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That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns...

03-24-2008 , 12:31 PM
Okay, so you've just showed down with a guppy and you, not being a moron, can read their hand well enough to realize they ran it out on your 84% ass.

Then they do that thing... you could have let the hand go without tilting but they did that one thing that says 'hey i won and you didn't.'

My question is this:
Whats the most annoying thing that people do on the showdown when they beat you that really gets under your skin? When is it bad enough to say something to them? How many times before you don't even care about their money and just boot em?


Mine's when they tap their cards with their index finger. I can see your hand, idiot... It burns me worse than the worst slowrolls.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-24-2008 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by n8hammer
Okay, so you've just showed down with a guppy and you, not being a moron, can read their hand well enough to realize they ran it out on your 84%
If they didn't catch up with you 16% of the time, you wouldn't be an 84% favorite to make money at poker.
So, in a sense that's irrelevant, right?

you could have let the hand go without tilting but they did that one thing that says 'hey i won and you didn't.'

My question is this:
Whats the most annoying thing that people do on the showdown when they beat you that really gets under your skin? When is it bad enough to say something to them? How many times before you don't even care about their money and just boot em?
It would have to be pretty extreme for me to boot them, and would have nothing to do with the hands I was in.

Methinks you should worry about fixing your own problem first, right?
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-24-2008 , 02:19 PM
Idk where this should go, maybe BBV?
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-24-2008 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by n8hammer
Mine's when they tap their cards with their index finger. I can see your hand, idiot... It burns me worse than the worst slowrolls.
Wow, I think you need a break. It's rather common to indicate a winning hand, just to make sure people see it and push the pot the right way, especially in a home game. And even more especially on some kind of draw or weak two pair that got there. The person who does it is probably aware on some level that he caught up, and is so making sure people see that he's now the winner.

Unless you've got some real jerks in your game who are rubbing it in your face, but I've never seen that happen. But I have seen people be like, "Oh, sorry about your set, but my 74o has a straight, here's the 7 so you can see it."

Regardless of intent, pointing at a card irritates you? You must have a short fuse.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-24-2008 , 10:41 PM
clarification #1: repeated times in repeated games, obviously past the point of courtesy to a player who may incorrectly think they won. not a gentle tap.

clarification #2: ur all of course right. n8 is just bored in the midmorning and wants to feel important. just ignore me most of the time....
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-24-2008 , 11:43 PM
I have a new woman at my game that absolutely drives me nuts and I've already warned everyone that next week im IPodi'ng it for the duration. Hell we actually had one players cash out and go home because she is THAT annoying. But she is also soft and its something I have to learn to get over. ugh. Does anyone want her? She is single, I'll let you have her free!

Anyway about out draws? You say, " Wow man awesome hand." And you pray he doesnt learn to get better. That chit is just too rare to get worked up about.

My last 3 golden bad beats in a nutshell:

My AA against a known wildman on a short stack of about $60. I raise he calls. Flop is unsuited and uncoordinated. I put him all in, he calls with bottom pair, bad kicker, no draw. River brings him 2 pair to beat me. I actually wasnt pissed. It was almost funny.

I'm catching, playing well, running over people. So I am playing creatively. I re-raise a soft early raise with 76h in middle position. One caller. Flop comes 7Q6. I know my image so I bet all in knowing these guys think I am too aggressive. After 20 minutes he calls and shows AQ. Perfect! Turn is a 2. River is a 2. Better 2 pair beats mine. You have GOT to be kidding me. Damn site is rigged!
But I am not pissed. I WANT top pair unable to get away in that spot. Thats why I raise with those sometimes. Thats how I make money.

Story 3:
Its crazy late, about 7 am, 5 ppl left. I have not had a drop to drink yet but i am getting tired. So is everyone. I call a standard raise from the button with K9d. The same wildman from story 1 is the raiser. He could literally have anything from 72o to AA here. Flop is Axx all diamonds. I flop the nuts. No pair on the board. No other callers. The raiser likes to bet. Obviously I check call him all the way down as he builds the pot and eventually gets all in. Turn is a 7, River is a 7. I call his last bet he flips over 67 for a boat to beat my nut flush. Huh?
Again I'm not even pissed. I lost $170 in that pot but I would not play it another way against this player.

