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November 2013 Open Thread November 2013 Open Thread

11-08-2013 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by gedanken
not different in a tournament because of the "everybody is involved in every hand" feature?

Obviously, if it was all-in and call on the river, and the short stack showed the nut low, you don't let the big stack muck, right? What if the bet was one chip less than the nut low's stack?
Well, now the question becomes about strategy, rather than than etiquette. In that case, I would say something like "it's an all-in, you have to show".

In the op, I believe the proper procedure is something like this:

Let the player muck.

Push the pot.

Needle the mucker for the next five years about the time he folded to the worst possible hand at showdown
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-08-2013 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by dugthefish
Well, now the question becomes about strategy, rather than than etiquette. In that case, I would say something like "it's an all-in, you have to show".

In the op, I believe the proper procedure is something like this:

Let the player muck.

Push the pot.

Needle the mucker for the next five years about the time he folded to the worst possible hand at showdown

Tell him you are ****ing his daughter.

November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-08-2013 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by gedanken
not different in a tournament because of the "everybody is involved in every hand" feature?

Obviously, if it was all-in and call on the river, and the short stack showed the nut low, you don't let the big stack muck, right? What if the bet was one chip less than the nut low's stack?
All in situations are different in tournaments . Players are required to expose their cards when the all in occurs so this wouldn't happen as if the bet all in was on the turn the hands would be exposed then.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-08-2013 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by eneely
Lol thought that was a given.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-08-2013 , 07:33 PM
Got 26 of 27 seats filled for my upcoming tournament / cash game next Saturday. Can't wait.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-09-2013 , 10:07 AM
I've got 12 seats tentatively filled for my tournament today (25+5 NLHE bounty tournament). I've got a number of maybes with whom I need to follow up. After the tournament, it looks like I'll be wandering to Amicusnole's for his cash game as he's saving a spot for me and for my friend whose place holds my poker set up.

Here's hoping the Rungoot decided to stay docked in Atlanta or at least make a trip back today. It definitely wasn't with me playing bar poker on Thursday night (flop the nut straight, get it in against 2 pair to have the board pair on the turn and me not hit my straight flush outs on the river and losing another big pot with A/K vs K/4 on a 4/A/4 board).
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-09-2013 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by dugthefish
Got 26 of 27 seats filled for my upcoming tournament / cash game next Saturday. Can't wait.
Nice work stocking the pond! Really impressive considering you have been having problems running a regular game. The boys are excited to bring you some Omaha action next week.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-10-2013 , 11:43 AM
After sleeping on it last night, something a guy said at Amicusnole's cash game when I felted him is still niggling in my head. To avoid a drawn out hand discussion that doesn't really need to go in, I had TP/GK on a non-straight board with a potential flush draw. We got it all in on the turn with my TP/GK vs his lower pair and a flush draw. The dealer then asked if we wanted to run it more than once.

He shrugged (from what I remember), I declined and the river bricked to give me the pot. As the guy left, there was a disgruntled/sarcastic 'Appreciate it' directed at me. I wasn't pushy about not running it more than once, nor did he try to convince me otherwise after I said no.

So essentially this is a 'Was I dick' sanity check.

(And for the abbreviated trip report, I binked my tournament even though I had to rebuy, and then cashed out at Amicusnole's up 120BB. The tournament was fun, even if we only ended up with 7 due to last minute cancellations. With the rebuys (2) and add-ons, it was still a decent prize pool.)
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-10-2013 , 02:53 PM
This is one of those situations where different expectations can create problems. This guy apparently expects players to run it more than once, especially when they are ahead. You seem to think it is at the discretion of each player. I agree with you, but I also think to avoid hard feelings, one should be consistent, either always agreeing or never agreeing.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by eneely
This is one of those situations where different expectations can create problems. This guy apparently expects players to run it more than once, especially when they are ahead. You seem to think it is at the discretion of each player. I agree with you, but I also think to avoid hard feelings, one should be consistent, either always agreeing or never agreeing.
That's how I see it, too, but I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something in my sleep addled state. I'd already had one all-in and a call showdown where I was behind (top pair/2nd nut flush draw vs a flopped set) and I hadn't asked to run it twice, so I was being consistent.

