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Omaha 2-11 Omaha 2-11

01-09-2010 , 02:44 PM
On the latest Top Pair podcast, I learned about Omaha 2-11.

Has anyone tried this game? How did it go?
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-09-2010 , 05:47 PM
I haven't played it, but looking over the site and reading the Bluff article, I don't really see this becoming "the next big thing". HE is popular because it's so mind-numbingly simple. TV Omaha is really a mess to watch as the commentators have to keep reminding the dullards at home that the players "can only use two of their hole cards and three of the board cards". I also imagine that 2-11 would play considerably tighter than Omaha PF, especially as 'pocket trips' would dominate on a two-card flop; and if played hi/lo the 7-low qualifier would virtually necessitate A-2-3-X hands. Might still be fun for a few rounds in a dealer's choice.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-09-2010 , 07:15 PM
I don't understand the name.

I'm not overly impressed. I might try this in the wildcard game group that I occasionally play in, it might fit in well there.

Oh, and this
"Variation #3 In your home games, try adding a 'joker' to the deck for use as an ace, any card to complete a straight or a flush for high hands and as any card for a low."

.... seems almost mandatory.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-09-2010 , 07:18 PM
from the FAQ:

Where can I find a card-room / casino that plays 2-11?
Currently, 2-11 Poker is in negotions with Cardrooms and Casinos...

Can I play 2-11 poker on any ONLINE websites?
2-11 Poker is approved for online play and is in negotions with various Online Gaming entities...

Can I hold a 2-11 charity event?
...If you would like to involve 2-11 Poker in any other way with your Charity or otherwise related Poker Event, please contact us.

Copyright 2008 2-11 Poker. All rights reserved...

Domestic and international patents are pending for the 211 poker game.
cheeseball marketing ploy
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-09-2010 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by gedanken
cheeseball marketing ploy
I noticed that too. Is he actually being paid royalties by card rooms running this game? Why would they bother? I'd be curious if a form of poker is even patentable, as the vast majority of elements which make up the game are in the public domain, and 2-11 is already so similar to Omaha that I'm not sure it would pass the "inventive" and "novelty" thresholds of patent law.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-09-2010 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by municipalis
Is he actually being paid royalties by card rooms running this game?
not yet, by the sounds of it
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-09-2010 , 09:51 PM
I think it would be very hard patent to enforce, but I'm not a lawyer. It's a process, not an invention, right? It uses a standard deck of cards. I do know that patents on processes are very hard to enforce.

I might suggest a round of it at our next cash game, to see how it plays. One player is always suggesting we play Omaha where you HAVE to play three cards instead of two from your hand. If only he'd hired a patent lawyer...oh well, I guess his riches will have to come from somewhere else.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-10-2010 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by eneely
I think it would be very hard patent to enforce, but I'm not a lawyer. It's a process, not an invention, right? It uses a standard deck of cards. I do know that patents on processes are very hard to enforce.
I wonder if Three-Card Poker and other casino table poker-like games are enforceable... since I know they're patented.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-10-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
I wonder if Three-Card Poker and other casino table poker-like games are enforceable... since I know they're patented.

Here's the patent for Carribean Stud. Glancing through it, it doesn't look like the 'poker' element has anything to do with it, rather the patent deals with "A method and apparatus for including a progressive jackpot component in a live casino table game."

It also has an interesting history: (link)
According to Sklansky, he invented the game in 1982 using the name “Casino Poker”. The rules had a small variation as the dealer had to expose 2 cards rather than one and the game had no progressive jackpot feature. Other than that, the rules and betting units were the exact same. Due to patent laws at the time, he was unable to patent the game but instead trademarked it and gave it a trial run at Vegas World. Due to unfortunate family circumstances, he didn’t follow up on it. However, a few years later, Sklansky claims he was approached by a poker player who knew a casino owner in Aruba. The player brought the rules to Aruba. Here, they altered Sklanskys version of the game by exposing only one hole card and adding the progressive jackpot feature. The game was then patented using the name Caribbean Stud Poker.
For 2-11 though..... what's the patent application in regards to? I don't think he could patent something like "use two or three of your cards" or "two card flop" because those aren't very inventive under the guidelines, just a slight modification of already existing games (and modifications which I'm sure have already been used in home games anyway).
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-11-2010 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
I don't understand the name.
Omaha 2-11 or more accurately Omaha 2-1-1

Two-card flop
One-card turn
One-card river
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-11-2010 , 01:21 AM
Very interesting hand last weekend:

Bruce: QQAX
Chay: KKKX

Board on turn: AA Q (yes, remember this game has a 2-card flop, 1 card turn)

Bruce eneded up FOLDING his aces full of queens after getting re-raised all in. He was only beat by AAXX and KKKX.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-11-2010 , 01:27 AM
Bruce eneded up FOLDING his aces full of queens after getting re-raised all in. He was only beat by AAXX and KKKX.
Better, but his aces full of queens are still ahead of kings full of aces.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-11-2010 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by municipalis
Better, but his aces full of queens are still ahead of kings full of aces.
And if somebody has AAxx, there's going to be a fight.