You just CAN'T get pissed at those kind of bad beats. If a guy is gonna keep betting into the nuts every street, god help him, I will let him. If he outdraws me i am unlucky and destined to drink more than a few beers later. But get mad? hell no, i want him to keep coming and keep playing like that because that is where my profit comes from.

Irritated yes, Pissed? No. I used to get pissed, but I learned. You DO NOT want your resident morons to learn. Keep them happy with thier ill gained pot and congratulate them, painful as it is

Last edited by alli2132; 03-24-2008 at 11:50 PM.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-25-2008 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by alli2132
I have a new woman at my game that absolutely drives me nuts and I've already warned everyone that next week im IPodi'ng it for the duration. Hell we actually had one players cash out and go home because she is THAT annoying. But she is also soft and its something I have to learn to get over. ugh. Does anyone want her? She is single, I'll let you have her free!
Also, which parts of her are soft?
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-25-2008 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by alli2132
Anyway about out draws? You say, " Wow man awesome hand." And you pray he doesnt learn to get better. That chit is just too rare to get worked up about...

...You just CAN'T get pissed at those kind of bad beats. If a guy is gonna keep betting into the nuts every street, god help him, I will let him. If he outdraws me i am unlucky and destined to drink more than a few beers later. But get mad? hell no, i want him to keep coming and keep playing like that because that is where my profit comes from.

Irritated yes, Pissed? No. I used to get pissed, but I learned. You DO NOT want your resident morons to learn. Keep them happy with thier ill gained pot and congratulate them, painful as it is

I agree. i have medication, or whatever...

i dont want you to think that this results in my educating the fish or blowing up on some guy who didn't know he was doing anything wrong. Its just around the 9th time it happens in one night i need to go smoke and chill out for five or ten. i like to think i handle it well, and am quick to remove myself from a situation where i am likely to tilt off chips or give free lessons, but the tapping (i'm thinking of specific people) just gets me there faster.

I'm not always on the edge of exploding, and i dont tilt as fast as you may have surmised. Its the patronization of it that bugs me, and if they had any kind of skill or experience i would understand that they may think i'm a random fish who doesn't know his ass from his elbows. idk, maybe it happens to me way more than the rest of the universe.

like i said, ignore me most of the time...
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-25-2008 , 03:55 PM
Start pointing at the cards when you beat them in a mocking way. Then later, murder their cat. The pointing will stop.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-25-2008 , 04:31 PM
I once made the statement in a regular home game that my 'tilt beast' had been safely locked away and nothing they could do would provoke him getting loose.

I had no idea of the invitation I had just made. A couple of my buddies would go out of their way to find ways to put me on tilt. One of them slow-rolled quads on me. Another was good for sucking out then throwing some salty words on the wound such as "You should know that your {superior hand} isn't any good against my {junk}." I once made a really bad fold w/AA on the river when I mis-read the board. I mucked the winner and didn't realize it until the next hand was being dealt. Two of my buddies show up at the next game wearing t-shirts with big red letters; "Fold Pocket Aces".

But a funny thing happened. All their efforts had the opposite effect. It hardened me against anything they could possibly do to put me on tilt. Nothing they did could bother me - because then we'd all know who really won - and I couldn't let that happen.

In the end, I am thankful for my little verbal blunder. It made me tilt less.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-26-2008 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by dubiousdrift
I once made the statement in a regular home game that my 'tilt beast' had been safely locked away and nothing they could do would provoke him getting loose.

I had no idea of the invitation I had just made. A couple of my buddies would go out of their way to find ways to put me on tilt. One of them slow-rolled quads on me. Another was good for sucking out then throwing some salty words on the wound such as "You should know that your {superior hand} isn't any good against my {junk}." I once made a really bad fold w/AA on the river when I mis-read the board. I mucked the winner and didn't realize it until the next hand was being dealt. Two of my buddies show up at the next game wearing t-shirts with big red letters; "Fold Pocket Aces".