And from what I was told after he left, he had had a rough night already, so my feeling is I was just the icing on the cake and got the limited backlash.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by mariettabull
That's how I see it, too, but I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something in my sleep addled state. I'd already had one all-in and a call showdown where I was behind (top pair/2nd nut flush draw vs a flopped set) and I hadn't asked to run it twice, so I was being consistent.

And from what I was told after he left, he had had a rough night already, so my feeling is I was just the icing on the cake and got the limited backlash.
I don't get players the get butthurt about it being run once. That's the standard and what has to be done if people can't agree on it. My guess is that he was just upset he lost the and and made some comment. We have all been in that spot and can relate so I wouldn't take to much stock in his comment. Just be consistent and don't worry about it.

Anyways I played last night and had one of the best nights of poker I've had in a while running up 1344bbs in our game last night and just crushing my poor opponent on my right. I actually felt bad for him by the end of the night, but only so much because well....It's poker.

We got involved in 6-7 major confrontations with him drawing out on me with AA + nut flush draw that lost to a rivered two pair. Other than that I won the other one like when my KKAJ flopped a set vs. his AAQ8 sitting 300bb. Pot was 100bb to the flop after he 4 bet me PF so I got lucky here otherwise he probably get my money.

I did manage to dry A bluff him out on a monotone flop in Omaha after 3 betting PF, potting flop, and 3 betting flop when we were both 400bbs deep. He showed the Q of the suit when he mucked. Win!

It was great catching some cards last night and also playing my A minus game. I had one had I misplayed last night, but other than that was really happy with my play. My cash out was $777. Symbolism I think so.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:47 PM
^That is a serious score.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 10:52 AM
Very well nice come up. You have to love those nights where you run like god and can't be stopped.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 11:02 AM
JZ's performance this past weekend was truly something to behold. Running hot and playing well -- what a deadly combination. I enjoyed the show for a while but after the first hour I ran colder than JC Tran at the ME FT. I even mentally checked out for about an hour collecting chip shares on a FB game.

I'm already looking forward to the next three scheduled games: 10-game mixed (WSOP style) this weekend, Limit 08 next weekend at my place, and an all-day mixed Omaha game the day after Thanksgiving. We started off the month with PLO. Sweet November!
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by abby99
I'm already looking forward to the next three scheduled games: 10-game mixed (WSOP style) this weekend, Limit 08 next weekend at my place, and an all-day mixed Omaha game the day after Thanksgiving. We started off the month with PLO. Sweet November!
Nice stretch of games for you! I'm jealous of the 10 game mix.

My November is shaping up nicely too. Three table tourney at Dug's next weekend, my monthly game the week after, and a Scotch and poker event on Black Friday. It's going to be much more Hold'em than I have played in quite awhile.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by palindrome
Nice stretch of games for you! I'm jealous of the 10 game mix.

My November is shaping up nicely too. Three table tourney at Dug's next weekend, my monthly game the week after, and a Scotch and poker event on Black Friday. It's going to be much more Hold'em than I have played in quite awhile.
Thanks! Our local group is a mixed-cash-game lover's playground. We started off the month with an all-PLO night at jz's (I ran very well that night), and this past weekend was NLHE, NL A-5 SD, PLO, and PLO8. I can't remember the last time I played in an all-NLHE cash game or a tournament, which for me is a very good thing.

Your Scotch and Poker event sounds like fun. Reading the name immediately reminded me of a friend's custom ASM chips, the Gentleman's Scotch and Sirloin Club. Hope your god-mode switch is on that day.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:11 PM

Any pics of the chips floating around? Thanks for sending god-mode my way!
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 04:10 PM
Any pics of the chips floating around? Thanks for sending god-mode my way!
Sure thing! (Post #1)

You're welcome. I could use a little rungoot, too, especially given the lineup for the 10-game this weekend.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by palindrome
Thanks for sending god-mode my way!

