand. The term dead hand suggests that only that players hand is dead and the rest of the table continues.
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11-23-2007 , 06:47 PM
I have never seen a rule where any exposed first card results in a misdeal except in stud tournaments.
I used to work for someone that made it a misdeal if anyone's first card was exposed. His reasoning was that nobody had a hand yet, so they had no complaint.
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11-23-2007 , 07:11 PM
I have never seen a rule where any exposed first card results in a misdeal except in stud tournaments.
I used to work for someone that made it a misdeal if anyone's first card was exposed. His reasoning was that nobody had a hand yet, so they had no complaint.
I bet there was a lot of complaining from people who had no complaint.
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11-24-2007 , 09:54 AM
To recap:

If the first card dealt to either SB or BB is exposed, it is a misdeal.

Any other exposed card is replaced by the top card of the deck after the deal is complete.

If more than one card is exposed during the deal, it is a misdeal.

If the last card to be dealt, i.e., the button's second card, is exposed, sometimes it is a misdeal (rare these days) and sometimes it is replaced by the next card, depending on house rules.

In all cases where an exposed card is replaced, the exposed card is shown to the whole table and it becomes the burn card.
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11-24-2007 , 12:46 PM
If the last card to be dealt, i.e., the button's second card, is exposed, sometimes it is a misdeal (rare these days) and sometimes it is replaced by the next card, depending on house rules.
This should be the first card to the button, not the second. If you expose the second card to the button he is not in fact getting two consecutive cards.

And remember that a boxed card is not an exposed card and is treated differently. The boxed card is a slip of paper and should be immediately replaced you do not wait for the end of the deal to replace it (unless you have already dealt the next card and the player has looked at it or mixed it with his other card before yoiu realize that a card was boxed).
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