But a funny thing happened. All their efforts had the opposite effect. It hardened me against anything they could possibly do to put me on tilt. Nothing they did could bother me - because then we'd all know who really won - and I couldn't let that happen.

In the end, I am thankful for my little verbal blunder. It made me tilt less.

That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-26-2008 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by JDonk
Not hardly. What I had actually told them was that I was untiltable. They each took it up as a personal challenge.

In the end, I think I came out much the better for it, but they still try.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-27-2008 , 10:59 AM
I too have a tilt-monster, his name is Marvin. Marvin LLLLLLLLoves seafood, but cant ever seem to get any because when he is loud the fish swim away.

What Marvin needs, (and ive told him this several times) is to learn the art of fly fishing. You bait them, and bait them, and tease them, but not in a bad way, until they think they've got you. Then you jerk the reel and they're done.

Even though I understand this analogy, I am still human. Thus succeptble to human error. But it has helped me to cut down on unleashing Marvin, which is good for all parties.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-27-2008 , 02:34 PM
I hate slowrolls. I hate people who show one card first, then the other. Like... They have two pair, and you have an overpair. They flip over top pair first, then you flip over your hand and reach for the pot and suddenly they flip over the second pair. I want to smash their face in.

Also, I hate people who intentionally target you - and when they do get you, they go something like "you deserve it", even if they get sh-tfaced lucky. That makes me want to smash their teeth in, followed by an elbow in the face and having my 250lbs stomping their chest so their heart pops down into their intestines and rots in their stomach acid.

Other than those things, it's really hard to get me on tilt and I don't get upset by much.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-27-2008 , 03:32 PM
I also don't like the one card roll, then show the second only if it wins. There are some folks in a home game that I play that like to do that all the time.

It used to really get under my skin when they did it to me. It's an angle shoot to get more information than they are entitled to. According to the rules, they are required to show first. It also slows down the game. Now, I just wait patiently until they get tired of waiting for me to flip up my cards and show their second card. Then I muck face down or show my hand if I have a winner. Period. It doesn't matter if I have a busted bluff or the stone cold nuts. I'm willing to really slow the game down a few times to speed the game back up in the long run, and I avoid the information shoot.

In the home game that I host, such activity is not allowed. You must show both cards at showdown to drag the pot. Most casinos, I believe, have the same rule.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-28-2008 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by dubiousdrift
I'm willing to really slow the game down a few times to speed the game back up in the long run, and I avoid the information shoot.
FWIW, I don't do this in home games and I'm not sure a lot of people would agree with you re home games. In that context, I table my hand as soon as there is a showdown.

In a home game, I don't care if people get information from my quick showdown. I'll ask to see their hand in rare instances if I'm entitled to it (i.e., if I called villain's bet, NOT if villain called my bet) and I really want to see it because of something specific that happened in the hand, but that happens probably less than 5% of the time.

HOWEVER, in a casino, I agree with your quoted stance and I conduct myself in the same fashion. I find that the games I enjoy the most are games in which the rules are followed closely and the play has a good flow. It seems to keep everyone from professionals to newbies happy, especially if the dealer or other players are willing to help the newbies in a constructive manner in following the rules.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-28-2008 , 01:35 PM
I don't know, you see so much ridiculous **** online you either become immune to it or a total tilt monkey.

I've never had any problems losing it in live play, but I would say my two biggest annoyances are:

1) When someone outdraws you on the turn or river as a decided underdog (70/30 or worse) and then someone says 'Nice hand'. This irritates me because it's wrong.

2) When you get it all in pre-flop and someone says 'nice hand' to the winner. The stupidity of this statement in this position, really, really pisses me off.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-28-2008 , 02:57 PM
If someone out-draws me against the odds, I want people to compliment the play. What is gained by them knowing they made mistakes?

Remember, what you mean when you say things isn't always what other people mean. By not projecting our own intentions onto others, we can reduce conflict within ourselves.
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
03-28-2008 , 07:32 PM
We play with guns at our game

(he had a straight flush anyways so he let me off the hook)
That one thing that makes me wish we still played with guns... Quote