"God-mode" is currently unavailable in poker room 'DUGS BASEMENT'. However, "Fish-mode", "Donk-mode", and "Whale-mode" are all functioning properly. Please select one of these modes before entering games in poker room 'DUGS BASEMENT'.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you have great day!
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by dugthefish

"God-mode" is currently unavailable in poker room 'DUGS BASEMENT'. However, "Fish-mode", "Donk-mode", and "Whale-mode" are all functioning properly. Please select one of these modes before entering games in poker room 'DUGS BASEMENT'.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you have great day!
Well, if nobody's using it, please send it up here to me. I'll be ever so grateful.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by abby99
Thanks! Our local group is a mixed-cash-game lover's playground. We started off the month with an all-PLO night at jz's (I ran very well that night), and this past weekend was NLHE, NL A-5 SD, PLO, and PLO8. I can't remember the last time I played in an all-NLHE cash game or a tournament, which for me is a very good thing.

Your Scotch and Poker event sounds like fun. Reading the name immediately reminded me of a friend's custom ASM chips, the Gentleman's Scotch and Sirloin Club. Hope your god-mode switch is on that day.
I love that our group plays a wide range of games and every game is different as I get bored quickly of the same ole' thing. The upcoming line up looks fantastic in that we have a wide range of stuff on the agenda that covers a lot both limit and big bet games as well as draw, stud, and flop variety.

I played some online PLO last night and can officially state that the rungoot left the Aurora port last night as I got my money in mutliple times last night with sets over sets to get outdrawn by quads. Nut flush into a straight flush, so yeah.....things are back to normal here

This Scotch and Poker thing sounds right up my alley. How do I get in on that? If we can include cars somehow I can get my 3 favorite things all in one setting.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by palindrome
Nice stretch of games for you! I'm jealous of the 10 game mix.

My November is shaping up nicely too. Three table tourney at Dug's next weekend, my monthly game the week after, and a Scotch and poker event on Black Friday. It's going to be much more Hold'em than I have played in quite awhile.
Pali you know your always welcome down here if your in the area. That 10 game mix is going to be a lot of fun as I've limited it to 7 handed play. Glad to here that your back to playing a lot as I know you had a stretch where you went MIA from us and weren't getting to play a whole lot.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by dugthefish

"God-mode" is currently unavailable in poker room 'DUGS BASEMENT'. However, "Fish-mode", "Donk-mode", and "Whale-mode" are all functioning properly. Please select one of these modes before entering games in poker room 'DUGS BASEMENT'.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you have great day!
Nope, gonna stick with god-mode. It has a better ring to it.

My wife left town until the end of the week. Work is super slow as well. I'm going to throw caution to the wind and play the next couple of nights. Sleep is overrated. I will report back soon.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by jzpiano
Pali you know your always welcome down here if your in the area. That 10 game mix is going to be a lot of fun as I've limited it to 7 handed play. Glad to here that your back to playing a lot as I know you had a stretch where you went MIA from us and weren't getting to play a whole lot.
Thanks for the offer! You have a great crowd to play with and the custom ASMs are a dream. I'm going to have to make it happen at some point.

I couldn't take not playing anymore so I tried to find some more games. The Meetup group up here is pretty solid and there are a few games that start earlier in the night. Once you start playing in more games the invites to others start to follow. An added benefit has been a surge of new players added to my pool. The Scotch night is hosted by member who created the group so I'm looking forward to meeting him. What should I bring, Aberlour or Ardbeg?
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 09:25 PM
All of this talk about games makes me wish there were more in my area. Once a month is the best I have been able to do for awhile. Enjoy all of the games everyone.
November 2013 Open Thread Quote