QQQx, though, is looking ok
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-11-2010 , 04:46 AM
And if somebody has AAxx, there's going to be a fight.
Just noticed this. Although, it is possible they're playing with a bug, which the site suggests as a possible variation. Because, you know, there aren't enough big draw opportunities in the game as it is.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-11-2010 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by gedanken
And if somebody has AAxx, there's going to be a fight.

QQQx, though, is looking ok
Yeah, and AAAx has him really crushed

[Yes, as has been pointed out, there could be a bug in play...]

Seriously though, this is a reasonably interesting variant if your game already includes some "kitchen table" games. I might give it a try with my "playtest" type friends, but I don't picture it as the "solution" to whatever might currently be wrong with O or O8.

Perhaps playtesting will give me a different perspective. Should the chance arrive to play this, I'll get back to 'ya.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-12-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by TrvChBoy
Very interesting hand last weekend:

Bruce: QQAX
Chay: KKKX

Board on turn: AA Q (yes, remember this game has a 2-card flop, 1 card turn)

Bruce eneded up FOLDING his aces full of queens after getting re-raised all in. He was only beat by AAXX and KKKX.
Why is KKKX beating Aces full?
Omaha 2-11 Quote
01-12-2010 , 11:33 PM
Sorry, Bruce had QQXX for quens full of aces. He was beat by AQXX, AAXX, and KKKX.

As if the game were not hard enough to explain, I screw up the hand history.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-25-2010 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by eneely
On the latest Top Pair podcast, I learned about Omaha 2-11.

Has anyone tried this game? How did it go?
2-11 played hi/lo has become one of the favorites of our home game.

The reasons for this are:

1. Can't just play the nuts like in Omaha as the nuts are often straight flushes and quads. So you have to "gamble" more. The information that you have is less than in Holdem and Omaha (5 card board) and more than draw (no board). It is possible (though not very probable) for two players to have made the same straight flush in two different suits. Or two quad hands without the board pairing.

2. Playing it hi/lo will often entail sandwich making, with one player with a strong hi and another with the nut low pounding another player (the meat) with a very good high or low. However, unlike when this happens in Omaha, sometimes the "meat" bites back. Also sometime the sandwitch has cheeze, pickles, tomatos and onions. Lots of action!

3. Premium hands are much like Omaha with addition trip hands like AAA2 (2 suited to one of the A). Any large trips like KKKx. Hands with high and low posibilites like A237 (A has two suited side cards) are wonderful when only two low cards are on the board and you make a low to grab half of the pot. Plus, if you make a flush with two of your suit on board, you will often scoop with that kind of hand. Even if one of your cards is counterfited, you can still make the winning low.

4. Be warned!!! 2-11 can be very addicting!
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-25-2010 , 08:44 PM
Since someone bumped this thread, and I see keeping 2-11 posted...

Is anyone calling this game "Omaha two eleven" or are people saying "Omaha two one one." ...or is "Two Eleven" cool to say or something?

...just curious.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-26-2010 , 03:01 AM
I've heard it called two-one-one. Two-eleven is just plain wrong, since eleven appears nowhere in the play of the game (unless someone bets $11, I guess).
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-26-2010 , 11:02 AM
I recall the the "inventor" of this game wanted it called two-eleven, but I agree 2-1-1 makes a lot more sense.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-26-2010 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
Since someone bumped this thread, and I see keeping 2-11 posted...

Is anyone calling this game "Omaha two eleven" or are people saying "Omaha two one one." ...or is "Two Eleven" cool to say or something?

...just curious.
I love the fact that the upper left hand graphic is "Its pronounced TWO ELEVEN" with an excellent unspoken "bish" at the end there.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-26-2010 , 01:38 PM
I really enjoy this game, even thought I've only played it a few times. As we all become familiar, it probably won't prove as deep as it feels right now, but for the time being there are a lot of interesting things about it, and it's fun stretching your poker muscles.

The folks I played it with the other night called it "Deuce-Eleven" which I realize is removed from the meaning of the name on both ends, which is why I kind of like it.
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-28-2010 , 05:32 PM
Top Pair received an e-mail from Bruce Paul, the creator / inventor of 2-11, clarifying the name thing, he says it is two-eleven, and also giving some more insight. I responded to him and he has agreed to be a guest on an upcoming episode so stay tuned!
Omaha 2-11 Quote
04-28-2010 , 05:43 PM
Two Eleven?

They've got to come original...
Omaha 2-11 Quote
