Hosted a $.25/.50 NL cash game last night $60 buyins 8 handed.
Aside from my having a horrible night of cooler hands and donkish play, and eventually cashing down $100 for the night, my guests and I took away an amazing story from the night...
About 2 hours into the session (while in my basement game room), the power suddenly goes out... We'd been experiencing a few days of turbulent weather (tornados, thunderstorms, etc...). While it was only sprinkling lightly at the time, it's believed a tree fell onto a nearby power line, thus causing us to lose power for a couple hours.
When the power went out, many of my players later told me they thought the game was over... However, after scrambling for a few minutes, I came out with headlamps, chem lights (glow sticks), and camp lanterns, to keep the game alive. I even have a battery power amp/stereo that kept the tunes going as well...
Quite an epic night of cards last night, which all my attendees are raving about on social media today... Here's some pics (obv they are not the best quality... it was dark, yo!)