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November 2010 Open Thread November 2010 Open Thread

11-08-2010 , 12:42 PM
Aside from him being an ass, I love when people play who don't care about the money. It often goes like it did here, if someone is perceptive in how to play them. And you can find fish like this at every level, it seems.

On the other hand, people like this make we want to play with just friends. Spending time with random douchebags is one downside to playing poker in casinos or cardrooms. On one hand, you don't mind taking their money, but on the other hand, it can be annoying just dealing with them.
11-08-2010 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Schmendr1ck
I've been hemming and hawing about it, but I'm seriously considering a short trip to LV next weekend (18-22 Nov). I need a break from work, and Mrs. Schmendy is taking her own weekend vacation soon, so it would be a solo trip. That means lots of 1-2NL and at least a couple of tourneys.

How's the poker action this time of year?
Check out the last edition of the 2+2 magazine. There is an updated survey of the poker action in LV.
11-08-2010 , 12:51 PM
eneely - I think you just might be the only mod on 2+2 who hasn't exercised his ability to change his own undertitle.
11-08-2010 , 01:01 PM
Only one bullet
11-08-2010 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by lanyi
Check out the last edition of the 2+2 magazine. There is an updated survey of the poker action in LV.
I did read that, and it shows that overall poker is down a bit. My concern is heading into town at a time of year when there aren't as many tourists; I don't want to end up sitting at a table full of local regs every time I play.

Of course, I doubt that many decent locals will be grinding 1/2NL, so it's probably not that big a deal.
11-08-2010 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Precept2
Even though we have a player morally opposed to paying league dues
Oh wow I hope that's just colorful phrasing, and that's not how the conversation went with Mr. Grumpypants.

Originally Posted by Precept2
On a sad note, the winner of Event 1 was the winner of Event 2. Everybody is looking up at Big Joe who has a 37-point lead after 2 events.
Yeah, that's the problem if points are weighted too heavily. Heck, mine is smoother than yours, and we still have a few early runaways. Sadly, in the long run, it WILL hurt attendance, but that's how these things go. Glad it's going well so far!
11-08-2010 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by lanyi
eneely - I think you just might be the only mod on 2+2 who hasn't exercised his ability to change his own undertitle.
Really? The only one? I really haven't cared that much about it. But maybe I should exercise my one minuscule perk.

Originally Posted by Schmendr1ck
Only one bullet
One bullet
I guess this would be too obscure.
Baby makes three
11-08-2010 , 03:28 PM
Can't resist...

I haven't watched this show in years. I don't remember how I even chose that avatar, actually. But you go with it.

How about:
Nip it!
11-08-2010 , 04:07 PM
I like "One Bullet" because of the poker association.
11-08-2010 , 04:33 PM
Yeah, but Nip It! has a nice moderator tie-in.

On the other hand, my recent gun-related posts show I need to nip it myself, sometimes.
11-08-2010 , 04:38 PM
I vote for "one bullet" but it needs to be lower-case, I think.
11-08-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by flushdrew4.2
then after raising my button with my birthday hand, (4x2x - april 2nd) just screwing around, i got 7 callers. flop came 4x2xAx table checked to me, i bet 1/2 the pot and got 4 callers. turn was a 4x.
Your birthday hand only plays in a rigged deck? Sure were a lot of x-suited fours and deuces in play...

Originally Posted by Schmendr1ck
With any planning by the host, "new guy" won't be invited back.
11-09-2010 , 05:20 AM
Mini-strat question.

Last night I'm sitting with ~ 160bb when I pick up AA in the SB. Someone opens for 5bb and gets 2 callers, I repop it to 24bb, BB behind me flats and the other 3 call as well.
Pot is now 120bb and I have ~ 140bb behind.

Flop comes 884 with 2 's

What's the best play here?

On the one hand if I put any more money in I'm basically committed, I don't think I have enough to fire 2 streets since if I get called turn bet will be too small relative to the pot. So I'm thinking just shove and hope to get value if someone picked up a FD or has a medium PP and puts me on AK?

On the other hand a shove here kinda turns my hand face up and will be an overbet to the pot.

What say you?
11-09-2010 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Precept2
The Mohegan Sun West League is off and running. After 2 events, the league seems to be a success (globally and personally). Even though we have a player morally opposed to paying league dues, attendance is up. For event 2, we had 12 players. Nice.

Personally, I'm working through my awful luck of getting my money in good. Friday, I finished in 3rd place after being short stacked the entire evening until I went broke. I had been at risk with the best hand 3 times and doubling each time. When I went broke, I had bled chips a bit and shoved 15BBs deep with A8s in the SB and got called down by a guy with 20BBs with Q9o. A 9 on the turn ended my night.

