Originally Posted by eneely
On the latest Top Pair podcast, I learned about Omaha 2-11.
Has anyone tried this game? How did it go?
2-11 played hi/lo has become one of the favorites of our home game.
The reasons for this are:
1. Can't just play the nuts like in Omaha as the nuts are often straight flushes and quads. So you have to "gamble" more. The information that you have is less than in Holdem and Omaha (5 card board) and more than draw (no board). It is possible (though not very probable) for two players to have made the same straight flush in two different suits. Or two quad hands without the board pairing.
2. Playing it hi/lo will often entail sandwich making, with one player with a strong hi and another with the nut low pounding another player (the meat) with a very good high or low. However, unlike when this happens in Omaha, sometimes the "meat" bites back. Also sometime the sandwitch has cheeze, pickles, tomatos and onions. Lots of action!
3. Premium hands are much like Omaha with addition trip hands like AAA2 (2 suited to one of the A). Any large trips like KKKx. Hands with high and low posibilites like A237 (A has two suited side cards) are wonderful when only two low cards are on the board and you make a low to grab half of the pot. Plus, if you make a flush with two of your suit on board, you will often scoop with that kind of hand. Even if one of your cards is counterfited, you can still make the winning low.
4. Be warned!!! 2-11 can be very addicting!