On a sad note, the winner of Event 1 was the winner of Event 2. Everybody is looking up at Big Joe who has a 37-point lead after 2 events. Let's see if this early double ruins the morale of the league. I host Event 3 on the 19th and I expect 15 players. At least, I hope that's what we get, because if we're going to catch Big Joe, we'll need big fields and high finishes.
How long are the levels in this upcoming one?
11-09-2010 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
Your birthday hand only plays in a rigged deck? Sure were a lot of x-suited fours and deuces in play...
hehee...the deck we use has 8 4's and 12 deuces...
11-09-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by lanyi
Mini-strat question.

What say you?
Aces on a draw heavy board against 4 others? with no flush on the board yet i'd absolutely want to charge as much as possible to let them draw. but, then again, you probably get called by the Nut flush draw. and any 8. and probably any overpair too... and you are drawing to only an Ace against trips, and fading 7 cards at least to the flush.

hard to play.

i'd probably ship if i felt the others were weak enough to fold. i've check called aces in this spot too. in fact, had this situation almost exactly a few weeks ago. and check called the whole way, to a missed flush draw and a missed straight. got 3 streets of value that way. and controlled my losses if the flush or straight came in.


what did you do?
11-09-2010 , 01:01 PM
You have a one-pair hand and an SPR of 1. I'd ship it without even blinking. The 8s are mildly troubling, but not really all that much with such a high preflop raise. An overbet of the pot isn't anything all that bad or unusual, it's just fallen out of favor lately. There's no limiting your losses, because any bets by others need to be called by you. In fact, I prefer to have a bit more than the pot in this situation, so that I can shove. It's a pretty sweet pot to pick up, and the turn could really ruin your hand, either by beating you, or by killing your chance of getting called.
11-09-2010 , 01:06 PM
I shoved All in. To my surprise everyone folded even though there were those who speculated I was doing it with AK (which is possible - I'd probably play it the same in that spot). I guess nobody had an overpair (like 99-JJ). One time I missed the maniac
11-09-2010 , 01:07 PM
I'm happy taking the pot down now, and I'm happy with a call from a FD, AK or a smaller PP. Shove & pray that A8/78/89 isn't out there.
11-09-2010 , 01:20 PM
Besides, you might have dodged a bad beat on the river. You have to make them pay to draw when you think you are likely to have the better of it.
11-09-2010 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by lanyi
I shoved All in. To my surprise everyone folded even though there were those who speculated I was doing it with AK (which is possible - I'd probably play it the same in that spot). I guess nobody had an overpair (like 99-JJ). One time I missed the maniac
You doubled up without a showdown. That's not an awful result.
11-09-2010 , 04:03 PM
pfapfap is wise... ^ +1 +1 ^

how did the rest of the game go?
11-09-2010 , 04:32 PM
Tho' as I think about it, betting 60 and then 80 on the turn might not be so bad either, but it's higher variance. There's absolutely no reason for you to fold at any point in this hand. But I still think shoving is fine. It'd be interesting to estimate some ranges and think about what calls a shove vs what gets there for hands that call less, and how often either is likely to happen.
11-09-2010 , 04:45 PM
I would do this ^^ about 30% of the time, and shove 70% of the time. I don't like advice that is too programmatic.
11-09-2010 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Oh wow I hope that's just colorful phrasing, and that's not how the conversation went with Mr. Grumpypants.

Yeah, that's the problem if points are weighted too heavily. Heck, mine is smoother than yours, and we still have a few early runaways. Sadly, in the long run, it WILL hurt attendance, but that's how these things go. Glad it's going well so far!

Big Joe does have a big lead right now. He's the only player to have two good finishes. The 2nd and 3rd place player from the 1st event busted early in the 2nd event. The 2nd place player of event 2 missed event 1 to go to Dallas for the Cowboys-giants Monday night game. The 3rd and 4th place finishers were way out of the money. Once Big Joe cools off, we'll be fine. The other Joe has 2 bubble finishes and currently sits in 5th place.

For Event 1, we had 10 players and the points were distributed:
25, 15.7, 11.6, 9.1, 7.5, 6.2, 5.3, 4.5, 3.9, 3.3

For Event 2, we had 12 players and the points were distributed:
33.6, 21.4, 16, 12.8, 10.6, 9, 7.7, 6.7, 5.9, 5.1, 4.5, 4

I don't think the point system is our problem - it's our play. We need to take down Big Joe.
